Ji Lei's side suddenly sounded a voice, heard the words Ji Lei quickly turned his head, but saw a young man standing on the side, his eyes showed a confused light.

Seeing this, Jilei quickly asked, "are you the God here? The fierce beast in the upper world is out of chaos. Please help... "Before Ji Lei finished his words, he was interrupted by the boy. He said in a confused way:" I am not a fairy, and there are no immortals here, but this is the Taiji world. It's not a place for ordinary people to come in. If you don't leave, I'm afraid someone will come to chase you. " Young card you are very young, his pupil light is so clear and pure, he does not know what kind of strength the great gods exist here, because he was born in the Taiji world, and grew up in the Taiji realm, so the immortals here are not ordinary ordinary ordinary people, but just high and low status, and for such noble and excellent people How can people understand human suffering?

The reason is that they don't know what kind of humble existence they have under themselves!

The boy didn't cheat Jilei. There is no immortal here, because for him, all the people here are not gods. His eyes are so pure and naive that he can't tell a lie, but what he knows is all lies.

The only thing he agreed with was that this is the Taiji world. Ordinary people are not allowed to come in, otherwise they will be severely punished!

But jiley, you can't leave here!

"No! I must go in! I want to find... I want to find... "Jilei's eyes suddenly become dull. After thinking about the rest, he said to the young man," I want to find the God of war! "

"Which God is the God of war? It's said that there is no God of war here! " The young man frowned and looked at Jilei and said, "look at you are not stupid. How can I explain to you? There are no fairies here "Then I'm looking for gouchen emperor!" Fortunately, Ji Lei remembered the name of the God of war at the last moment, but when he heard the speech, the pupil of the boy became more disdainful. "Do you know who the great emperor is? It is difficult for people in the Taiji world to meet the great emperor gouchen. Do you want to see the great emperor gouchen if you are a wild monkey who comes out of nowhere? Dream! Don't embarrass me here, even I don't know where the great emperor gouchen is Ji Lei looks like a monkey with broken clothes and pants. But now, Jilei has ignored so much. After hearing the young man's words, he said to him in a hurry: "you don't have to take me! I can find it myself! You put

and I'll go in! "

With that, Jilei is about to rush into the gate of heaven, but when Jilei is about to enter the gate, a strong and majestic suction suddenly pinches Jilei firmly! This force is majestic and tenacious. After being pinched, the torrent felt that it was difficult to breathe. Fortunately, it was not crushed to death by this force. After returning to the cloud, Jilei gasped for breath, but the young man was a little angry, "did you hear me talking to you? I'll be punished for letting you in! I don't want to be punished! You go

The young man yelled at Ji Lei with a red face. His small hand pointed to the gate of that day. Under the gate, there was a bottomless abyss. Ji Lei could know that after jumping down from there, he estimated that the whole person would fall back to the upper bound.

Jilei looked at the young man, and then ran towards the gate of heaven without looking back! How fast you are! Jiley has never been in this life!

"Trick me?" The boy sees Ji Lei without saying a word and rushes to the inside. He suddenly shows a worried look, and then he follows Jilei and rushes to the inside! So, two figures, one big and one small, were chasing after each other. Jilei tried hard to improve his speed, but he was not caught by the young man. But the boy himself was a fairy. Where could Jilei's speed be enough for him to see? After running away for less than one film, the young man caught up with Jilei directly!

"Hum! Run to me The young man throws himself on Jilei's back, and Jilei is directly thrown to the ground. The young man's eyes are full of angry look: "are you still running?" With that, the young man deliberately pressed Ji Lei's body with his buttocks, which made Ji Lei miserable. Now he knows that the so-called strong man of Wu Shen Tian, even if he is at the level of Wu Jun, can't withstand a blow like grass mustard in front of these Taiji immortals who are born with divine power!

Jilei frowned and said to the boy, "as long as you let me in! Whatever you want! I only want to see the great emperor gouchen once! "

"Haha! No way The young man seems to have a big heart for fun. He jumps on Jilei's body and says to him, "I don't know where you come from, but why are you so weak? It's hard to find a guy who is weaker than me in Taiji world! "

Weak! This word deeply hurt Ji Lei's heart. In the martial god heaven, besides the bird emperor and the South emperor, who dares to say that he is weak?! But... This is Taiji! The highest plane! No matter how strong the wushentian is, it is the most humble and insignificant existence here! Ji Lei's heart is like a knife. The upper world is in a mess, and the lower world is in danger. However, the Taiji world is peaceful. This can not help but give Jilei a feeling of freezing to death in the stinky road of wine and meat, although the immortals in the upper world may be connected to the bottomThe existence of both worlds is unknown.

The boy rides on Jilei. Jilei wants to struggle, but he is suppressed by death. When he is helpless, a voice suddenly rings: "huangda, you are playing again! The gate of heaven is empty! You boy, wait for the punishment Hearing the voice, the boy's face suddenly became sad. Then, an old figure suddenly appeared in front of Jilei and huangda. With a flick of the dust in his hand, huangda hurried forward to explain: "I'm not lazy

! I caught an intruder

"Oh? What intruder? " The old man swept the dust and got close to Jilei. He looked at him up and down and said, "how could there be such a weak person?"

Click! Jilei gets another stab in her heart...

"are you the intruder?" It seems that the old man's whisk is not stable. Every time he says a word, he will shake his own brush. Jilei nods. The old man says, "before I get angry, I'll leave quickly."

"But I..."

"OK, now I'm angry!" Seeing Ji Lei, the old man still dares to talk back. His white eyebrows are a little cluster, and then he blows the dust. A great momentum flies towards Jilei immediately! In front of Jilei, a golden light suddenly appears!

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