A pool of blood is splashed, and Wu Xiaoqi's body falls in the pool of blood. Ji Lei looks at Wu Xiaoqi who falls on the ground, and then looks at the year of Qin who holds the sword. "The Qin clan should also find out why these people mix into the clan clan! It is obviously harmful to the horse, but it is also regarded as an immortal. It is stupid The harsh words come from Ji Lei's mouth. The elder elders of the Qin clan all lowered their heads in shame and did not dare to look at Ji Lei's eyes. If they had not respected Wu Xiaoqi, the so-called living immortal, Qin men would not have stayed with him for so long. But for Ji Lei, Qin men would have suffered Wu Xiaoqi's persecution for a longer time.

"When did this guy come to qinmen?" Jiley asked in a whim. "Well, it seems more than ten years ago? In short, the time in qinmen is not short. " Qin Nian replied to Ji Lei. Ji Lei nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words: "among the successive lords of Qin clan, there were masters who suffered from the poison of deep-sea trace Ascaris before? It seems that Wu Xiaoqi is quietly taking over the task of

to continue to persecute the Qin clan. " Jilei suddenly found that this is a long time chain! Before Wu Xiaoqi, there must have been someone who was doing the same job as him, but his identity might be different. Ji Lei was so hairy at the thought of this that he could not bear the persecution for decades! And all of this, of course, can not be voluntary to do so, must be someone ordered!

"Mr. Gilley is my father and son's savior! But I don't think you are from the state of Qin? " Qin Tian asks Ji Lei with a smile.

"Well, certainly not." This, Jilei never conceals, "I'm from Qingyun city in the eastern mainland."

"From the east? Is Mr. Gilley from the east? " Qin tianlue was a little surprised and said, "Sir, you've traveled thousands of miles to the south? Can you tell me? If I can help, I will do my best. "

After hearing this, Ji Lei thought about it carefully, and then told Qin Tiandao, "I really need the help of the Lord."

"Qin certainly will not quit!" "In a word, do you know... Is there another name for this Tianxu of Qin Dynasty?" Ji Lei suddenly asked. Hearing this, Qin Tian was stunned. After pondering over it, he shook his head regretfully and said, "I'm sorry, sir. Qin really doesn't know. The name of Daqin Tianxu has been since ancient times, and has never been heard of anything else."

"Oh, that's it. Forget it." Ji Lei doesn't look too disappointed. He nods lightly. Qin Tian sees that Ji Lei seems to have something on his mind. He says to Ji Lei: "what do you want to find in Tianxu? Qin can send out the whole force of Qin gate to help you

Ji Lei raised her eyebrows and nodded thoughtfully. She said to Qin Tian, "has the patriarch heard of... Xuanhuang fire?"

"Dark yellow fire?" In Qin Tian's eyes, there was a look of doubt. He looked at the elders of the Qin clan and Qin Nian, and they all shook their heads.

"Sir... We haven't heard of the dark yellow fire, but if you want to find it, I can send my disciples to search all over the great Qin state."

"Forget it. It's not necessary." Ji Lei waved his hand, then turned his back and said, "if there is a yellow fire in Daqin Tianxu, it would be nice..."

"that's easy to do. When Daqin Tianxu opens, Qin gate can accompany you to explore Tianxu! If there is no xuanhuang fire, we will discuss it again. Besides, there are countless treasures in the Tianxu of Daqin. Even if there is no xuanhuang fire, other treasures are quite attractive! "

"Is that so? It seems that I can only do this. Anyway, I'm going to go to the Tianxu of Daqin to look for it... "Ji Lei looks at the sky, his eyes are gradually blurred, and murmurs in a low voice:" it's the only way to do it anyway? Should a dead horse be a living horse doctor...

"it seems that the Lord should solve another matter Ji Lei suddenly don't look at Qin Tian: "don't you want to find out who's behind Wu Xiaoqi?"

"The people behind Wu Xiaoqi?" Qin Tian was stunned, and immediately his eyes showed a look of resentment: "indeed! I don't know how many people there are in the Qin gate like Wu Xiaoqi. Come on! Give me a thorough investigation of qinmen! Once you find someone who has a deep-sea trace, cut them first and act later! "


Then, Qin Tian looks at Ji Lei and says, "there is still some time before the opening of the great Qin temple. Would you like to help Qin and ask for justice for Qin?"

"If I believe in justice, I will be able to preside over justice. However, where I need justice, there are also people to be tried." Ji Lei said lightly.

Hearing this, Qin Tian pondered, and then said to Ji Lei, "if you want to say who is most likely to put these people in, I think there is only one possibility."

"The Lord wants to say, Xuanji pavilion?" "Yes! The fight between Xuanji Pavilion and Qin gate is well known to all people in Xianyang city. Therefore, I would like to ask your husband to help me thoroughly investigate this matter. I will not reveal any news about today's incident! The people in Xuanji Pavilion will not like it! " Qin Tian looks dignified. Ji Lei frowns and ponders for a momentAfter nodding, solemnly said: "I understand, Xuanji Pavilion, I would like to be able to. What's more, the martial arts skills of the Qin clan have to be returned. "

"Martial arts?" Hearing Ji Lei's words, Qin Tian thought for a long time, and then gave a wry smile: "I advised the new year's son not to use Tianjie martial arts skills for my life, but I didn't expect that the child was so disobedient."

"People's life is more important than martial arts skills. There is nothing wrong with Shaozhu's practice." Ji Lei said lightly, and then said to Qin Tian, "in this case, I need to borrow some strength from the Lord to fight against Xuanji Pavilion."

"If you are strong in your family, let your husband choose it!"

In Xuanji Pavilion.

A figure suddenly kicks open the door. The auction that is being held is suddenly interrupted by the sudden broken door. All the people look at the gate. Only a few strong men stand in line. Behind him, Jilei slowly steps forward.

"Is it you boy?" Lu Xiao on the stage, seeing the face that escaped from his own hands, could not help but be very angry.

"It's not the first time I've seen you." Ji Lei chuckled. He had expected it. He said to him, "I remember the little master of Qin clan. Did you buy a volume of map here?"

"Well, so what?" Lu Xiao said coldly.

Ji Lei took out the roll of map from Najie, threw it on the ground, and said to LV with a smile, "the map is fake. You can do it as you see it." "Well, what you say is false?" Lu Xiao sneered, but even though he said so, he was still guilty. After all, Ji Lei was a person who knew he was cheating. He was really afraid that Ji Lei would expose himself in public and make all the guests in Xuanji Pavilion lose. In this way, his guilt would be great.

However, Jilei didn't do it. He didn't even bother to expose Lu Xiao. After hearing Lu Xiao's words, he nodded and said thoughtfully, "is there no need to talk about it? OK, I won't talk nonsense. Since I don't want to hand over my martial arts skills, I will...

Ji Lei's eyes suddenly become fierce and incomparable! "Give me a fight!" he said

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