When Ji Lei arrived here, he felt the majesty of jiuyu imperial capital. Just as Ji Lei had just settled down, he heard the solemn voice of the Hong Zhong Da Lu Na, which seemed to be warning foreign enemies. Just hearing this sound, it was frightening and could not help but submit.

"Is this the capital of nine jade emperors?" Ji Lei looked up at the scenery around him, and immediately asked longchen, "where is the jiuzunyuxuan palace?"

"Not here." Long Chen shakes his head.

"Not here?" Ji Lei is stunned, and then he sees that long Chen's face is mysterious. He stretches out his finger and points to the sky.

Jilei looked up and found that there was a huge palace in the sky, surrounded by clouds, overlooking the earth!

"Nine jade temple in the sky?" Jiley was stunned. "How do we get in?"

"Of course, let the people from Jiuzun Yuxuan palace take us in!" Long Chen's face sank, and he seemed to have a plan in his heart. Hearing this, Ji Lei approached him and asked, "what can you do?"

"Every five days there will be people to deliver the necessary materials to the palace. Then there will be a chance to sneak into the palace. All we have to do is to mix with those people." Long Chen said with indifference.

"Calculate the time, there should be two days before the next batch of materials will be delivered. We just need to wait."

"So..." Jilei nodded, "then are we waiting here?"

"Of course not." Long Chen curls his lips, and then says to Ji Lei, "if you want to enter the jiuzunyuxuan palace, you must get the Xuanyu order. Otherwise, even if you get into the crowd, you can't enter the palace."

"How can I get this Xuanyu order?"

Hearing this, a mysterious smile appeared on longchen's face. "I have my own way..."

in the noisy market place, Jilei followed long Chen through the long street and came to a humble room.

"Two orders of Xuanyu." Long Chen lowered his head and tried not to let the other party see his face. "Sorry, the Xuanyu order is gone." The man who answered longchen was a man with a moustache and a cheeky look. He gave a decisive answer. Ji Lei frowned at his words. Without Xuanyu order, he could not enter Jiuzun Yuxuan palace... But longchen didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. Instead, he said to the man, "please make an offer. How much is it?"

"I said it all, No." The man frowned and was impatient.

Longchen nodded thoughtfully, and then took out a crystal elixir from Najie and patted it on the table: "a Wupin Tianqi pill."

The man picked up the Wupin Tianqi pill, put it in his hand and looked at it. Then he said faintly: "Wupin pill..."

"not enough? Then one more! " With that, long Chen took a pill again!

The man still frowns tightly: "it's not the problem of Wupin pills."


"Ten." Men make a direct offer.

"Are you crazy?" Long Chen suddenly sneered and looked at the man: "I'll give you at most one more five grade pills, four five grade pills, for two Xuan jade orders, you earn."

The man didn't expect that long Chen would expose himself so decisively. After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded and took out two green tokens from the drawer and handed them to longchen.

"The last two."

"You're good." Ji Lei can't help but look up at her eyebrows. Long Chen takes Xuanyu's order, curls her mouth and says, "there are everything in the black market. Don't look at the Xuanyu order as fake, but it's enough to confuse the fake with the true." "What?! Fake... Fake? " Ji Lei stares at long Chen. Long Chen gives Ji Lei a white eye: "why? Do you really think that the things in the Jiuzun Yuxuan Palace are so easy to take? There are thousands of fake goods in the black market. Naturally, there are Xuanyu orders, but you don't have to worry about it. As long as you put some benefits in it,

jiuzunyuxuan palace will let you pass by with one eye open and one eye closed, and maybe even they won't find it is fake. "

"How dare you." Ji Lei laughs bitterly. Although long Chen is small, his mind is full of weird ideas. It is really surprising that the little master of Tianlong sect, who is high above the world, should be so thorough about the trivial matters in the market.

Long Chen holding Xuanyu lingzheng wants to leave. Suddenly, several figures come in outside the door, blocking the way of longchen and Jilei.

"Why?" Long Chen raised his head and saw several big men who were several heads higher than himself!

"We have taken a fancy to these two Xuan jade orders and handed them in." The big men look at Ji Lei and long Chen, with a trace of disdain and contempt in their eyes. They stretch out their thick palms and recruit them.

"Robbery?" Ji Lei Leng for a moment, and then with the Dragon morning look at each other, "this world where there are not open eyes of people ah."

"Don't talk nonsense!" One of the big men with scars on his face pulled out a big knife from his waist and said to Jilei and longchen, "if you don't give it, you'll be killed immediately!"

"If you want to call, don't call in my shop, go out and fight for me!" At this time, the man with the sheepshorn beard suddenly says a word behind his back. Ji Lei and long Chen look at each other. They even flash out of the door. In the downtown area, they see Ji Lei and long Chen stop."Not running?" The big man with scar face was a little surprised at this, but the group around him, after seeing these big men, all showed their frightened faces.

"Sea fish Gang? Are these people robbing again? "

"Don't you see those two boys? You don't know the rules of choosing the old, the weak, the disabled and the young of the sea fish gang

"It seems that the two boys are finished... That scar is not a good kind. Emperor Wu Yizhong..."

hearing this sentence, Ji Lei and long Chen are surprised, "you... Choose vulnerable groups to bully?"

"You care about us?" The scar grinds the tip of the knife against the ground and makes a sharp and harsh sound. Then he shows his uneven yellow teeth and says to Ji Lei and long Chen, "if you don't hand in the Xuanyu order, I'll immediately cut your heads off!"

"Such a person... Is really scum." A flash of anger flashed in Jilei's eyes, and then he looked at the scar, which made him shiver subconsciously. Seeing that Ji Lei didn't hand in Xuanyu order for a long time, he didn't say a word and rushed to Jilei with his knife!

"I cut you off!"


As soon as the scar goes down, he thought that Jilei would be split in two at once, but he didn't expect that he would be cut in half. At the same time, Jilei's figure twinkled behind the scar in a flash. "You are such a person... It's not worth dying..." Jilei talks about senhan, the cold halberd light is shining.

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