The power of thunder twinkles in the sky! This power sends out the smell of extinction, and the heart palpitations.

At the bottom of Jiang Taixu's eyes, a little panic flashed through his eyes. Even though he felt a little frightened by this force, Wu Zun's dignity made him stand still and resist Ji Lei's attack with his own strength!

"Boom!" The long thunder broke the silent atmosphere. When the thunder fell, there was a thunder like a dragon in a flash! This extremely strong force makes the earth begin to tremble, even if it is Jiang Taixu, also feel a trace of pressure!

"Bravado..." Jiang Taixu bit his teeth. The pressure flow over his head was quite heavy, but he still didn't intend to reduce his attack. It was just a hard hitting. How could he be afraid of a small Wuzong?

Thunder Dragon is filled with the breath of thunder and lightning, and rushes towards Jiang Taixu! Jiang Taixu's face changed abruptly and released his aura without reservation!

"Na Tian Zhang!"

Jiang Taixu clapped it out with one hand! And Jilei's Thunder Dragon crashed! Two forces, bang a burst out of a very strong breath, toward the surrounding crazy scattered!

Jiang Taixu retreated several steps, but Jilei's Thunder Dragon, like an arrow piercing clouds, suddenly stabbed at Jiang Taixu! And Jiang Taixu's palm Qi, also at this time, suddenly fell on Ji Lei's head!


"Boom The silent thunderstorm and the fierce aura interweave and stir the aura between heaven and earth into a tangle. A torrential rain suddenly falls on the sky, and the thunder and lightning magnetic storm forms a fine network, covering Jiang Taixu with a strong force. At last, it breaks out uncontrollably!

The earth shakes! In an instant, the palace buildings of the nine Jade Palace began to vibrate! Heaven and earth change! Thunder eight wasteland, in Ji Lei's hand, finally took shape! Thunderbolt! Move! The surrounded Jiang Taixu finally showed his fear at this moment, but it was too late. This thrilling force went straight to Jiang Taixu's body. In his body, the continuous force of thunder and lightning constantly bombarded his organs. There was no need to elaborate on the damage of Jiang Taixu. However, Ji Lei's injuries are not small. Wuzun is still wuzun after all, and his strength is far stronger than that of Jilei. When Natian palm comes down, the aura almost breaks Ji Lei into pieces. Fortunately, Ji Lei opens up the aura defense at the critical juncture, which slightly resists the damage of Natian's

palm. Otherwise, Ji Lei will die there if he says something bad.

Ji Lei is covered with scars, and her clothes are covered with mottled blood. However, Jilei's eyes still flash with light, and he says to Jiang Taixu, "I won!"

As for Jiang Taixu, he fell on the ground like a dead dog, covered with blood all over his body!

"Cough!" Jiang Taixu coughs up blood all over his mouth, and his wounds make him almost unable to stand up. Compared with Ji Lei, who still has some consciousness to stand up, Jiang Taixu's injury is obviously more serious!

This result, earth shaking!

As the peak of Wuzong, Ji Lei can even shake up the martial respect of Jiang Taixu! What a frightening result! Just the force of Wuzong, you can resist wuzun hard. Such strength is amazing! Amazing!

Jiang Taixu wanted to say something, but after struggling to get up, he still fell to the ground, and there was no chance to fight back. After he fell down, he raised his eyes and looked at Jilei, and then he closed his eyes.

Great shame... Great shame! For Jiang Taixu, losing to Ji Lei, a miscellaneous fish in Wuzong realm, is more painful than killing him! His self-respect, absolutely can not accept this result! However, this result was placed in front of his eyes, even if he didn't want to admit it... In front of the hall gate, all the disciples of the Jiuzun Yuxuan palace opened their mouths and looked at Ji Lei's figure like a wooden man standing still. Looking at Ji Lei's back, he felt that there was an invisible pressure from their heads Cover it down

. Jilei's strength, in their hearts, has become a fog! Nobody thought that Jilei could really defeat Jiang Taixu! And still with that kind of no Dodge, hard to beat way! For any Wuzong, wuzun is an insurmountable hurdle,

but Ji Lei can cross it in this way! No, it's not a leap. It's about breaking the mountain! "Hiss... So terrible..." among the disciples of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, there are several voices. Ji Lei turns around and looks at Nan Tian Di and Duan Bai Ling with some tired eyes. At the last moment, both of them are ready to fight, but they never expect that Ji Lei can defeat Jiang's Taixu with her own strength! "Am I good?" Ji Lei's face is full of blood, but she still stands in front of Duan bailing and asks weakly. But just after saying this, his body falls down like a stiff wood. Duan bailing embraces Jilei and her white clothes are covered with bloodThe pollution was contaminated and there was no resentment at all. At this moment, she was only thinking about Jilei's safety.

The southern emperor gives Ji Lei a complicated look. He doesn't know whether it is good or bad. Although Ji Lei defeated Jiang Taixu, he completely offended Jiang Taixu and offended Jiang Taixu. It will be very difficult to win over the help of the hunting heaven mansion... "Take them to heal." Elder Xuanyu was also a little surprised at the result, but his eyes still twinkled with his composure. The first thing he thought of was to cure them quickly. Fortunately, Ji Lei didn't seem to have much to do, except for a little more blood. They were all skin injuries, which were cured soon. And Jiang Taixu... As a wuzun, he should not have much to do.

The elder Xuanyu's eyes fell on Jiang Taixu, who was dragged down. Then he murmured: "you really paid a great price to test whether we have the potential to unite... But now, you should see clearly..."

then, the elder Xuanyu's eyes moved to Jilei, who was carried away, and sighed, but his voice was filled with a shock that was hard to hide Shaking and praising: "it's true that... Heroes make teenagers..."

this is the praise of elder Xuanyu to Ji Lei, and it is also the highest standard of praise from elder Xuanyu. If poverty and strangeness fall into the world, there will be a bloody storm. Will Jilei be the last hero to stand out , the fastest update of the webnovel!