When night comes, all evil is born.

"Qin Zun, hurry up." Ji Lei urges Qin Zun, who is at the bottom of the line behind him. Qin Zun hears the words and rushes to catch up with Ji Lei.

"What are you going to do so late?" Qin Nian looks at Ji Lei with some puzzlement. Ji Lei hears the words and smiles mysteriously. Then he says mysteriously, "it's a pity not to go to Xuanji pavilion to find something good in the night."

"Do you want to go to the Xuanji pavilion to look for the deep-sea trace roundabout?" Qin Nian was surprised and worried: "is it too dangerous?"

If we can find the deep-sea trace roundabout, then we have no reason to make trouble to Xuanji Pavilion Said jiley, raising her eyebrows.

"Although the words are so said, but..." Qin Nian has not finished, he is roughly interrupted by Ji Lei: "OK, you don't want Dan Dan, but what Dan ah? Is it not a man who grinds and haws? Come with me if you say so. Why waste so much talk? "

Qin Nian was stunned, and then said to Ji Lei, "listen to your orders."

Ji Lei sees this and makes a silent gesture to them. The three people have already lurked outside the Xuanji Pavilion. They gently push the gate open, and the three dark shadows sneak in quietly.

And just as Ji Lei is going to feel around and look for it, he suddenly hears the voice of Lu Xiao: "zizun, your medicine has been brought to you."

Ji Lei is suspicious. Then she looks through a small crack and sees a young girl in LV Xiao's hand. The girl is very small and looks like she is only about six or seven years old, but her skin is as thick as grease and her face is beautiful. She is a real beauty.

After seeing the little girl, zizun immediately showed a lewd smile and quickly waved his hand to LV Xiao and said, "I know. You should go out quickly."

Lu Xiao answered flatteringly, and then left with the door ready. After Jilei had hidden himself, he suddenly heard the greasy laughter of the second Zun coming from the room.

Reggie, through the crack in the door, can see the scene!

Jiley's pupils are shrinking! What happened in it, Jilei can see everything!

When an ignorant child is exposed to new things, he will not have a strong resistance. Under the rhetoric of evil thoughts, he will easily lose himself. Easy to accept the requirements of the order.

And when the pain made her tears, it was too late.

Jilei's eyes are white, and they are covered with blood! Ji Lei had never seen such a behavior before!

"Good, it will not hurt soon... Here, I'll give you a sugar."

The round pill is a medicine for relieving pain. Ji Lei is the master of Dan and knows it clearly.

"That's enough." Qin Nian pulls Ji Lei to the dark place. Ji Lei's anger still can't be calmed down. Qin Nian is afraid that Ji Lei rushes in on impulse, which is really dangerous.

The lights of Xuanji pavilion are still on. The efficacy of painkillers is invalid with the pain of skin tearing. The cry is loud. Finally, the cry gradually disappears, and the sound of chewing spreads to Jilei's ears.

Jilei leans against a stone wall powerlessly. He doesn't dare to look down. This kind of powerless feeling is his most disgusting.

"Those in power are cannibals." Qin Nian gently comforts Ji Lei and says: "all the places of Wu Shen Tian are like this. People eat people. It's true that people eat people."

"She's still so small..." Jilei's eyes gradually emptied down. She sat on the ground, raised her neck, and wanted to empty her mind, but she couldn't do it. "I've heard that the second Zun of Xuanji Pavilion does have a habit of eating alive people, even taking it as an addiction. But I didn't expect that it was true..." Qin Zun squatted beside Ji Lei, patting Ji Lei on the shoulder and comforting him: "even if she is rescued, she still has no virginity. For the ignorant girl, maybe she has not found it yet, but it is accompanied by it It's the shadow of life... Many young girls in Xianyang city should die like this. "

Jilei's face gradually turned pale, and her lips trembled slightly. "Why... Why did I see this..."

"I can't find anything tonight. Let's go." Qin Nian's reaction was not as big as Ji Lei. He knew for a long time that the second Zun of Xuanji pavilion was not a good man, but his behavior tonight can only be described as insane! The door of Xuanji Pavilion suddenly opened, and cizun's mouth was still full of blood. He became more and more fat. He wiped the scarlet on his lips with satisfaction, patted his stomach and left. Through the window and on the bed, only a pool of new blood and a butterfly like flower dress were left. She should have been flying as carefree as a butterfly.

"Kill him." Ji Lei's pupils suddenly turn red, and a strong aura breaks out in the palm. Qin Nian and Qin Zun both try to dissuade Ji Lei. But how can Ji Lei be persuaded to go in at this time? The hand-held dragon grain halberd then lurked toward the walking second Zun!

Qin Nian and Qin can only follow Ji Lei. They must accompany Ji Lei to the end!Cizun was walking on the empty street with a round stomach and a bad smell of blood. Suddenly! A whirlwind came after me! A golden strong wind, toward the face of the second Zun will suddenly stab!

Cizun's face congealed, instinctively urged Reiki to resist!


The golden halberd tip collides with aura! There was a sound of collision, and just after zizun thought that this move was resisted, suddenly another sword and a shot came from his side! The aura is like a whirlwind, holding the second Zun in it!

"Crazy respect bowl!"

With a roar, a huge bowl shaped aura immediately covered him. The aura disappeared and disappeared in the crazy Zun's bowl. When the second Zun saw it clearly, three dark shadows were already standing in front of him!

"Who are you?" Cizun was obviously frightened. Looking at the three dark figures, they were all covered up. He could not see their faces at all!

Ji Lei would like to break the bones of cizun and eat the meat of cizun raw! Gnashing teeth like cold voice: "kill your people!" The voice falls, Ji Lei then a halberd cross, dragon grain halberd unlimited toward the face of the second Zun stab! The second Zun saw this, and hastened to activate the aura, condensed on his fat belly. The belly immediately expanded, and Jilei Yiji was immediately killed! A halberd pierced cizun's body, and he didn't even have a drop of blood!

Such a terrible defense! Ji Lei is a little shocked. Although cizun's behavior is inferior to that of a beast, we have to admit that his strength is still quite strong. At least Jilei's Halberd can't pierce his defense!

"Humph, the rascals, dare to kill the venerable and die!" Cizun sneers, and then takes a slap at Ji Lei. The fierce wind makes Ji Lei a little hard to resist!

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