
Seeing Tang Yi smash the three envoys' defenses and shoot them down from the air, every envoys suffered a lot of injuries.

All the disciples in the five elements square were shocked with wide eyes.

The scene was silent. No one dared to speak. The needle could be heard.


It's not that no one dares to speak, but that everyone is so shocked that they can't speak. They are totally stunned and stupid!

When they looked at the sky, though some of them were thin and weak, they stood proudly like the God of war. They all showed the color of awe, worship and shock.

Tang Yi, it's really too strong, it's really shocking.

Why does a 15-year-old or 6-year-old disciple of the outer mansion have such a strong strength?

Even the three envoys are not rivals!

It's terrible, too.

Not to mention the disciples in the five elements square, even the palace owners and the three envoys who had just met Tang Yi, were shocked as violently as the waves.

Now they finally know why Tang Yi was so confident, why he dared to challenge the three envoys, and why he dared to say that the competition in the foreign government was meaningless at first.

The reason is not that Tang Yi is arrogant, but that he really has such strength!

From the challenge of Tang Yi to the defeat of his opponents one by one, from the fifth disciple in the list of foreign governments to the three envoys at the level of Zhan Zong, Tang Yi has subverted people's cognition again and again, and has shown stronger strength again and again.

Moreover, it seems that we haven't done our best. Every time we beat our opponents, it seems that we are very relaxed and comfortable. It's really shocking.

This also makes people more curious, admire and appreciate Tang Yi's strength.

At the same time, people are more and more confused about Tang Yi!

What is Tang Yi's identity?

Why do you have such strength?

If Tang Yi only comes from a small family, people don't believe it at all. How can a small family have such a strong strength? How can a small family have such powerful martial arts?

At this moment, in the minds of all people, Tang Yi is more mysterious than awe.


Tang Yi fell from the sky, and then came to the three envoys. He bowed down and bowed his hands. Then he apologized and said, "please forgive me, my three envoys. I just learned the martial arts from my disciples. I didn't master them very well. I didn't control them very well. So I lost my hand for a while and hurt the three envoys."

Before, the reason why Tang Yi didn't use all his strength was that he didn't want to hurt the three envoys, just wanted to split them out and defeat them.

After all, the three envoys are in a high position in the West mansion. If something goes wrong, it will be quite troublesome. Moreover, Tang Yi also wants to use the power of the West mansion to find the Revenge of destroying the gate. If he fails to kill the three envoys at the moment, and if the high-level of the West mansion blames him, then Tang Yi's plan will not be in vain?

Therefore, in order not to make trouble for himself and to achieve his own goal, Tang Yi was quite careful. When he made the move, he only used about six points of strength. Even his martial arts suppressed more than half of the power.

However, even though Tang Yi had left his hand, and even though he was careful, he still wounded the three envoys.

However, Tang Yi is not to blame.

After all, Tang Yigang has just purchased the martial arts of the middle level of Tianjie from the system store. Before he met with the three envoys, he did not use it once. He did not experience the power of the martial arts. He just estimated the power through the description of the level and the martial arts, as well as the comparison with other middle level martial arts used before It's just strength.

Tang Yi didn't have a clear understanding of the power of the "instant shadow and three unique beheadings", which led to the current situation.

Although he has left his hand, he still underestimates the power of the middle level martial arts of Tianjie and the power of the instant shadow three absolute cuts.

He forgot, this is a sword skill, and it's a sword skill of the highest level in heaven!

Sword skill is naturally stronger and more powerful than the same level of martial arts, and its strength, attack and destruction are naturally more terrible!

Because Tang Yi didn't figure this out, he missed and wounded the three envoys.

So in general, Tang Yi made a mistake.

Fortunately, it didn't have too serious consequences and didn't kill any special envoy. Otherwise, Tang Yi would be in great trouble.

"Did you just master the martial arts? Ha ha. "

Hearing Tang Yi's words, he was stunned by Tian He's special envoy, then he smiled, waved to Tang Yi, and said, "there is nothing unforgivable. There is no hurt in the competition? If you hurt me, I can only blame us for our incompetence. It's not your fault. But I have to say, Tang Yi, you really opened my eyes today. It's so powerful. A martial art just mastered has such power. How strong will it be when you integrate it? It's an expectation. Tang Yi, if you can, I really hope you come to my home and let me see how strong you will be in the future. "Hearing this, the special envoy of Gong Lian was slightly shocked, and could not help but say with some dissatisfaction: "to elder martial brother, you are a little too much How can I still secretly throw olive branch? Didn't Tang Yi say to consider it? "

Then he turned his head again and said, "Tang Yi, it's really not your fault. It's the same with dueling. It's always inevitable to get hurt. Even if we lose our hand and die in your hand, it's not surprising. In terms of martial arts, it's normal to fight or kill. In addition, the martial art just now is really powerful. When we saw it, junior brother Chu and I were numb. If we had not prepared for it, if we had many means, maybe today next year would be our memorial day. "

At last, the special envoy of Gong Lian did not forget to add, "Tang Yi, I don't think you are suitable for Xiang's family. It's better to come to my Gong's family."

Hearing the words supplemented by Gong Liansheng, I looked at the special envoy of Gong Liansheng scornfully at Tianhe and the special envoy. Before I said that I was too much, didn't I fear that I would fall behind others and start soliciting? It's hypocrisy. "

on the other hand, Chu Wenxuan's impression of Tang Yi has changed greatly. The more he appreciates him, the more he values him. At this time, he also said:" compared with the discovery of Tang Yi as a talent, it's nothing to suffer from this injury. I've said the conditions, and it can be more generous. Tang Yi, as long as you come here, our Chu family will give you 100% weight See. "