The black figure rushed towards gujiang. Gu Jiang's face turned pale. He ducked and dodged the black man's palm. However, the fierce wind still shook gujiang's body and fell to the ground.

"Wuzun..." the black robed man was wearing a cloak. Gu Jiang couldn't see the expression on his face, but from his tone, Gu Jiang could tell that he must be contemptuous of Wu Zun.

Gu Jiang was shocked because he had never met such a powerful opponent! Even if the nine immortals in the nine jade temple can go around one or two on one, but this person gives Gu Jiang the feeling of being powerful! Without any other emotion, simple strong! Incomparably powerful!

This kind of existence is almost to the extreme. Even gujiang has no ability to resist, so he can only try his best to avoid him. However, gujiang doesn't want to give up xuanhuang fire so easily. He had a chance to escape here, but gujiang didn't do so.

"Wu Zun, a mole ant like existence." The black robed man's pale lips opened slightly, and then he made a fist, a blow without fancy, with incomparable fury! Strike hard at the bone! Gu Jiang's pupils suddenly contracted together, and one punch was very fast. When he got to gujiang, he had no time to use his body method to avoid it. This fist made gujiang get a strong blow! At that moment, gujiang's pupil dilated for a moment, but gujiang was also a strong warrior. At this time, he was able to respond to

come here and quickly mobilize his aura to remove all the strength of this fist!

"The art of moving!"

Gu Jiang clenched his teeth, and the aura was placed on the arm of the man in black robe. Suddenly, he unloaded the power from the source to the side of the rock wall!

"Boom!" The sky of Qin Dynasty shakes violently at once! The whole mountain is shaking! And the rock on the cave is even more precarious!

Gu Jiang couldn't control so much at this time. He almost killed himself without using any aura! He now finally understood that, in the face of this unknown powerful weirdo, gujiang has no chance to defeat at all! But... It's too late for him to understand!

Gu Jiang's pupils began to enlarge and his eyes began to lose. Even though he tried his best to remove all the strength from the fist, Gu Jiang still suffered considerable damage. With one blow, his body became dilapidated.

"It's over..."

just as gujiang was having difficulty breathing and thought he was going to die, the ground suddenly began to shake, and the Tianxu of Qin Dynasty began to shake continuously!

"What's going on?" Trapped in the cave, Ji Lei suddenly feels the huge shaking sound coming from his feet. He is surprised and suspicious.

"The sound... Is the ruins of the Qin Dynasty about to collapse?" Qin Tian also saw clearly, the light in his eyes was startled, and they were still trapped here!


Just when Ji Lei and his wife were in a state of anxiety, the rocks piled up at the entrance of the cave suddenly shook violently. Ji Lei saw this and said in surprise, "the rock collapsed because of the vibration."

There is no rock, the border is a decoration, see, three people rushed forward!

"What about xuanhuang fire?"

"What's the matter now? It's important to run for your life! Damn it, how did it happen? " The three of Ji Lei flew all the way and looked at them all the way. Not only their cave, but also several other caves collapsed. The strong people who searched for things in it rushed out. Those who were greedy to give up the treasure inside were buried by the falling rocks. The huge impact force, not to mention the emperor Wuzong, was hard to cope with even wuzun Pay, it's all smashed into mud. The black robed man, who was confronting gujiang, felt the shock and seemed to realize that it was due to his own strength. He immediately let go of gujiang and looked at the dark yellow fire on the stone platform. With a move of his hand, the dark yellow fire immediately entered his palm. Once he squeezed it again, the flame immediately disappeared.

After receiving the dark yellow fire, the black robed man didn't want to kill Gu Jiang. Then he rushed out of the Tianxu like a wind!

In front of Jilei's eyes, a dark shadow suddenly passes by. The speed is so fast that Jilei can't see what he looks like at all.

"Come on! Get him! He has a yellow fire on him

Behind Ji Lei, the voice of Gu Jiang suddenly appears. The dark shadow has already run out. When Ji Lei hears the dark yellow fire in his hand, he rushes out of the Tianxu recklessly!


Jilei chased after the shadow desperately. Unfortunately, he couldn't even get his tail dust, so he was run away.

"It's too late to manage xuanhuang fire now! It's important to run first! "Seeing Ji Lei's hesitation, Qin Tian can't help but say in a sharp voice. Ji Lei quickly responds to Ji Lei's speech and runs away towards the Tianxu!

The cave began to collapse. All the caves collapsed one after another. The road ahead became extremely long and dangerous.

"Startle the clouds!" When she got out of the bridge, she stepped out of the cave and ran out of the sky! Along with the stone bridge, all of them break together!Jilei's body is empty, the stone bridge collapses, and he also falls down!


All of a sudden, a strong wind pulls him. Ji Lei looks up and sees Qin Tianzheng flying in the air. He carries Ji Lei to the other side of the stone bridge.

In addition to Qin Tian and Qin Nian, Ji Lei escaped together with Gu Jiang. He saved a little strength and didn't let the magma burn to death.

"Hoo..." gujiang escaped from death and was about to take a breath. Ji Lei suddenly got angry and went forward, carrying gujiang's collar. He asked angrily, "who is the xuanhuang fire?"

Gu Jiang doesn't have any strength now, but Ji Lei, the little emperor of Wu, has spare power. It's easy to solve him.

So Gu Jiang had to give in and say to Ji Lei, "I don't know who he is. Just as I was about to take xuanhuang fire, he came in and not only injured me, but also robbed xuanhuang fire!"

"Hurt you?" Hearing the speech, Qin Tian frowned and said in a deep voice, "is there anyone else in the South who can hurt you?"

It's no wonder that Qin Tian is so confused. The strength of the whole southern boundary and gujiang is not the first, and it is absolutely not a problem to be ranked in the top three. This strength can make him look down upon the whole southern boundary. Therefore, it is more difficult to find a person who can seriously injure bone Xinjiang from the southern boundary than to pick the stars from the sky.

However, Gu Jiang nodded without hesitation, and his face was still full of fear: "it was he who broke the Tianxu with a fist..." Gu Jiang's voice rang out in the ears of all the people. After hearing the words, all the people took a breath of cold air, and their faces turned white...

the voice of Gu Jiang rang out , the fastest update of the webnovel!