"It's like an elephant, but... Crazy folding three waves is the forging skill of a Heavenly Master forging master. How can a 17-year-old boy master it?"

"This sound sounds mysterious and mysterious, and has certain rules and rhythm. Even if it is not 'crazy folding three waves', it must be a very advanced forging skill! Tut Tut, it seems that we underestimated this special envoy of the West mansion. "

"'crazy three waves'! Even a great master like master Su has not mastered these skills. It is incredible that a 17-year-old special envoy of the West mansion has mastered these skills. "

"If the person in the independent advanced forging room is not a 17-year-old special envoy of the West mansion, I now think it is a Heavenly Master forging."


All the forgers present said one after another.

When hearing the wonderful triplet, everyone only thought they heard an advanced forging skill, so they looked surprised and didn't think much.

Although they feel familiar with the sound, they are not associated with other forging skills.

However, when someone said that the sound was very similar to the forging technique of "crazy folding three waves", they suddenly came over and contacted one after another, and suddenly found that it was really very similar to "crazy folding three waves".

Moreover, the more people listen to the sound, the more they feel that the sound is strangely similar to their own forging skill, "crazy folding three waves".

After knowing this, everyone of the forgers present widened their eyes, and everyone looked shocked and unbelievable.

After all, you should know that it's' crazy folding three waves'!

"Crazy folding three waves" is a skill that can only be mastered by a Heavenly Master forging master!

It belongs to a very advanced forging skill.

This skill can only be learned by accumulating countless experience and mastering a certain way of forging.

Even master Su, who has the highest level of forging, has not mastered this skill.

However, at the moment, such skills actually appeared in the hands of a 17-year-old special envoy of the western government, and were displayed by a 17-year-old special envoy of the western government!

This made all the forgers present incredible.

Even master Su looked at the independent high-grade forging room with a shocked face and looked very surprised.

However, it was not only this that surprised the forgers.

After a period of time, the sound changes again in the independent advanced forging room.


This time, although the sound is still crisp, it is another taste, which has become the sound of metal attack.

Moreover, there were nine sounds in a row. After a pause, there were nine more.

"This is... Crazy vibration hammer method! I'm sure this is the crazy vibrating hammer method! Moreover, it's the Ninth Section of the crazy vibrating hammer method. One hammer makes nine rings! My God! "

Hearing the sound from the independent high-level forging room, some forgers exclaimed again, shocked and pale!

When they heard the speech, they also showed a look of shock and discoloration. Everyone opened their mouth and couldn't believe it.

At the moment, almost all the people present can put an egg in their mouths!

Hearing the words of the ninth paragraph of the crazy vibrating hammer method, the forgers present were even more shocked and pale than before.

Although people were surprised by the previous "crazy three waves", they still maintained a skeptical attitude, wondering whether it was "crazy three waves" or other similar skills.

After all, there are very few people who can learn the technique of crazy folding three waves. No one can be sure. That is the "crazy folding three waves" that can only be learned by Tianshi forging master.

So even if they were surprised, the forgers present had reservations.

But now it's different!

At the moment of surprise, the forgers have no reservation at all!

All the forgers present know and have studied the crazy vibration hammer method. They know what kind of skill it is.

In a word, the crazy vibrating hammer method is not a rare forging skill. It can only be said that it is a general medium and high-level forging skill. As long as it reaches the master level, everyone can learn and learn it!


Learning is one thing, mastering how much is another.

Although everyone can learn it, the most you can master is the third or fourth paragraph of the crazy vibrating hammer method, that is, one hammer makes three sounds, or one hammer makes four sounds.

The forgers present can generally master it to this extent.

Master Su, a great master forging master, can master a little higher than everyone else. He has reached the fifth section of the crazy vibrating hammer method, that is, one hammer and five rings.

This is the limit of master Su!

It's impossible. It's impossible.

Only when forging reaches the level of Heavenly Master can it break through this limit.

Breaking through the Heavenly Master, you can reach the six sections of crazy vibration hammer method at most, just one hammer and six rings!!

It's impossible to improve any more.

You should know that the higher the crazy vibration hammer method is, the more difficult it is to improve. If you want to improve a section and make more noise, you have to pay a hundred times or even a thousand times of effort. Even some forgers can't improve a section or make more noise by making use of their lifelong experience.

It can be seen how difficult it is to reach the high section with the crazy vibrating hammer method.

If the crazy vibrating hammer method can be promoted to six sections, even the forging skill of "crazy overlapping three waves" can not be comparable.

This forging skill level is higher than "crazy overlapping three waves"!

Advanced forging skills that can only be mastered at the level of Heavenly Master!

In other words, although the crazy vibrating hammer method seems to be only a medium and high-level forging skill that forging masters can learn, even those advanced forging skills cannot be compared if they can cultivate it to a high level.

However, the six sections of the crazy vibrating hammer method are comparable to the advanced forging technique of "crazy folding three waves", so

At the moment, the sound of crazy vibrating hammer method comes out in the independent advanced forging room, and it's still nine rings per hammer!

That's the Ninth Section of the crazy vibrating hammer method!

What level of forging skill is this equivalent to?

All the forgers present were wide eyed and could not believe it.

Everyone can't believe that the young envoy in the independent advanced forging room can shake the hammer method wildly, and it's still nine paragraphs!

A hammer makes nine rings!

What concept is this?

The forgers present have studied and worked hard together for a lifetime, and have never seen anyone who can perform the Ninth Section of the crazy vibrating hammer method.

Even those heavenly masters can't do this.

Being able to use nine sections of the crazy vibrating hammer method is even more shocking and unbelievable than the forging technique of "crazy overlapping three waves".