
The huge sound is heard in Jilei's ears, which makes Jilei's face change. The Dragon halberd stands in front of him to resist, but it has no use at all! Wake up the beast as powerful as a bamboo, will Ji Lei erected up the aura to resist all to smash!

"What?" Jilei was shocked. The awakened beast that rushed to kill opened its mouth towards Jilei's head!

"Be careful!" The year of Qin leaped to the head of the awakened beast! A sword stabbed at the eye of the awakened beast! But the eyes of the awakened beast are as hard as jade! A sword can't be pierced at all!


Wake up, the beast is very angry! He threw the year of Qin down from his head. He fell heavily on the ground and couldn't get up.

Next, the awakened beast concentrates on Ji Lei. Ji Lei's face looks pale. The awakened beast roars and shakes the ground. Ji Lei is unstable and falls on the ground. Then, he pats him with one hand!

"It's over."

If this huge palm is taken on Jilei's body, Jilei will certainly be patted into flesh and mud! It seems that Ji Lei can't be avoided. Qin Nian's face also shows a look of despair.

"Hum!" All of a sudden, at the moment when the giant palm is about to fall on Jilei's body, a emerald green luster suddenly twinkles in Jilei's mind! To the surprise of Ji Lei and Qin Nian, the light beam wrapped up the waking beast, and the action of the waking beast stopped there.

"What's going on?" Ji Lei is stunned and looks at the year of Qin with some confusion. He thinks that it was the year of Qin. However, he is confused and shakes his head.

"What is this?" Jilei suddenly sees a piece of green jade in her clothes. Holding the jade in her hand, Jilei suddenly realizes!

"This is... A Xing's awakening jade?" Ji Lei almost forgot. Before Ji Xing left, he left a piece of awakening jade to Jilei. Unexpectedly, in such a case, Jixing's Xingshen jade could save Jilei's life!

"Roar... Roar..."

the giant lion head of the awakened beast is slightly lowered. In the lantern eyes, all the blood disappears, and the blood red on the body is scattered. The hair like snow is fluffy and looks extremely soft.

As for Ji Lei, the awakened beast is no longer as fierce as before. His legs are slightly bent and his brow is pleasing to his eyes. It seems that he is submissive to the king.

"Why doesn't he bite you?" Qin Nian was a little puzzled. The situation that should have been doomed to death was solved by this inexplicable green light. Of course, the year of Qin was also glad for this. "I see..." Ji Lei's dull eyes suddenly become excited. He holds the piece of Xingshen jade and holds it in the palm of his hand. His eyes are focused on the jade. At this time, the jade is emitting a gentle light, covering the body of the awakened god beast, as if it is soothing. However, this kind of pacification is based on the blood superiority.

"You're afraid of it..." Jilei stood up slowly and looked at the awakened beast lying on the ground. His mood turned up and his voice was hoarse: "what is it for you?"

The awakened beast did not answer, it could not speak, but the piety and awe in its eyes had already explained everything.

Even if it has been turned into jade, but Jixing's blood and majesty still exist in the long river of awakening god beast clan. The humble people have to kneel down when they see it!

It's just like a minister kneeling down to the emperor!

"It has a high status?" Jilei's voice is milder. The awakened beast can't speak, but he understands Jilei's words and nods quickly.

"It's my good friend." Jilei fell down and said to the awakened beast, "so I need the source of life. Can you give it to me? I can rely on the source of life to revive it. "

Instinctively, the awakened beast wanted to agree, but as soon as he saw the source of life being taken away, he would not give up. Although he did not shake his head and refuse, the reluctance in his eyes was obvious.

Seeing this, jiley also gave a gentle smile, and then said to it, "I have something here, you may want it."

After that, Jilei took out a fruit like thing from Najie. It looked very tender. When it came into contact with the air, the surface of the fruit even condensed into crystal dew.

After seeing the fruit, the eyes of the awakened beast suddenly became extremely bright. Looking at Jilei, some of them did not dare to step forward and try. However, Jilei sincerely handed the fruit to the awakened beast and said, "shuimoguo, for you monsters, should be a good tonic?" It is useless for human beings, but it is an excellent tonic for monsters! After any demon beast is taken, the grade will be greatly improved. Because of its low price, Jilei always keeps some water molasses in Najie, which is not hard to find in the market.

however, the general Shuimo fruit is not very attractive to the seventh level monster, while the Shuimo fruit of Jilei is not the ordinary one. These several Shuimo fruits are of high quality It's the seventh level monster that can't help drooling. "Take it. I'll trade it with you." Jilei gave a hearty smile. Then, under the suspicious eyes of the awakened beast, she put the water mill fruit in front of it. Then she stood up and said to her, "I don't know why you live alone. If you want to go back to the group, I should be able to helpYou, as long as I get to Wuzong realm. "

The awakened beast takes a look at Jilei, but then shakes his head, picks up the fruit, and goes to the depth of the cave.

"Looks like a rogue?" Qin Nian walks to Jilei and smiles. Ji Lei is helpless. Even if it is a monster, there will be people who like to walk alone. However, such a monster is rare.

"Come on, I've got it. Don't forget your bet with me Qin Nian said.

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise." Jiley nodded.

Great Qin state, Xianyang city!

In the Xuanji Pavilion, a slightly fat figure was sitting on an enlarged chair. He bent over and picked up the pills that had fallen on the ground. With shaking hands, he swallowed the pills that had been stained with dust into his stomach. Then, he raised his angry face and looked at the two men kneeling on the ground.

"Lu Xiao... Sha Wu Hai... What have you lost? Can you know it in your heart?"

The two men knelt on the ground shaking, and then said: "clear... Clear! Please give me a chance, and we will arrest the boy! "

"the name of Mo is dead, and the first one's eye liner is broken. Do you know how to do it?" Zizun continued to say coldly.

"know... Know that we will act as a subordinate line to replace Mo Lao's position." Lu Xiao kowtowed his head and said to the second Zun.

"Why don't you get out of here?" Cizun glanced at them faintly. If they were granted amnesty, they immediately ran out of their wits! Cizun slowly picked up a celadon cup beside him and sipped it, but suddenly he coughed so much that his liver and gallbladder trembled.

"It seems that the disease is still not good... Think about... When it comes to tonifying, it's almost..." in the narrow eyes of cizun, a touch of obscenity and insidiousness suddenly gushed out.

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