"I have your things, Lord Qin." Jilei picked up a slightly worn-out scroll in her hand. The scroll looked particularly dilapidated, but the scroll made the man in black twinkle with bright light!

"Give me the scroll!" Seeing this, the man in black did not care much. He went straight forward, but did not notice. Jilei reached out and took off his face towel!

Ji Lei saw that person's appearance, a face clear look, "I knew it was you, Qin clan Lord Qin Tian."

The face under the scarf is Qin Tian! Although he unties the identity of the man in black, Ji Lei is very puzzled about why Qin Tian appears here. Ji Lei's eyebrows frown a little, and immediately says to Qin Tian, "Why are you here?" But Qin Tian didn't answer Ji Lei's question. Instead, he shook his head and said with a little pity on his face: "originally, if you didn't come here, nothing will happen. Unfortunately, you have to come to the place where you shouldn't come... I'm sorry. Although you helped qinmen, I still want you to die!"

Qin Tian's face became extremely ferocious in an instant. He suddenly pulled out a long sword from his waist and slashed away at Jilei! But Jilei's face, with a slight sneer, did not move.


A crisp voice rings out. Qin Tian's sword should have been cleaved on Ji Lei's body, but it was slapped on the ground by a force. Qin Tian turned around angrily and found that the southern emperor was standing behind him. "I suggest you don't mess around, or I won't mind letting Qin Nian become an orphan." South emperor's indifferent voice was heard in Qin Tian's ears, which made Qin Tian's back burst out with sweat. His cheeks trembled slightly, and he did not dare to move any more. He knew that the southern emperor had the strength to say

to do it.

"Say, what are you doing here?" The southern emperor went around to Qin Tian and asked. Qin Tian smelled the speech and showed a trace of bitterness on his face. "I can't help it..." "what do I ask, what do you answer, what's useless?" Seeing that Qin Tian seemed to be suspected of betraying his son, the southern emperor immediately showed a look of impatience. With the expression that he would run away and chop people at any time, Qin Tian immediately became honest. He could only say to the southern emperor, "I come here to search for the keepsakes delivered to these sects by collecting the poor and strange things." "These are the scrolls?" Jilei shook the scroll in her hand, then opened the map that the southern emperor showed herself, looked at the Red Cross numbers on it, nodded thoughtfully and said, "it seems that we have guessed right. You are indeed looking for the next door in the south. You have a good plan." Ji Lei looks up at the southern emperor. Ningwuzong is the southernmost sect in Xianyang City, while Nanyan sect is the northernmost sect in Xianyang city. The southern emperor said he could take a chance, so he came to ningwuzong directly. Who would have thought that they would wait for a rabbit here, but they would have waited until Qin Tian was the rabbit! "Is this a strange token? Do you know something about poverty Ji Lei puffed his lips and said with a half smile. Qin Tian gave a bitter smile: "Qin gate covers the sky with one hand in Xianyang city. We all know that when these people make small moves, we may not know about such a big dispute "So you started off as indifferent?" Ji Lei's tone suddenly became fierce. His eyes were fixed on Qin Tian, and he asked angrily. Qin Tian heard the words and explained, "I wanted to wait for these people to fight, and the Qin clan would take advantage of it. Who knows these guys will stop fighting in the middle of the fight, so..."? ”Ji Lei looks around at the broken Ning Wuzong. It's impossible for this fight to hit the ground like this. In general, the clans fight. They don't leave some room for each other, but they won't move to kill them. That's for sure, because

this will surely hurt the enemy 1000 and damage 800. The only thing that can eradicate these sects mercilessly is Xianyang city Qin gate, the master of the world. "Let me guess what you think. These sects will stop when they hit half way. Maybe it is because of consideration that it is not very beneficial to you or for some other reason. It makes you very unwilling. Therefore, you can't bear to go directly to the strong men of the Qin clan and destroy them all!" Looking at Qin Tian who wanted to argue, the emperor refused to let him explain: "don't argue. The destruction methods of Nanyan sect and ningwuzong are almost the same. It seems that they are from the hands of the same gang. All the people here have been slaughtered. The killers and arsonists may have acted in a hurry, so they have no time to take away the scroll, or... Are you going to First create a few fights to destroy the illusion of death, and then secretly find what you want - these scrolls Suddenly, there were several more scrolls in the hands of the southern emperor. All of them were held in his hand and swayed towards Qin Tian. Qin Tian saw this and suddenly touched his own Najie. However, he found that there was no Najie on his finger. A broken gem was lying on the ground, and there was a broken ring attached to it It was destroyed, and the scroll inside was taken away by the southern emperor.

"I have some skills." Ji Lei takes over the scroll from the southern emperor and hides them all in Najie to avoid Qin Tian's resistance."You Qin Tian was furious, but the southern emperor stepped forward and grabbed his collar. His eyes were full of anger and coldness: "tell me, what are these scrolls that you have spent so much time collecting?"! If you don't, you know the consequences. " The southern emperor of heaven broke out in an instant, so that Qin Tian had no ability to resist. He reluctantly replied to the Emperor: "these scrolls are the keepsakes of poverty. As long as you help poor Qi find a magic weapon called the flame of fire, poor Qi agrees, it can help them

become the first gate of Xianyang city." Hearing this, Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven are all shocked. However, they are not surprised. For poor Qi, making such a promise is really normal. He really has the capital to say this! To the surprise of Jilei and the southern emperor of heaven, what is called the light of fire can attract so much attention?

"And then?" "Then... They fought endlessly in order to find out the light of fire. After putting these scrolls together, I found out that the map of the flame of fire was actually...

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