Incomparable blood in the world!

How many unique blood vessels are there in the sky? The so-called matchless is that there is no other other in this world, only one of our own.

What is the incomparable blood in the world?

Jiley's incomparable blood!

Emperor Jizong, actually want to use Ji Lei to sacrifice blood moon! Their purpose and intention have been exposed very clearly! Is to lead Ji Lei to Emperor Jizong, and then, kill Ji Lei, with Ji Lei's blood! Sacrifice to the moon in heaven!

The emperor Ting cloud this speech falls finish, in the eye suddenly kills the meaning to be prosperous! Suddenly, he pulled out a Taidao and rushed to Jilei.

The sharp blade cuts open the air in front of Jilei, and the majestic force rushes to Jilei at this moment!

Ji Lei's eyes are chilly. Seeing a knife fall, Ji Lei quickly bends down and dodges. The Dragon grain halberd stabs the emperor Ting cloud at the same time!

The two blades intersect at the moment. Ji Lei and Huang Tingyun both want to kill each other. But with the same strength, it's too difficult to do this.

At present, huangjizong's disciples are still committing suicide to sacrifice to the blood moon. As time goes on, the gate of the prefecture beside the blood moon will be opened sooner or later! There is really not much time left for Jilei and the southern emperor of heaven!

Western regions. Standing on the tower of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, the bird emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at the East in the distance. The eastern sky was covered with red clouds, as if the whole sky had been soaked with blood.

"Bai Ling, please help me to see what's going on in the sky over there?" The bird emperor calls Duan bailing on the other side. Hearing this, Duan bailing rushes forward and looks to the East. Then she looks a little gloomy. "This bloody cloud, I don't know what it is, but it looks dangerous." Duan bailing's tone was low, and at the same time, someone from Jiuzun Yuxuan palace came to report, "report --"! There are a lot of blood clouds in the East! What kind of monster is suspected to be at work! Blood cloud has spread from a country called "Luoyun country" in the eastern continent. Now it has spread more than half of it, and will soon cover the whole eastern continent! "

"Cloud country? Which country is this? Check it out for me! " The bird emperor frowned and ordered. "Don't check, I'll tell you!" All of a sudden, a voice rang out. The bird emperor turned around and saw three figures following Xiao Lingxue. She came to the bird emperor and said to him, "Luoyun country is the country where Ji Lei is located. I have been there. If Ji Lei goes back to the eastern mainland, I'm sure he will go to Luoyun country! "

"Do you mean jiley is in the land of falling clouds now?" The lock between the bird emperor's eyebrows gradually deepened. "According to Ji Lei's temperament, when he passes by Luoyun country, he will certainly visit his father, the head of Ji's family. If he has not miscalculated, he should still be in Luoyun country now." Xiao Lingxue's pretty face was full of haze. After a moment's silence, she continued: "now, Ji

Lei may be in danger!" "In danger?" When the bird emperor heard the words, he stood on the tower and looked at the East. The blood cloud was spreading towards the west, and it was only a matter of time before it covered the whole eastern continent. The blood cloud made him think of some other things, which should not have appeared in today's world!

"Can't it be..." at the bottom of the bird emperor's eyes, he suddenly burst out a trace of panic, turned to look at the disciple who came to report: "did you find anything in the blood cloud?"

"There is... There is a moon... And it is red." The disciple faltered back and said, the bird emperor heard the speech and grabbed the disciple's collar, "what about the moon? Is it just the moon

"This... When the blood cloud came, the spy came back directly, and there was not so much time to find out. However, according to his opinion, there should be nothing next to the red moon..." "it should be that the door has not been fully opened, there is still a chance, but there is still time..." the bird emperor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He comforted himself in a soft voice. Then he opened his eyes and looked at him Next to the disciples, "summon the strong, the strength must be Wu Zun above, how many summon how many! All to

I'm going to the eastern continent! Save jiley! And destroy the blood moon

"What's going on here?" When she saw the bird emperor who had always been light, her reaction was so great at the moment. Xiao Ling and xueluo qianrou could not help but frown. As for Ji Lei, they had to pay attention to it. "This is the blood moon, a kind of astronomical phenomenon in the Archaic period, which belongs to the extremely evil. When the blood moon appears, the door of the underworld will be opened, and the evil beasts inside will climb out of the hell and harm the world. Therefore, we must prevent the door of the underworld from opening. The only way is to destroy the blood moon The tone of the bird emperor

when it was heavy, the faces of several people turned pale and said, "then I will go too!" Luo qianrou took the lead in volunteering, but was rejected by the bird emperor, "just Wuzong, in front of the Archaean astronomical phenomena, fragile floating general, I give you a task, but not to the eastern mainland."

The bird emperor turned to Luo qianrou, Xiao Lingxue, Liu Qingshuang and Hongji and said solemnly, "give me the strength to break through wuzun! You can use the resources in Jiuzun Yuxuan palace! The deadline is, half a month! " This task, for ordinary people have already been happy to bloom, but now, the four female faces can not squeeze out a smile, bird emperor said, is eager to those immature combat effectiveness quickly mature! Although what he said is not so straightforward, but the implication is obvious: you fourIt's a burden!

With a strong heart and the thought of missing Ji Lei, the four female heads gently, and then turn to leave. The bird emperor takes a look at Duan Bai Ling, and his tone becomes more severe: "what are you waiting for? Don't you want to help jiley? Practice for me too! You don't have to worry about the affairs in the palace

The bird emperor's tone is very heavy, but he is for Duan bailing's good, and also for Luo qianrou's good. He practices in seclusion. At least, he doesn't have to worry about external affairs. He has his own way to deal with everything. These younger generations are at least safe.

Duan bailing curled her mouth, but she listened to the bird emperor's words. She went to practice in seclusion. The bird emperor turned around and looked at the sky in the distance. She walked back and forth in the tower. She said, "God bless you, don't worry... Wushuang Wushen... Bless your descendants... But you can't have an accident..." in the emperor Jizong, the fighting situation has been quite tragic Huang Tingyun has exhausted his aura, and countless martial arts skills and sabres are all used. Although they are all bruised, they are still on the ground. Ji Lei gasps and bleeds from the wound. However, in order to prevent his blood from being absorbed by the blood moon, Ji leiqiang burns his blood vessels with matchless martial spirit! Ji Lei's body is covered with scorched black scars, but he has already been numb. Now, there is only one idea in his mind, that is, to kill Huang Tingyun! , the fastest update of the webnovel!