"Break through to Wuzong?" Jilei's eyes, shining bright light, looked at the bird emperor, some hope but some doubt asked: "really?" "Will I lie to you?" The bird emperor chucked his mouth in anger, then handed Ji Lei a pill like thing and said, "this is Ningyuan pill. There is Dan in the name, but it is not a pill. It can be regarded as the most pure aura condensed by me. You can really improve your strength.

this Ningyuan pill will not cause your aura to float, so you can take it safely."

"Eat this and I'll become Wuzong?" Ji Lei holds this small pill and looks at the bird emperor in disbelief.

"Do you still suspect me?"

"No! Of course not! " Ji Lei sees that the bird emperor wants to recycle the pill, so he carries the pill in his pocket. He is afraid that the bird will take it away. The bird Emperor sees this and laughs, so he goes with him.

Before leaving, the bird emperor remembered something and said to Ji Lei: "the appearance of poverty and strangeness may be in any form, even in human form, and never let it touch the flame!"

"Can't touch the fire? Why is that? " Jiley couldn't help but ask.

"Because the flame can bring strength to the poor and strange. The stronger the flame is swallowed, the faster the poor Qi's power will recover." The words of the bird emperor make Jilei's heart thump. A bad premonition suddenly forms in Jilei's heart.

Looking at Ji Lei's strange appearance, the bird emperor could not help but wonder: "what's the matter with you?"

"I think I may have met poverty and wonder today..." Jilei suddenly reacts. This black robed man who robbed xuanhuang fire is very likely to be poor and strange!

"Why do you say that?" The bird emperor frowned and asked.

So Ji Lei and the bird emperor told the whole story of the matter... I heard that the bird emperor hated iron and said: "have you made a mistake?! Why don't you catch Wu Jun because of his poor strength? "

"Sir, are you right? Wu Jun's strength! If you want to catch me, you'll catch it! " Ji Lei listened to the voice of the bird emperor, as if catching the power of Wu Jun was as simple as catching a cricket. However, in front of him, even Wu Jun should not be regarded as a strong opponent. "OK, OK, since you already know the whereabouts of the poor, then you can find your own way. I have to go to the upper bound now, and I will not stay. Remember, xuanhuang fire must not be refined by poverty, or you will not be able to pay for the nine Yuxuan palace for your whole life The emperor left his hands impatiently, and then walked out of the gate of Qin. His body flashed and his figure disappeared immediately.

Ji Lei didn't respond to the disappearing bird emperor. The empty hall left Jilei stunned for a long time and finally gave a wry smile.

When did people like Ji Lei begin to shoulder such heavy responsibilities unconsciously?

it's really tiring...

after the bird emperor left, Qin Tiansan walked into the hall, looked at the dull Ji Lei, and couldn't help but ask: "what is this bird Emperor's elder?"

Even after hearing the conversation between Jilei and quedi, the three people were stunned, but after the bird emperor left, they still couldn't help asking Ji Lei to confirm again. Ji Lei heard the words and gave a wry smile, "the Lord of the nine Yuxuan palace, there is one of the ten ancient war emperors." "The ancient ten war emperors..." the younger generation like gujiang and the year of Qin may be unfamiliar with this word, but Qin Tian is the strong one of the older generation. Even if he is not so familiar with such a name, he is certainly not unfamiliar, because when they were young children, the famous emperor of ten wars in ancient times was their idol and prestige The title of awe inspiring has made countless people pursue their lives.

"Peak strong, peak strong ah..." Qin Tian murmured, in the tone is the awe of the strong! Then he turned to jiley and said, "is there anything we can do?"

"Can you prevent the poor from swallowing the dark yellow fire?" Jilei shrugged his shoulders. In fact, he did not know why the bird emperor was so confident in himself, even more confident than himself. Jilei didn't know whether to be flattered or stressed.

"This..." smell speech, Qin Tian's face shows embarrassed look, stop poor strange? Don't tease me. They can't even hold the palm of poor Qi. How can they stop him? "Lord Qin, I really want to know what happened before." Jilei was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, he has been killing fierce animals, but he has always been in the drum. What happened before? Let the fierce beast become the taboo of the whole martial god? If Qin Tian knows, he must ask clearly!

"Before? I don't know much about it, only... The war of chaos. " Qin Tian pondered for a moment, then said.

"The war of chaos?"

"Once upon a time, fierce beasts were almost everywhere. The weak ones devoured people's lives, and the powerful ones made people miserable. Among them, six of the most powerful beasts were the most powerful.""Six? Isn't it five? " Ji Lei interrupts Qin Tiandao.

"No, in ancient times, there were chaos of emperor Hongshi, poverty of SHAOHAO family, Taowu of Zhuanxu family and Taotie of Jinyun family, which were used by Emperor Shun to suppress another ferocious beast

"I know, but...

" have you ever noticed that who directed these fierce beasts? " Qin Tian suddenly asked. Ji Lei was stunned. After a while, he said with some uncertainty: "Shun... Emperor Shun?"

"Yes, but the original Emperor Shun did make good use of the four ferocious gods, but after the death of Emperor Shun, the soul of Emperor Shun was deteriorated by an ancient god named Shen."

"Emperor Shun is so powerful that he will be worsened?" "Pangu and Pangu, Nuwa and Haotian are all transformed by Pangu's body. Pangu is the God of creation. Even if it's transformed by the skull, it's one of the four ancient gods! No matter how strong Emperor Shun was, he could not resist the erosion of the ancient gods. After being eroded, the evil spirits of Emperor Shun became the last and the strongest fierce beast. "

"That war broke out in the upper world, and the five fierce beasts fought against each other. In the end, four fierce beasts were sealed in the upper world, and two fierce beasts were in the lower bound at the cost of the incomparable warrior God, the first of the ten war emperors. Qin Tian's tone became extremely awed. No one was a God, they were all from the lower world Even if it is a Phoenix, it can't enter the sky any more after it flies into the sky. For people at that time, it was just a heaven beyond the sky, which could never be touched.

However, the emperor of the tenth war, with the power of mortal beings, was able to achieve such remarkable achievements against the fierce beasts led by the gods, which was enough to make all the martial gods feel proud! "That war was known as the war of chaos...

in the end, it was called the war of chaos www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!