"My... Part of my strength..." in the ball, the chaotic voice appeared to be a little confused: "what strength do you need from me?"

"You just need to promise or refuse..." the voice did not explain for chaos. Hearing the speech, the chaos in the ball seemed to fall into a long silence, and then said: "OK! I promise you

After leaving the east dragon, the bird emperor had realized that the blockade in the upper world was a little loose. Xuan even said to Jilei and the southern emperor, "I'm going to reinforce the seal on the remaining two constellations."

After that, the bird emperor went straight to the north, and Jilei and the southern emperor of heaven saw this, and they were busy following up.

Beiyang star is quite a humble constellation. It looks like an isolated island floating in the vast upper boundary. "The North sun star does not even have a palace to hold fierce beasts." The bird emperor said to Ji Lei and Nan Tiandi on the way to the flight: "because Taowu is too strong, we can only seal it here. After all, this is the most isolated place from the world."

Ji Lei hears the speech and says to the bird emperor with twinkling eyes: "is Taowu powerful? You're going to have to spend so much time in this place to imprison it? " On hearing this, the bird emperor shook his head and said to Ji Lei, "it's not very strong, it's very terrible! Taowu's strength is more terrifying than poverty and chaos. It almost has the ability to devour the heaven and earth... Forget it, now I tell you that it should not be

understand, you follow me. "

Then, the bird emperor took Jilei to a star that looked quite deserted, and came to the yellow star with the main color. Jilei was suddenly in a trance. Here, he had some difficulty breathing.

"Taowu sucked in all the air here." The bird emperor then took out a pill from the Najie and handed it to Jilei and the southern emperor and said, "this is the Qi closing pill. After taking it, you can stay here for a long time."

On hearing this, they took the pill and swallowed it. After swallowing it, they immediately felt that there appeared some strange feeling in front of them. The Yellow Beiyang star seemed to become... Colorful?

"What's going on..." Ji Lei frowned suspiciously and turned his eyes to the southern emperor. However, the southern emperor also looked at Ji Lei with a puzzled look. It can be seen that he was not quite adapted to the sudden changes. "What's the matter?" Jilei looks around in disbelief. The surrounding scene is like a garden full of birds and flowers. There is a faint fragrance floating in the air. After taking a breath, Jilei immediately feels the extremely beautiful fragrance of

which lingers in Jilei's heart for a long time.

"Here is... Where?" Ji Lei's eyes have already appeared a little intoxicated. After looking around for a circle, he turned his mouth carelessly: "no matter where he is..."

that gesture is no different from that of a drunk.

However, his back is not covered by his back. Jilei wanders around in the garden full of birds and flowers, and his cheeks are flushed one after another. At this moment, the bird emperor has already disappeared. However, Jilei has no time to take care of the bird emperor. He just wants to sleep in the garden. The bird emperor frowned and looked at the two people in front of him. One was as lively as a madman, and the other was as deep as a dead man. His eyes were filled with dignity. The two people looked as if they were stupid and stupid.

but the bird emperor was at peace.

It is obvious that someone is manipulating here... The bird emperor's eyes are dignified, sweeping through the surrounding scenes, and suddenly see a figure suspended in front of the bird emperor.

"Long time no see?" That figure, appears to be some banter, but after seeing him, the bird emperor's eyes are suddenly filled with surprised eyes: "you... How did you come out?"

What is in front of me is no one else. It is the chaos that was trapped and locked in the green dragon hall by the bird emperor!

After seeing chaos, the bird emperor's eyes suddenly darkened down, and without saying a word, he rushed directly towards the chaos!

At the same time, the North sun star, but suddenly issued a strong shaking, under the ground, a crack suddenly appeared, and then, toward the surrounding, all over the place!


Under the ground drill out, is a huge beast, it did not turn into a human form, that terrible face, so that the bird emperor's heart suddenly sank down.

"Are you sure one dozen?" Chaos of the face, suddenly showed a smile of ridicule, and then a whistling, towards the bird emperor rushed away!

Bird emperor's pupil suddenly tight, palm in the sudden outbreak of a cyclone, to the chaos to fight! Chaos easily escaped the attack of the bird emperor, and then roared at the bird emperor again. The bird emperor's body was shaken to some extent and stopped at the same place. Taowu behind him took the opportunity to slap the bird emperor, patted him on the ground

and pressed it with his claws! "You kept us prisoner for so long! Try this for me now Chaos of the mouth filled with the cold, bird emperor smell words, spine suddenly cold, then, chaos will release a green breath towards the bird emperorAnd locked the bird emperor inside.

Bird emperor was trapped in the ball, want to break, but there is no way, looking at the chaos and Taowu, bird emperor's eyes, suddenly burst out of despair. When chaos appeared, Ji Lei and Nan Tian Di must have been trapped in the chaos. If they didn't get out in time, they would have died here. At the moment, the bird Emperor didn't care much about it. His body changed a lot and turned into a blue bird. His mouth suddenly gave out a clear cry, which broke through the ball and spread into several times In the ears of madness Jilei and the southern emperor. Jilei is walking around with a happy look on her face. Suddenly, a cry rings in her ear. Then Jilei wakes up and looks at the scene in front of her. Where is a garden full of flowers? In front of her, there is still a barren North Star. "You... What's the matter with you?" Ji Lei is surprised to look at the ball in front of her. The bird emperor is locked in front of her, which makes Ji Lei puzzled. When she hears the words, the bird emperor says to Ji Lei: "listen, the situation is very serious now. Chaos has escaped for some reason. Now there is no Taowu in Beiyang star. They don't know where to go. They may be going to the Western Palace or wushentian In short, your task now is very urgent. Together with the southern emperor, you have stopped them

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