Liu Qingshuang obeys Ji Lei's words, gathers the aura in the elixir field, and slowly extracts it out...

"Cong!" Liu Qingshuang holds a crystal bead in her hand. She looks at Ji Lei with surprise. Ji Lei smiles. Then she takes Liu Qingshuang's small hand and says patiently, "next, gather the aura in xiaowushuang...

" Su! "

Suddenly, there was no golden light! Shoot on the foot of the sheep mouse! A bloody scar was immediately shot out of the heel of the sheep mouse!

"Isn't it terrible?" Ji Lei and Liu Qingshuang see the scene and say the words with one voice. But, sheep mouse can suffer disaster, the foot is small matchless shot out a scar! He can't cover it with his hands, so he has to cry out in pain!

However, Ji Lei has no sympathy at all. She looks at the sheep and mouse who has fallen on the ground and is constantly moaning in pain. With a faint smile, she then says to Liu Qingshuang in an encouraging tone: "it's this feeling that gathers the aura on the martial spirit and urges it to attack."

"Well." Liu Qingshuang's head was light, and he gathered the aura on xiaowushuang according to Ji Lei's method. Xiaowushuang was once again shining with golden luster!

the sheep and mouse's eyes were filled with unspeakable fear, and there was no previous arrogance at all! After seeing Liu Qingshuang preparing to attack again, he was scared to take a few steps back and was scared to silence, "I Please! Let me go! I'm wrong! I dare not... "After all, Liu Qingshuang is a medical girl. After seeing the sheep and mice begging for mercy, Liu Qingshuang is kind-hearted. She looks at Ji Lei with questioning eyes, but Ji Lei slowly shakes her head and says seriously to Liu Qingshuang:" if you let him go, there will be more people who will be bullied by him for the people There is no kindness. You have to learn to kill. "

Liu Qingshuang, of course, listened to Ji Lei's words and then decided to be ruthless. The aura focused on xiaowushuang and turned into a competition to beat the sheep mouse hard!

"ah!" the sheep mouse was bombarded by the aura and gave out a painful howl! A deep blood mark was made on her body!

"good, come again!" Ji Lei encouraged Liu Qingshuang to say, and Liu Qingshuang was more firm After faith, he murmured: "I'm a warrior... I shouldn't be soft on the villains..." let's fight again! "Ah! The sheep mouse was taken as a training target by Liu Qingshuang. Ji Lei was not in a hurry to kill the sheep mouse. The most important thing at present is not to bring him to justice, but to make Liu Qingshuang more proficient in the manipulation of aura. Novice Warriors must pass this way In order to make her sense of spirit

Qi by leaps and bounds.

"Pa!" the training was like a whip on the sheep mouse's body! The sheep mouse's body had more than one mark after another, and the aura kept whipping the sheep mouse. The sheep mouse's body became flaky under the repeated whipping! The blood was not stopped! And then, the sheep mouse's eyelids gradually turned white. "Almost. Kill him." Seeing that the sheep mouse was on the verge of death, Ji Lei hesitated for a moment even though he ordered Liu Qingshuang. Liu Qingshuang hesitated for a moment, but finally he chose to listen to Ji Lei's words. A fierce feeling flashed in his pretty eyes, and a bunch of extremely agitated and spirited competition was directed at the sheep's face. "Hiss -" those people who were still watching couldn't help pinching for the sheep and mouse Sweat, but it's really good news for them. They are usually bullied and oppressed by the bandits of the crazy sword gang. After seeing this scene, they can't stand on the ground and are covered with blood. All of them hold a breath in their chest. They are eager to go forward to whip the sheep mouse. It's their own!

"boom!" the breath of the whole body twists in an instant The skin and flesh of the sheep mouse was wrung down in an instant! In a moment, the blood overflowed the long street! The scene was extremely bloody!

"ah, ah, ah!!!!" the scream of the sheep mouse could be described as deafening! The copy was thin, and the one who was exploited by the fierce spirit could not see a few pieces of flesh. The white bone under the flesh was terrible.

How can sheep mice survive such attacks? After a few flutters, there is no breath. "This..." Ji Lei didn't expect that Liu Qingshuang was such a big scene when she made a move. Even Ji Lei didn't often do such cruel killing methods. I have to say that Liu Qingshuang did not control the aura well. After seeing Liu Qingshuang's beauty and a touch of shock and innocence, Ji Lei knew that Liu Qingshuang had not stopped her aura, otherwise she would Choose to pierce the heart of a sheep mouse to give him a good time, instead of killing people in such a way.

"I'm a little bit..." Liu Qingshuang's expression seems to be a little uncomfortable. After seeing the corpse of sheep and mice killed in the street, Liu Qingshuang had not seen it. In addition, the disgusting smell of blood poured in... Liu Qingshuang felt her stomach churning.

"Let's go back." Ji Lei sighs. As expected, Liu Qingshuang can't change her weak nature even though she has the ability to practice martial arts. In such a scene, even Ji Lei feels a little chilly, let alone a weak woman like Liu Qingshuang."Well." Liu Qingshuang's face turned pale. She even couldn't stand steadily. With the help of Jilei, she left the market slowly.

"Do you want to run after killing the crazy sword Gang? ! "

all of a sudden, a strong voice came from the sky! Ji Lei looked up and saw a big man carrying a knife fell down from the sky, startling a piece of gravel!

" it's the leader of the crazy knife pickpocket Gang! Crazy fighting day! "

" it's him... He's a real butcher! These two people are miserable. "

Jilei listened to the broken words around him, and then nodded, "it turns out that he's a gangster... It looks better than that dirty wood stick."

Crazy Zhan Tian walked to the dead sheep and mouse, two black beads rolled from gray eyes to his feet, brain splashed on the ground, the death was tragic, extremely eye-catching. "Son of a bitch!" crazy zhantian's eyes showed his uncontrollable anger. A big knife with a ghost's head was pulled out from the scabbard, and the veins on his cheeks were beating wildly! His eyes were full of blood, and the blade of the knife pointed at Ji Lei and said angrily, "kill for your life! Are you going to kill yourself or shall I chop you into pieces?"

after hearing this, Ji Lei's expression did not change, Looking at the crazy battle day indifferently, he said in a low voice: "a gangster leader, what qualifications do you have to say to me?" The sound is not loud, but for Berserker, which is on the verge of being out of control, it is the fire on the lead wire, which completely detonates the gunpowder in the belly of crazy zhantian!

in the end, it is the fire on the lead wire , the fastest update of the webnovel!