When we joined the Shenshen prison mercenary group, we were all of the same mind. With similar talent and strength, the members of the Shenshen prison mercenary group had a very fast training speed.

Although they are not as good as yitianming, they can't be too slow. The first group of old members they joined have all crossed the saint level barrier and reached the saint level!

In other words, in addition to the strong man yitianming, there are at least a dozen strong men at the level of Saint division in the prison mercenary corps!

Plus the name of Yi Tianming, and then there are more and more warriors at the level of Saint division to join the prison mercenary regiment. At last, they, a strong mercenary regiment, have nearly 30 warriors at the level of Saint division!

Those young people behind Yi Tianming are all martial artists at the level of Saint division!

How can Yi Tianming be without the strength of a warrior who surpasses the level of a saint and at least 30 masters?

As soon as he spoke, the flying cloud sky robber's warship just stopped at this time, and began to arrange troops and arrange the array. He was ready to launch an attack.

"Big brother, look!"

The young man in charge of the wait-and-see is Li Yuanqing. When he discovers the situation of flying cloud robber, he immediately shouts to Yi Tianming.

"I see it!"

Yi Tianming nodded and said: "the people of flying cloud robber are ready to attack. It seems that what I guess is right. They are Tang Yi like our target! In addition, to launch an attack at this moment, we also want to tell the other side of the chariot that we are friends and non enemies. "

"What shall we do now?" Asked Li Yuanqing.

"Prepare to attack and respond to them! We also told them that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. At the same time, we can give Tang Yi of Tianxing college, a xiamawei, together with the people of Feiyun tianthief! "

Yi Tianming thought about it and said.


Smell speech, Li Yuanqing head a bit, immediately backed down, arranged to attack.



In the chariot pulled by nine lions and monsters, four or fifty warriors in white armor stood in a respectful line, waiting for everyone's expression.

Each of the four or fifty armed men in white armor has at least the strength of Saint level, and each of them exudes a strong atmosphere.

However, with such strength, they can only stand on the periphery, as if they were on the edge like the lower bodyguards.

And in front of these white armor warriors, there are also dozens of warriors in black armor. These black armor warriors stand higher than the white armor warriors, obviously, the status is higher.

Moreover, their strength is stronger than that of the warrior in white armor.

The breath of these warriors in white armor is at least the breath of the strong at the level of the saint division.

That is to say, these white armor warriors all have the strength of the strong at the level of the saint division!

However, all of them stand in front of two people, whether they are black or white.

And those two people are two old people.

One of the old men, Eagle hooked nose, showed a breath similar to that of the white armor warrior, but it was stronger than that of the white armor warrior.

The other old man, with white clothes and white hair and white beard, was awe inspiring. His breath was as vast as an abyss.

That's right. This chariot and the people in it are the people sent by Emperor Yuwen Zhenxiong!

The white armor warrior is the sky guard trained by Yuwen Zhenxiong.

The black armor warrior is the black guard that Yuwen Zhenxiong spent a lot of money to attract.

The old man with the eagle's nose hooked is not someone else. He is the counselor in front of the eldest prince, Yun Lao, and Yun Zhongxiu.

The old man in white clothes, white hair and white beard, who is immortal and awe inspiring, is Chang Lao, who was invited out of the mountain by Yuwen Zhenxiong at a great cost.

Originally, there were only 30 members of Tianwei and only five members of Heiwei. However, Yuwen Zhenxiong was afraid that it was not safe enough. In case of emergency, he spent a lot of money to recruit 20 warriors with Saint level to join Tianwei temporarily.

Five warriors with the level of Saint division were invited to join the black guards.

Therefore, Tianwei and Heiwei have the scale now!

At the moment, the strength in the chariot is really terrible. If we send it out, it will be enough to wipe out any force in the tianwu kingdom!

"Chang Lao, the warship shining with light gold in front is our goal this time."

Yun Zhongxiu pointed to the battle ship of the Western unification where Tang Yi was, and said respectfully to Chang Rushan.

"Oh? In that warship, there is Tang Yi, a young man who, as you say, was only seventeen years old and had reached the level of Saint division? "

Asked Chang Rushan.

"That's it! According to our spies, Tang Yi was on this warship, but... ""However, we seem to have some troubles," he said. There are other people here besides us. "

"You're talking about the hundreds of ships, and the silver ships?"

What can be seen by Xiuzhong in the cloud, with the strength of Chang Rushan, can't be seen. Naturally, he also saw the warship of Feiyun tiansteal and the silver warship of Tianyun Guoshen prison mercenary regiment. However, because of the closed door for many years, Chang Rushan didn't know the power represented by these warships.

At this time, yunzhongxiu pointed to the location of feiyuntianpilfering warships and said: "it seems that there are feiyuntianpilfering warships. It's the first time I've seen so many warships sent out by the flying cloud robber, and the one with such a large volume in the middle. Obviously, this time, the flying cloud robber has sent out an extremely terrifying force, and there are also big people in it. And over there, I haven't seen the silver warship, and I don't know where it is. "

"Oh, sky robber I heard of it! They are a real problem. As for the silver warships I also felt a terrible power on it. Obviously, there is a strong person of my level above, but No matter where they are or how strong they are, if you dare to stop me from killing Tang Yi, I will kill them all and ensure the completion of the task. "

Chang Rushan nodded his head, then said confidently.

"Then you will grow old."

He arched his hands in the clouds and said respectfully.

After all, if there is such a saying as "often as a mountain", then it's OK.

He is very confident about Chang Rushan's strength.

Others may not know the strength of Chang Rushan, how terrible Chang Rushan is, and how terrible the strength is, but he knows it. He has seen it with his own eyes, and often Rushan has shot to death those who are superior to the level of Saint division!

That power, that terrible power, it's terrible.

No matter how much trouble there is, it can definitely be solved.

Therefore, although there are two groups of forces around the Tang Yi warship at the moment, and there are fleeting fleets of flying cloud and sky stealing warships, yunzhongxiu is not too flurried.