"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for? " Ji Xing asks in a hurry. Hearing this, Ji Lei tells Ji Xing about how he separated from Luo qianrou after he came to the animal kingdom. After listening to Ji Lei's narration, Ji Xing's expression is dignified, but on the surface, he still nods.

"You and I go back to wake up the beast clan, where we can discuss in detail."

Ji Lei nodded, then said goodbye to Sikong Tianxing, followed Ji Xing, and walked out of the holy imperial city. Anyway, the Lord of the holy imperial city will not stop Jilei any more.


Just as Jilei wants to leave, a voice suddenly rings from behind. Ji Lei hears the words, stops his steps, turns around and looks at Miss long who is walking forward behind her.

Miss long comes to Jilei and asks Jilei, "are you going to leave here?"

"Do I know you..." Ji Lei looks at Miss long blankly. Hearing this, Miss long changes color. She grabs Jilei's arm and says, "how can you do this? If you take the champion, I should be yours, so you have to take me away "What?" Jilei didn't think about it at all, because the appearance of Ji Xing made the king of beasts no longer so important. However, Miss long said such a thing to herself, which really surprised Jilei. However, Miss long winked at Jilei, making him even more

unable to understand, and her eyebrows were full of doubts.

Miss long saw this and hugged Jilei. Such a bold move scared Jilei! They also startled the monsters of other orcs, and then they looked at Jilei with hostility. Looking at the scene, the Lord of the holy city shuddered. However, due to Ji Xing's existence, he was not easy to get angry, so he could only suppress his anger in his heart. However, he was also very complicated at this time. After all, Jilei's identity was human, and his daughter was a monster. In his mind, the idea of human being being being inferior had been deeply rooted in his mind, so he was still struggling to decide whether or not To betroth Miss long to Jilei. However, the idea of the city Lord of the holy emperor is obviously too worried. Before seeing the beauty of a woman, Jilei has to take it as her own. At this time, Jilei is indifferent, just because she is scared by Miss long. After a while, Jilei tries to break free from Miss long, but miss long dies, hugs Jilei's neck and whispers in his ear:

"bye Tod, take me with you... "

" what? " Ji Lei is stunned, but miss long repeats the sentence just now: "take me away, please..." Ji Lei and Ji Xing look at each other. Ji Lei's eyes are full of confusion, but Ji Xing's eyes can see something clear. Therefore, while Ji Lei is still hesitating, Ji Xing makes a decision and says to the Lord of the holy Emperor: "my brother has won the first place in your competition First, your daughter is the reward? You are very generous

Hearing this, the saint emperor's city Lord's face took a puff, but he could only force his face to smile, and the arbiters on one side all had a snicker on their faces. "There are rules to abide by. Since your daughter wants to go with my brother so much, what do you think of your father's choice?" Although Ji Xing asked the Lord of the holy emperor in a way of inquiry, her tone was completely instructive, or in other words, the tone of command. The holy emperor immediately understood that if he did not agree, he would make the immortal beast unhappy! This he still can not promise, hasten the chicken peck rice to nod like, "listen to the order of the god beast adult all wake up!"

This is the meaning of ignoring it. Ji Xing hears the speech and turns to look at Ji Lei. Ji Lei can only nod her head when she sees the situation. Then, under a lot of complicated eyes, she takes Miss long and heads for the awakening beast clan.

After leaving the city master of the holy emperor and the gaze of many eyes, Miss long quickly released Jilei and said hesitantly to Jilei with a red face: "thank you... Thank you."

"You're welcome," girai replied without reply, and immediately asked, "why do you have to leave the holy city?"

"Because I don't like it there!" Miss long replied earnestly, "I will not let go if I can take this opportunity to leave."

Walking to a fork in the road, Ji Xing stopped, and then said to miss long, "in this case, we'll leave."

On hearing this, Miss long glared and asked Ji Lei, "do you want to leave me alone?" "Didn't you say you just wanted to get out of here? I've brought you out. What else do you want? " Ji Lei is a little annoyed. In fact, he doesn't want to take Miss long with him. His behavior just now has made Jilei a little embarrassed. He hates the feeling of being forced to walk by the nose.

Seeing Ji Lei's face gushing a little uncomfortable color, Miss long tentatively approached Jilei and asked curiously, "are you angry?"

"No Jilei curled her mouth and thought about it. Then she changed her mouth and said, "I'm a little angry. No, what are you doing?"

"Of course I will follow you! As long as you don't go back to the holy city, you can go anywhere Miss long said righteously to Ji Lei, "I'm a girl, but I'm not weak! Maybe I can help you fight or somethingSmell speech, Ji Xing suddenly laughs out a voice, Ji Lei sees a situation, some helplessly sighs a tone, "what can I say, you follow me. Just stay out of trouble. "

"OK!" Miss long happily followed Jilei's pace, and then introduced herself: "my name is long Xinyan. Where are we going?"

"Wake up the beast clan." Jiley replied.

"Wake up the beast clan?" Long Xinyan's pretty eyes twinkled with expectation, "I've never been to awaken the beast clan!"

Ji Lei suddenly stops, turns her head, squints her eyes, and looks like she is not angry. Long Xinyan is a little scared. "How... What's the matter?"

"He thinks you are different from other monsters." The heart Yan Ji says from the front of heart Yan Ji: "isn't she really in front of her eyes? What's the difference? " "You never seem to be afraid of blood compared with high-level monsters, and you are always curious about everything around you. I admire you very much," Jilei said suddenly. After thinking for a long time, he added: "but don't be so happy when you get to the awakened beast family. After all, it's different from the holy city." Ji Lei has never been to the awakened orcs, but she knows with her toes that if she jumps like long Xinyan, the old ghosts of the awakened orcs will be furious. This is not just to attract some arbiters, but all of them are masters of the highest


Ji Xing takes Ji Lei and long Xinyan to a wide open space, and then takes out the Xingshen jade hanging from her neck. After a burst of green light, the three people's positions have undergone earth shaking changes. The courtyard in front of me looks very solemn and vast. In short, it is quite large. Ji Xing, who brought two people here, chanted "I haven't been back here for a long time" and stepped into the family. However, as soon as she entered the door, all three were shocked by the scene in the courtyard.

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