The flame condensed a strange pattern on the jade back of Duan Bai Ling. Through the gauze skirt, Jilei could see that as Jilei became more and more proficient in controlling the fire, the rising temperature gradually stabilized.

The flame, like a snake, swam through the meridians of Duan Bai Ling. Then, with heat, the occluded parts of Duan Bai Ling's meridians were melted and opened. After blood circulation, Duan Bai Ling's blood quantity increased again. This is the principle of increasing Duan Bai Ling's blood concentration.


The last knot of the dark yellow blood seal is finally formed. Ji Lei stops. The flame burns the last fragrant spot on the jade back of Duan Bai Ling. After a close look, it looks like a delicate flower.

"Oh, it's pretty!" Ji Lei nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Duan Bai Ling, "in this way, your blood concentration will return to normal. You can ask the elder of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace to check it for you."

"Check what, you won't hurt me anyway." Duan Bai Ling smiles, then puts on her coat and looks at Ji Lei with her smile closed.

Hearing this, Jilei gave a bitter smile: "you'd better let them have a look, or if they suspect what I've done, you won't let them go if they don't doubt me."

With this, Ji Lei helps Duan bailing up, and Duan bailing has to agree. When he reaches the door, Ji Lei suddenly stops.

"What's the matter?" Duan bailing blinks Lingmei's glasses curiously and looks at Ji Lei.

Ji Lei hesitated for a moment. After thinking about it, she asked Duan bailing, "I know something about xuanhuang people. In the southern boundary, there is a sect called Xuanmen. The disciples in it are xuanhuang people. The patriarch may even be... Do you want to go and have a look After a long time, Duan bailing sighs and says, "forget it. It doesn't matter whether I'm xuanhuang or something else. My last name is Duan, not anything else.

so, I'm a member of Duan's family, so I don't need to doubt or change 。”

Ji Lei doesn't know how Duan bailing made this decision, but Jilei chooses to respect Duan bailing with full respect, so he doesn't say anything more. He leads Duan bailing to the residence of Xuanyu elder. "The blood concentration is indeed showing a trend of recovery, but it will take time. I believe that Bai Ling's blood will recover completely soon." The elder Xuanyu looks surprised and says to Ji Lei and Duan bailing. After hearing the words, Ji Lei's heart is finally released. It takes a long time for Ji Lei to go to the southern border and xuanhuang mountains, which can be regarded as a solution to the problem. Ji Lei's face finally shows a trace of joy when he hears the speech.

Just as Ji Lei gasps for breath, a figure suddenly comes in outside the door and reports to Xuanyu elder's meeting anxiously: "report elder! A message came from the world of war

"Go ahead." Xuanyu elder said casually, and the man looked at Ji Lei hesitantly. Xuanyu elder waved his hand, "it's not an outsider. It's just that."

"Yes! It's the uncooperative wangufu. It's said that the master of the mansion hasn't appeared for a long time! This is an empty period of time. Just yesterday, the emperor of the Western Heaven who asked the Tiantai had already attacked wangufu! They didn't find their master! "

"Wangufu? Is that the ancestral gate of gujiang? " Xuanyu elder frowned, showing a little dignified on his face, "bone border is gone?"

"He's really gone, and he'll never come back." Ji Lei suddenly opens his mouth and hears the words. Xuanyu elder looks at Ji Lei with some doubts: "do you know what's going on?"

"I know that. I'll tell the elder in detail. Now tell me, what's the origin of the Western emperor and the Tiantai?" Jilei's eyes slowly cooled down.

Seeing this, Xuanyu elder explained to Ji Lei: "asking Tiantai is a sect of the western regions. The emperor of the Western Heaven is not weak. It has the appearance of four levels of martial arts."

"How dare you call yourself the great emperor Ji Lei couldn't help laughing. The only real emperor he had ever seen was the southern emperor. But the Western emperor dared to raise himself to the same height as the southern emperor? The frog at the bottom of the well is really making people laugh. "We don't have to worry about the Tiantai. Since the head of the Wangu mansion is missing, we don't have to worry about it. It's not our business... Where are you going?" Xuanyu elder suddenly saw Ji Lei walking towards the door and asked. However, Ji Lei said in a deep voice: "get rid of the platform of asking for heaven and kill the emperor of the West."

Ji Lei is not joking. Without gujiang, he can never get xuanhuang Huoxin. Although he laughs at gujiang both inside and outside his words, Ji Lei has to admit that gujiang is his benefactor.

Although gujiang has gone to look for freedom now, some people still need to clean up the mess left behind. Let Ji Lei take care of it and settle down in Wangu mansion!

Western regions, the ancient mansion.

In the ancient mansion, the flames rose from the sky, and the flames and smoke almost filled the sky. In the middle of the sky, a man looked at the land under his feet. The corpse was dead, and a cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth."If gujiang is not here, the emperor will kill his wangufu! I'm finally waiting for this day On the face of the great emperor of the west, a happy smile appeared. But behind him, a voice suddenly rang out: "are you the emperor of the Western Heaven with the strength of Wuzong?"

"Who!" The emperor turned around, but saw a young man standing in the air, standing in front of him, he could not help saying in a cold voice, "who are you?" "I'm the one who killed you." Ji Lei's eyes grew colder and colder. He looked at the Western emperor with a kind of expression and without a trace of emotion. He said, "I really can't imagine how a person can be so brazen that he can call himself the great emperor. When people are not around, he stealthily attacks his hometown and slaughters them. How can you not even fart when Gu Jiang is there? ”

the Western emperor's face suddenly sank, "asshole! How does this emperor do, need you to give directions? Come on, kill him for the emperor

When the emperor of the West ordered, several strong men came around and rushed to Jilei!

Ji Lei disdainfully skimmed her lips, then raised the Dragon grain halberd, "thunder strikes the eight wastelands!"


The thunder sweeps, these strong men, are all shot down by Ji Lei in one face-to-face, all die.

The emperor looked at this scene, his face became very white, "you... Who are you?" "I can't walk to kill you, but I can't get rid of it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!