
Jilei can hear the tearing sound clearly. The Dragon bites the tiger's thigh with one mouth, and the tiger also cuts the tail of the tiger in half at the same time. Although it was just a battle between the flames, it still seemed thrilling, and what was even more shocking was the battle outside the cave. After swallowing the thunder, he looked at Qin Tian provocatively. Then he raised his hand and patted Qin Tian in the air. Qin Tian's body was immediately slapped out with a palm and fell to the ground, and he was in a state of great turmoil , a mouthful of fresh blood and spit it out!

"Is that the only strength?" At this time, poor Qi started to speak. He looked at Qin Tian and Gu Jiang who were lying on the ground indifferently. He turned his mouth and didn't say much. Then he walked towards the cave.

Qin Tian saw the poor and strange and went to the cave! His face was startled. He got up in a hurry and rushed towards the poor and strange!


Poor Qi didn't even look back. He raised his hand and directly blocked him in front of him. When Qin Tian rushed forward, he bumped into the barrier of that force and fell on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood in pain.

Seeing that Qin Tian was helpless, he was directly killed by poor Qi. Gu Jiang's expression suddenly became fierce. Looking at his back, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he immediately got up in spite of pain and rushed towards the poor and strange!

But this time, Gu Jiang's body was all on fire. The flame formed by the aura was a unique skill of the powerful one, which was called burning. Burning, burning aura, burning body, burning life can make one's strength gain a very strong increase in a short period of time, and even be able to compete with Wu Jun. however, this way of doing it is totally making a gamble with his life. From the moment when the burning was started, every skill used by Wu Zun no longer consumes aura, but changes To consume life! Until life is exhausted.

Gujiang, actually choose to start burning at this moment?! Qin Tian looked at gujiang with wide eyes. He never thought that gujiang would choose to do such a move. This is a unique skill that he had to use when fighting for life and death! For a dark yellow fire heart, bone as?

"Now, I can only place my hope on Jilei, hoping that he can get xuanhuang Huoxin. If things go well, my life may still survive. I just hope that Jilei can value my life and don't let me consume it all the time."

Gu Jiang's face became as white as a bone, showing a painful expression on his face, biting his teeth and muttering: "come out... Dust bone..."

a sword, accompanied by a burst of white light, condensed on gujiang's palm. The white and dense appearance is sharp and angular, like a long sword, but many standard long sword shapes and edges look like... Spine!

"This is..." Qin Tian's eyes suddenly shrank, looking at the sword in gujiang's hand, and Gu Jiang's looking at the sword in his hand, "this is my bone... I take bone as my sword, bear the strength of the weak, and challenge the king with the body of martial respect!"

The voice falls, Gu Jiang then tightly grasps the dust bone in the hand, stabs toward the poor strange one sword!

Behind him, he suddenly opened his huge wings and flew into the sky. However, Gu Jiang was not inferior in any way. His body leaped and his feet stepped on the dust and bones to fly the imperial sword!

"I lost to you last time. This time, I will never lose!" On Gu Jiang's pale face, he showed a determined and incomparable expression. His martial art of burning life is dust bone!

Dust bone is bone territory, bone territory is dust bone.

He had already become a sword.

"I would like to use a sword to smash the most vicious, and return the boundless way of heaven!"

In gujiang's eyes, there was a fierce desire to kill. At this time, Chengu began to grow crazily and grew towards the distant sky, forming a fence. The cold luster passed over the body of the sword and flashed in gujiang's eyes.

"Poor, die."

The voice of gujiang comes out of the throat, falls to the ground and makes a sound.

The dust bone, like a raging wave, began to shrink madly, shrinking from a distance to the near, surrounding the poor. The skeleton like a branch, in the air, condensed into a huge ball, surrounded both of them.

Qin Tian looked at the bone ball in the sky, and his eyes showed a shocking light. Why did gujiang do this? He didn't even start the burning with such determination, but gujiang did it without hesitation!

Is he really against poverty?

Joke! In the whole world, there are no other people who are qualified to disobey the poverty and strangeness, except the ten war emperors! And today's poverty, even the ten war emperor can only look forward to!

So why is he?

Qin Tian may never understand, because he neglected that gujiang's age is much younger than Qin Tian. At the age of 30, the blood is not frosting. For a long time, Qin Tian has learned how to protect himself. Until the last moment, the complex of a strong man will never appear in Qin Tian's mind, but the bone is different. For the strong, he will not accept it, and he will be eager to chooseWar, encounter humiliation, he will give back a hundred times!

Once upon a time, maybe such blood also flowed in Qin Tian's bones, but now, as the master and father of a clan, Qin Tian absolutely can't make such a rash decision in his eyes.

That's why gujiang can kill cizun without any pity, disband Xuanji Pavilion in a word, and tear his face with Jiuzun Yuxuan palace in the western regions for the sake of the eternal mansion! Because, in his bones, there is still blood of hatred of evil, so he killed cizun, but also flowing free and easy blood. He does not want people in Xuanji pavilion to become their own heart block, and they do not want to let themselves be the constraints of Xuanji Pavilion people. There is also the blood of condensation and freedom, which carries not only the life and freedom of gujiang, but also the disciples of wangufu Freedom! He didn't want to let wangufu become a bird in a cage. Although he had no worries about food and clothing, he lost his proud nature. He was not a bird, he was an eagle, he was an eagle soaring in the sky! The world he wants...



The wild air blast will burst the bone ball! Gu Jiang is crazy and attacks the poor and strange! The posture of the underdog is against the superior who can not be defeated at all.

Because he knew that when poor Qi really got xuanhuang fire heart, the world would be a cage, a purgatory, and a nightmare forever!

The territory is clear and the people are in dire straits! This is not the world that he wants, so he wants to struggle, without hesitation, to struggle as hard as he can!

But is... Useful?

"Bang!" A loud noise, startled the sky dust, dust into the wind, the wind, poor looking at the foot of the bone on the ground, indifferent way: "I come from the dark, dark, is boundless, so my strength, endless, you struggle, I will kill you."

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