Hearing the words of Feng Jinrong, the Lord of sacred wind country, a group of representatives of counties and countries picked up their wine glasses and stood up.


The wind lifted up and exhausted.


All the representatives of counties and countries also looked up and drank all the wine in their hands.

"Sit down."

After drinking, Feng Jinrong, the Lord of the sacred wind Kingdom, once again called the people to sit down.

After the people sat down again, Feng Jinrong, the Lord of the sacred wind country, said again, "I think everyone should know the main purpose of greeting the representatives of the counties and countries this time. I won't repeat it here."

"In addition to the main purpose, I also want to invite everyone to come. I also want to give you a good dinner, talk about my intentions, and show the importance our sacred wind attaches to you. At the same time, you can also meet before the game, make contacts, communicate and cultivate feelings, so as not to affect the friendship between each other after the competition. We are all talented heroes in China. I hope you will have friendship first and competition second. "

Hearing the speech, the representatives of the counties and countries present agreed, with a kind face.

"Although we are not in the same Prefecture and country, we all belong to the same principality and can be regarded as colleagues. Since we are all colleagues, naturally, friendship is the first and competition is the second."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. We won't hurt our harmony."

"Yes, it's just a competition. Just try your best. After the competition, everyone can still live in harmony."

"The 366 prefectures here are all brothers. Naturally, we will work together to contribute to the sacred wind."

"In addition to proving our strength, we also want to make friends with other counties and countries. As the saying goes, more enemies than more friends."


Everyone said perfunctorily.

That's right, but we don't fully believe what Feng Jinrong, the Lord of the sacred wind Kingdom, said.

Friendship first, competition second?

This is a complete joke.

The representatives of all the counties and countries present were very clear in their hearts and would not believe such words at all.

You know, what is the final decision of the county country competition?

That determines the resources of a county!

How many resources you want to obtain depends on what ranking you need to achieve. The higher the ranking, the more resources you can get.

In this case, who is friendship first and competition second?

Who doesn't go all out to get a place?

Not to mention friendship, it's good not to die!

It's about resources and the future of the warrior. It all needs to be fought with your life.

Survival of the fittest, martial arts must compete, which has always been the rule of Shengwu mainland.

Therefore, the people only listened to half of the words of Feng Jinrong, the Lord of the sacred wind country, and the other half didn't care, and the answer was very perfunctory.

Seeing the look of the people, Feng Jinrong, the Lord of the sacred wind country, can also guess what they think, but similarly, he doesn't care.

What he wants to express is that friendship comes first and competition comes second?

That's what I said.

And it's one thing to call people over and draw lots. It's also one thing to let everyone meet before the big martial arts competition between counties and countries, but it's not necessary to let everyone deal with, cultivate feelings and get along well with each other.

Apart from drawing lots, this banquet is not for everyone to live in harmony and cultivate feelings.

Feng Jinrong, the Lord of sacred wind Kingdom, said again, "well, back to business, let's start drawing lots next. But before the draw begins, let me explain the rules. "

Hearing the speech, the people sat upright and serious.

Feng Jinrong paused and continued: "the original lottery rule is very simple, that is, to draw according to the position number where everyone sits. No. 1 is the first, No. 2 is the second, and so on. Position 366 is the last. "

"However, considering that there are more than 300 people on the scene, the players sitting after 300 will wait for a very long time, so I temporarily changed the rules. Let the rules be more humanized, and let the players sitting in the back row change to the front row, so that the strong players can draw lots faster. "

Hearing the speech, everyone moved in their hearts.

Even Tang Yi's eyes lit up and the secret way was coming.

As long as you are not stupid, you can hear the meaning of Feng Jinrong's words.

Yes, what Feng Jinrong expressed is that he can change his position and draw lots in advance!

Before that, he learned from the waiter that there was an opportunity to change his position. Now, after listening to the introduction of Feng Jinrong, the Lord of Shenfeng country, he knew that the opportunity had come.

The chance to change positions here is in the rules of the lottery.

Other people, like Tang Yi, know that this lottery will not be so simple, and it can't be done with just one draw.

If you just smoke it, you won't make such a big show.

What's more, they won't get any seat numbers to cause disputes among the representatives of counties and countries.

After all, everyone is a leader in all countries. They are unparalleled geniuses and have their own pride. Who would be willing to sit in the back row?

Who is willing to sit in a countdown position?

No one wants to.

Therefore, this seat number is very important.

Because of this seat number, the atmosphere at the scene was full of gunsmoke. We had an invisible confrontation with our eyes and limbs. I don't know how many times.

If it weren't for the sacred wind palace and the Lord of the sacred wind country still sitting in the first place, maybe he would have been a regiment now.

Therefore, when Feng Jinrong, the Lord of the sacred wind Kingdom, said that there was a chance to change positions, all the people present, especially the representatives of the counties and countries sitting in the back row, were eager to try, and their eyes were full of war.

The fighters in the front row are also full of vigilance.

Only those martial artists in the seed counties in the front row showed a careless attitude.

Of course, the reason why seed counties can become seed counties is that their players are strong, occupy the top position for a long time, and even squeeze into the top ten from time to time.

Although other counties and countries sometimes have a good performance, they have never entered the top ten and can't work hard.

The position of the top ten has been firmly occupied by the seed counties.

Sometimes it's these ten seed counties, and sometimes it's the other ten. In short, the top ten positions are always dominated by the teams of seed counties, and there won't be any accidents.

It can be seen that the strength of seed counties is much stronger than that of other counties.

Therefore, how can the representatives of these seed counties care about the challenges of other counties?

I don't care.

They only care about the representatives of the counties that belong to the seed counties, and ignore all the others.

Other representatives of counties and countries that belong to seed counties and countries are sitting in the front row. There is almost no need to challenge. If there is a need to challenge, only the representatives of counties and countries sitting in the back position.

How can such representatives of counties and countries be opponents of representatives of seed counties and countries?

How could the representatives of the seed counties pay attention to it?