"This is..."

Looking at these six huge mountain like corpses, everyone was surprised.

Although they don't know what monster's body is, they know that the monster's momentum must be very good in terms of appearance, momentum and the residual power breath on the body!

Even these six monsters have more powerful breath than the beast God level monsters they know!

"It's said that in addition to the fog and many monsters, there are some monsters in the core circle of the forbidden area! These monsters are said to exist beyond the level of God of war. And these six monsters are beyond the level of God of war, right? Otherwise, why is there such a horrible breath of power? "

Someone saw the body of the six dragon eagles and said in surprise.

Hearing this man's words, people nodded their heads and expressed their approval.

"Have you noticed? All the monsters that we met before, no matter they are level 7 or level 8 or level 7 or level 8 monsters, are burned to ashes, and these six monsters... "

At the moment, there are people who want to talk and stop, which makes people wonder.

"These six monsters are corpses!"

Someone added the last thing the man didn't say.

"Whether it's a beast at the level of nine beast emperors or a beast at the level of ten beast gods, it's all burned, but the six monsters haven't been burned, that is to say, the six monsters are even stronger than the beast at the level of beast gods."

"Because these six monsters are powerful, the man who killed the forbidden area could not burn them!"

"These six monsters should be monsters beyond the level of beast gods."

"If you can kill monsters beyond the level of beast God, and you can kill six at one time, then this man Hiss! "

Everyone, when you say a word, I immediately straighten out the context of the whole thing.

And there are six beings above the level of beast God killed here, which shocked the members of the bearded Han team.

Of course, what shocked them most was the man who killed the six monsters.

"Big brother, look, there is a mountain ahead."

When the crowd was shocked, suddenly someone pointed not far away and exclaimed.

Not far away, a mountain at least hundreds of meters high stands in front of them.

"Mountain? How can there be mountains here? "

Hearing this, the bearded man took a suspicious look at the direction pointed by the warrior. However, when he saw the so-called "mountain", he widened his eyes and said unbelievably, "no, it's not a mountain That's, that's a monster! "


All the people looked at it, and immediately saw the beast that the bearded man said.

Only in their distance, there is a huge and incomparable thing like a "mountain".

Before that, they didn't look carefully. They didn't find any special place in the mountain.

At this moment, after being reminded, they suddenly found that this mountain is different from the ordinary mountain.

There is a piece of red land at the foot of the mountain, and this piece of red land is different from the surrounding land. The surrounding land is the color of ordinary soil. Only under that strange "mountain" is such a red land.

The land is not formed naturally, but

It's like being dyed red by blood!

In addition, the mountain is also potholed, with countless red, which looks not like the earth or the hell like rocks, but like the skin of monsters. Moreover, it has also been smashed, a mess of skin.

Is this really a monster?

Is there such a big monster?

People looked at the huge corpses of a group of people, surprised.

At the beginning of seeing this huge mountain like corpse, some people thought it was a mistake for their eyes. They thought that the monster corpse in front of them was just a mountain whose landform was too similar to the monster's skin.

However, when they saw the head of the monster body from a different angle, they stopped doubting.

Isn't NIMA the beast they saw before, like an eagle?

as like as two peas, or even a bigger figure, all the feathers are exactly the same.

It's just that the huge corpse of a monster like a mountain. The feathers on it have become more disorderly and messy because of the serious damage. It's a little unrecognizable.

"Is there such a huge monster in the forbidden area? I'm afraid it's several kilometers in size? Is it hundreds of meters high? It's too big. "

"as like as two peas before six, if there is strength beyond the level of the war god, then... What kind of strength does this monster have? "

"Hiss!! It's terrible. Even if I die, I feel the pressure of all the previous works on this monster. ""There's a horrible, chilling air on it."

"It's so huge. What level of monster is it?"


After confirming that the "mountain" in front of us is indeed a monster, people began to talk about it. Everyone was shocked and everyone looked shocked.

Even the bearded man, who was the leader, looked at the huge beast like a mountain. He was shocked and his eyes were unbelievable.

It's the first time for him to see such a huge monster.

And this is the first time he has ever met.

If you want to say what level of monster this beast is, the bearded man has not reached that level. He can't find it. Let him guess, he can't guess.

But he knew that this beast must be very advanced!

At least higher than the six smaller monsters before!

The big bearded man guessed that the six monsters of the small one were beyond the level of beast God. Since they were beyond the level of beast God, then

This monster, which is bigger than one, looks many times stronger than those six smaller ones. What level of existence is it?

It's hard to imagine.

In ordinary times, let alone this kind of monster beyond the level of imagination. Even if it is at the level of beast God, the bearded man has never seen it, or even dare not see it at all. He can be beaten to death with one slap. Where dare he see it?

At the moment, a monster beyond imagination died in front of him, which made him extremely surprised.

And The more advanced the beast is, the more valuable it will be. At this moment, such a huge and advanced beast died in front of him


The bearded man's eyes were shining, looking at the body of a giant beast like a mountain in front of him, as if he had seen a golden mountain, and he looked very excited.

As expected, both risks and benefits coexist in the wealth and wealth risks. The higher the risk, the higher the income. For example, at this moment, they risk a huge risk to break into the core circle of the forbidden area, and get rich returns.

At present, the body of this giant beast is their high reward!

With the corpse of this giant beast, plus the corpse of the six small No.1 monsters, let alone one heavenly jade God paste, they can exchange even one hundred and one thousand heavenly jade God paste!

These corpses, especially those of the giant beast, are priceless!

Anyway, they did!

I didn't expect that there was a pie falling in the sky, and they met it.

At this moment, bearded man no longer studies what happened in the forbidden area. No matter who killed these monsters, the first thing he has to do is to collect these priceless treasures in front of him!

Thousands of meters of carcasses, but it's not easy to deal with!

Thinking of this, the bearded man was so hot hearted that he hurriedly ordered his brother to start dismembering the carcass of the giant beast. Before anyone else found the change here, he would dispose of the carcass of the monster and take it away as soon as possible.

"Five younger sisters are saved, and we have nine monsters, and we are about to rise!"

Looking at the body of the beast slowly being collected by them, the bearded man's eyes were burning and excited.