Ji Lei's face became gloomy in an instant, but Fengtian wolf was still unconscious, and she did not hide her salivation for Luo qianrou, which made Jilei have a killing heart!

However, Feng Sirius still ignored Jilei's darkened eyes, came to Jilei and said to him, "I'm talking to you, don't pretend you didn't hear me!"

With that, Fengtian wolf wanted to move his hands and feet to Luo qianrou, but before his hand touched Luo qianrou, he was directly caught by Jilei. Seeing the wolf, his eyes flashed with anger, "looking for death!"

Feng Sirius's wrist immediately burst out a strong Qi force, but the Qi force had not rushed out, it was directly stopped by Jilei geisheng!

"What?" The Fengtian wolf has not yet responded. As soon as Jilei's hand is turned over, the Fengtian wolf is directly overturned on the ground. The sound of pounding the ground is transmitted to all people's ears, and the sound of bone cracking comes immediately. Feng Sirius frowned painfully, and the tingling sensation came from his back. Suddenly, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead! But just this fall, it is inevitable that the anger in Jilei's heart can not be eliminated. He wants to let those bad mouthed bastards know that even if it is a verbal violation,

will offend Jilei, and there is only one end to anger Jilei, that is, death!

Jilei looked at Fengtian wolf shivering on the ground, leaned down slightly, looked at the Fengtian wolf and said, "now, who is looking for death?"

Feng Sirius's face became extremely white, and his eyes were full of panic! Seeing Ji Lei approaching step by step, Feng Sirius panicked and called the disciples behind him: "come on! Kill him! Kill him for me

Hearing this, all the disciples came forward, but before they had taken a few steps, they were bound by a force and could not move. Luo qianrou pretty eyes of the middle silk did not hide the anger and killing intention, but still did not start, but Luo qianrou did not start, Jilei is not so kind! Lift up your palm, the aura shoots out of the palm, condenses into a sharp blade. When you walk among the disciples of the Sirius sect, every time you turn it, you will surely take a piece of life. This is like cutting grass, which makes the face of Fengtian wolf turn pale like paper. Where is there any desire to kill Jilei? Get up and run in the distance!

However, after a few steps, Feng Tian Lang's body was sucked back by Ji Lei. Ji Lei grabbed Feng Tian wolf's neck and said to him indifferently, "just Emperor Wu, do you think you can run away from me?"

The wolf was so scared that he begged Jilei for mercy and said, "please forgive me! It's the little one who doesn't know. It blinds my dog! Please let me live

"Let you live? Do you think it's possible? " Ji Lei didn't let go of his hand. He had more strength to hold the wolf, which made it difficult for him to breathe! His face was purplish and purplish. He was very sick.

Ji Lei looked at Feng Sirius, whose face was gradually pale, and snorted coldly: "tell me, do you have the courage to covet other people's wives and daughters now?"

"No, absolutely not. Even if I had the courage, I would not dare to do it again!" Feng Sirius was almost ready to cry without tears. He wanted to rob a color with his own strength, but he was not robbed. He was about to take his life and regret that his intestines were green!

When Ji Lei hears the speech, he holds the palm of Fengtian wolf's neck and slightly loosens a little. Fengtian wolf thinks Ji Lei is going to let go of himself. He is relieved. He suddenly becomes dark and can't see anything at all! And the eye, at this moment also came to make him suffocate the pain!

"Ah Feng Sirius screamed, and the whole person collapsed on the ground. His eyes were closed at the moment, and there was bleeding red liquid in his eyes. Just now, Jilei directly controlled the aura with his divine consciousness, and burst the eyes of Fengtian wolf!

In such a bloody scene, Xiao Changjian and the disciples of the magic sword alliance trembled, and their eyes were full of shock and fear. Can normal people do this?

Since he was quite shocked by Tianji's eyes, he didn't pay any attention to his evil eyes, so he didn't pay any attention to it

Fengtian wolf has not yet responded, and suddenly there is a pain in his mouth! His tongue, at this moment, has been inexplicably cut off half!

"The curse comes from the mouth. I remember later, I can't say such wild words to anyone!"

Ji Lei was like a judge in general, counting the number of the crime of Sirius, and in the short span of a few moments, Sirius was almost dismembered by Ji Lei, and became a * Ren Ren.

Fengtian wolf was stunned by intense pain and strong fear. Seeing that Fengtian wolf had passed out, Ji Lei said with some regret: "it's cheap to let you die like this. At the last moment, you can't feel anything."

With these words, Ji Lei no longer tortures Fengtian wolf. He takes up a knife and cuts off the head of Fengtian. The powerful Emperor Wu of the East, who is famous in the East, dies in the hands of Ji Lei like a plaything. Looking at the death of Fengtian wolf and the total annihilation of the Sirius gate, all the people in the magic sword alliance began to be afraid. Such a strong man would kill people without blinking an eye, and could not swing a butcher's knife at any time! You know, just now, the whole Sirius gate was directly destroyed by him, andIt's in a very relaxed, even playful way!

The death of Fengtian wolf can also be regarded as an evil spirit in Ji Lei's heart. He immediately turns around and looks at Xiao Changjian, "Hello! You

Seeing this, Xiao Changjian hurriedly asks Ji Lei, "what's your order?"

"Tell me how to get to Luoyun country!" Ji Lei orders Xiao Changjian to take out a map and says to him: "according to the route of the map, adults can find Luoyun Kingdom, but...

" but what? " Jilei frowned slightly.

"But now there are a group of strong Wuzong people fighting in Luoyun country. Adults still don't go in, so as not to make trouble." Xiao Changjian said cautiously.

"A group of Wuzong? When did the Luoyun Kingdom have such a strong fighting power? " Jiley has some doubts. Hearing this, Xiao Changjian could not help frowning, and said in some distress, "Alas... It's not because of the nine tripods...

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