There are nine jade palaces in the western regions.

Ji Lei is sitting in a secret chamber of the Jiuzun Yuxuan palace. The majestic aura is spinning around him at the moment. If it were not for the special material of his chamber, the whole house would be collapsed by the aura released by Jilei.

In the elixir field, there is a majestic sea of Qi. The existence of the air sea penetrates every cell of Jilei's body and supplies the aura to those starving cells in urgent need of nourishment, thus enhancing the overall strength of Jilei. It's not so simple to cross every small area of wuzun. The extremely fierce soul was secretly captured by the unparalleled warrior soul at the moment of his death. Such a fierce beast, the fierce soul is also quite violent. Even though poor Qi is dead, its fierce soul is still struggling in the negative

corner, which makes Jilei's progress in swallowing the fierce soul slow. However, just a few days later, the revolt of the poor, strange and fierce soul was much lighter. After a period of time, the fierce soul was attacked by the unparalleled spirit, and there was no sound. Therefore, the refining process in the following period became much smoother. At the same time, the fierce soul was also a precious tonic for the matchless martial spirit and devoured the poor After the strange and fierce soul, Ji Lei can obviously feel that the state of matchless martial spirit has improved a lot. The embarrassing situation of wandering around the ground level has been solved in an instant. After the refining and chemical refining, the improvement of the soul of wushuangwu

makes Ji Lei very happy and surprised! The aura spreads in the majestic sea of Qi. Ji Lei's eyes are tightly closed. At this moment, the aura is swimming to the four limbs of Jilei's body and gets into every pore of Jilei's body. In a short time, the matchless martial spirit becomes extremely excited and constantly jumps in Jilei's body. At the same time, the only trace of rare and ferocious spirit in Jilei's body exists And disappeared completely.

The realm of unparalleled martial spirit is soaring at this moment! Absorbing and swallowing the fierce soul of the poor, making the incomparable martial spirit instantly full of spirit, the earth level level is easily broken, until the heaven level!

In an instant, aura filled the whole house, even if it was protected by special materials, the whole house began to shiver! "After solving the problem of poverty and strangeness, I still need to go back to the upper bound to arrange other matters. After all, we can't let another fierce beast fall into the lower bound again..." the bird emperor was discussing with the nine masters of Yuxuan palace when he heard a loud noise outside the door! At this moment, the whole nine jade Temple began to tremble! The earth shakes and the sky falls! "What's going on?" Elder Xuanyu raised her head, and her eyes showed a trace of panic. She had been in jiuzunyuxuan palace for so many years, but it was the first time she saw such a violent vibration in jiuzunyuxuan palace! Even if it's an earthquake, it's not so exaggerated. It's the end of the world!

This kind of shock also made the disciples of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace start to panic. Many disciples all fled from the secret room of cultivation or their own houses and gathered together to discuss in horror how much the instant shock just happened made them panic!

"Quiet! Be quiet When the voices were booming, the fear and uneasiness reached the peak, but at this moment, Xuanyu elder came out to preside over the order! Seeing the elder's appearance, the disciple's mood just stabilized a little, but the panic was still lingering for a long time.

Even the elders of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace didn't know why the nine Zun Yuxuan palace suddenly made such a big noise! And at this time, in a few secret rooms, a few beautiful shadows light grazing Jiao body, came to Xuanyu elder, "elder, what's the matter?" After more than ten days of seclusion, Luo qianrou and others, with the help of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, successfully stepped into the stage of wuzun. Duan bailing's realm was the highest, which was five levels of wuzun! But such shaking still makes Duan bailing, wuzun's Wuzhong, feel deeply frightened! Could it be that the fierce beasts of

came to invade Jiuzun Yuxuan palace?

Hearing this, Xuanyu elder also looked at the horizon with some doubts, shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly what happened. If there were fierce beasts coming, they would have attacked them long ago. It is impossible for the western regions to have a clan against jiuzunyu Xuan palace... So it can only be...

" it can only be chaos in the palace! " The bird emperor suddenly stepped into the void and came to the top of many disciples. Standing in the sky, he looked at a secret room of the nine jade temple. The powerful spiritual energy dissipated from here!

"This is..." the bird emperor's eyes narrowed up, his eyes tightly fixed on the secret room, and at this time, the chamber exploded!

The aura could no longer be stopped, forming a tornado and attacking around the nine jade palace! The bird emperor saw a twist in his eyebrows and was about to stop it, but the aura suddenly stopped at this time.


All of a sudden, a voice rings, and the aura tornado quiets down in an instant, and then dissipates. After the aura disappears, a figure comes out of it.

"Cough, the mother confiscates the living power..." Ji Lei murmured and scolded, then appeared in front of everyone.

When the bird Emperor sees Ji Lei for the first time, the pupil light immediately focuses together. He looks at Ji Lei in shock and says, "your martial spirit... Tianjie?""Ah, it seems that..." Jilei scratched his head. To be honest, he is also a little confused now. However, after seeing the environment around him that was almost destroyed by himself, the house collapsed, he was really shocked, "what's the matter?"

"I don't blame you. It must be with great aura energy to appear. It's just a secret room. It's normal that you can't resist it." The bird emperor sighed and looked at Ji Lei with some complicated eyes: "I didn't think you could really upgrade the matchless spirit to the heaven level." Ji Lei and the bird emperor's dialogue, so that all the disciples below all stare big eyes, eyes are full of shock, heaven level spirit? No one has such a spirit even if he is the elder of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace. Even if he is a great elder, his spirit is just on the top of the earth's level. However, Ji Lei's age is

Ji, can he own the spirit of heaven? This is incredible! Besides, it's enviable!

Luo qianrou's pretty eyes are full of surprise, and even Ji Lei is a little surprised. After absorbing the power of the poor, strange and fierce soul, the matchless martial spirit can really break through to the heaven level in one fell swoop, and its own strength has broken through to wuzun Bazhong in refining the fierce soul and various battles.

Eight heavy wuzun, should be able to say the crown of the entire nine Zun Yuxuan palace disciples.

"Why is such a genius not a disciple of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace..." Xuanyu elder sighed and said with some regret. The bird emperor coughed slightly and looked at Ji Lei immediately. "I need to go to the upper bound. Now there is a task for you...

in this article, I will give you a task , the fastest update of the webnovel!