This brilliant golden, but brought chaos countless fear, this golden, make chaos of the whole body, are beginning to shake!

Fear! Fear from the soul!

Chaotic eye Lu is frightened, stares at Ji Lei and exclaims: "you... How can you have matchless martial spirit?" In the chaotic memory, the master of the matchless martial spirit is a supreme martial god holding a golden dragon grain halberd, gold clothes, gold armour and cloud boots! But he's dead! In this world, there is no such thing as Wushuang Wushen! No

it's impossible to live in the world without two martial spirits!

Ji Lei heard the speech, and his eyes showed a light irony. He looked at the chaos and said, "there are many things you don't know, but you don't have a chance to know!"

Jilei said no, but chaos couldn't help laughing and said, "do you want to fight me with your strength? Are you afraid that you will die early enough? " The voice falls, a body shape then toward Ji Lei to rush to come! His body is filled with rage. Ji Lei's eyes sink. After carefully aiming at the chaos that rushes towards him, he suddenly raises the Dragon grain halberd, and then the halberd falls down!

"Bang!" Among the dragon patterns halberd, suddenly burst out the powerful and incomparable power! It may be due to its own reason. Chaos feels incomparably afraid of this power, but this instinctive reaction only lasts for a moment. The next moment, the ghost of Hun

will appear in front of Jilei! "Die!" The chaotic pupil sends out fierce killing intention. He lights up his sharp claws at Jilei's head. At this moment, Ji Lei lifts the Dragon grain halberd high. At the moment of lifting his hand, the Dragon grain halberd immediately bursts out the incomparable brilliance of

and collapses the chaotic attack instantly! "How can it be?" Chaos swept back dozens of steps. After stopping, his eyes were full of horror. He was shocked and even scared by the power suddenly displayed by Jilei! How could such a force come from a King Wu?!

Ji Lei holds a dragon halberd, just like a God. The golden light is scattered, which makes people can't see clearly. "Don't think about fighting. There's no soul in front of you. Just die. " Jilei has finally found a way to restrain chaos. Previously, he did not know that these fierce beasts would react so violently to the dragon pattern halberd! Now, Jilei is going to seize this point and take his life for fear!

"Hum... Do you think I'll be afraid of you if I have this thing..." in the eyes of chaos, a bloodthirsty killing intention suddenly broke out, and the eyes immediately became resolute. A black and red breath suddenly appeared in both hands!

"The art of big black sky!"

The screeching sound of chaos rings in Jilei's ear, and Jilei is calm. He sees that, beside him, a stream of black gas comes out, wandering slowly around Jilei's side like a free ghost!

Ji Lei's eyes gradually become more and more dignified. He can feel that the black air has a very strong power. This may be the last card of chaos. If we don't take it seriously, there may be a big trouble... All around are black that can't see five fingers, but Jilei is not afraid. He raises the Dragon grain halberd in his hand, which lights up Jilei like a candle All around, but only limited to covering Jilei himself. When Jilei looks around, he still can't see anything.

At this moment, the dragon pattern halberd is actually limited ability! "Ha ha! Do you think you can see things clearly in my black fog? I am invincible here Chaos sharp laughter in Jilei's ear rings! Ji Lei's eyes suddenly become cold and sharp, and a strong wind blows on the left. Ji Lei responds, and immediately draws to the left with a halberd, but it is empty.

"Here it is." All of a sudden, a laugh rang out on the right side of Jilei, and immediately a claw fell! There are three bloody marks on Jilei's arm! "Er!" Jilei grits her teeth and resists the pain from her arm, but it still doesn't help. All the black gas will rush up at the moment when chaos approaches Jilei. However, Jilei has no vision to catch chaos, let alone catch it, even if it is not visible!

Chaos's body is like a ghost shaking around Jilei's body. Jilei can't catch him at all. But if Ji Lei is at a loss, chaos will immediately show his claws and cut Jilei's body to attack the ground with black and blue wounds!

In the black fog burst out pieces of blood! In the dark fog, Jilei was attacked and bleeding all over! "Now do you know my strength?" Chaos's eyes were full of disdain and ridicule. After a moment, chaos raised his paw and said to Jilei in the dark: "I'm not in the mood to play with you now. This chaotic field is your graveyard! Die

The chaos voice falls, the sharp claw immediately toward Ji Lei fiercely cleaves past!

Under the serious injury, jiley can't feel where the chaos is at all! This makes Jilei very helpless! In the face of chaos, Jilei can only block blindly! But this block did not work at all!Chaos must kill a claw, towards Jilei! Jilei has chosen the wrong direction, waiting for him, only death!

"Ding --!" A clear voice suddenly rings in Jilei's ear. Jilei's eyes, which have been closed, slowly open their eyes after feeling that they don't seem to be dead.

"Ah..." Ji Lei glared and looked in front of him. There was a figure in front of him. Just now, chaos must be killed with one claw, which he resisted for himself!

"Jiley, you go quickly!" The bird emperor turned his head and yelled at Jilei.

It was the bird emperor who arrived in time! Ji Lei Wan didn't think of it! Chaos to see the bird emperor, eyes instantly cold down: "unexpectedly is you?! Didn't expect you to be able to break free of my cage? What a surprise to me...

"there are still things that surprise you a lot The bird emperor clenched his teeth and suddenly burst out a twisted breath in his palm!

"Feather of annihilation!"

The bird emperor's back suddenly unfolded a pair of wings, innumerable sharp feathers like arrows, facing chaos, straight stabbing!

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Feather is like a meteor shower from the sky, leaving no room for chaos to dodge, but chaos is not afraid of it. The eyes at the bird emperor suddenly become playful.

"Since you are here, I don't have to look at my family skills. It seems that it's too unreasonable..."

take a deep breath of chaos, and the black air is coming out! "The end of the natural disaster!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!