If you can't use these state skills today, it's extremely unfavorable for Tang Yi.

After all, in addition to the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin, next, Tang Yi has to deal with the final boss of the eternal temple!

In the face of the final boss, if Tang Yi is not in full bloom.

If a few states are missing.

That would be very bad.

For the final boss, the success rate of the challenge will also become very low.

This is something Tang Yi can't accept.

Therefore, before Tang Yi faced so many monsters and even met 15 powerful eternal Griffin Dharma protectors, he didn't open any state.

He didn't even turn on any state when he spent one million holy points to buy the second level Holy Level rage pill.

However, at this time, Tang Yi opened the additional skill of ziyao Tianxing ring, the power of Tianmei and the aura of dignity.

This is because the cooldown of these two additional skills is very short. The power of Tianmei is only 600 seconds, while the cooldown of the aura of the foot of dignity is only three hours.

The former is ten minutes!

After ten minutes, it can be used again. The cooling time is very short.

After use, you can use it again as long as you wait ten minutes.

This will not affect the next battle against the final boss.

Therefore, Tang Yi chose to turn on this state skill.

The latter is also true of the aura of dignity. The cooling time is only three hours.

Three hours was just a flick of the finger for Tang Yi.

Maybe the battle with the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin is not over yet. Three hours have passed.

Even if Tang Yi's progress is faster and can quickly kill the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin, three hours is not long for him.

It's a big deal. Just wait.

Wait three hours, and when the state and skills recover, he will step on the sixth floor to challenge the final boss. It's not too late.

Therefore, this skill can still be used.

In addition to the power of heavenly beauty and the aura of dignity, other state skills can't be used.

The cooling time of other state skills is too long to be used at all.

In other words, what Tang Yi can use now is just three state martial arts: the second level Holy Level rage pill, the power of Tianmei and the foot of dignity.

There is nothing else.

However, the martial arts of these three states have also given Tang Yi a great bonus, which is enough for Tang Yi to use.

In this way, Tang Yi swallowed the second level holy order rage pill, opened the power of heavenly beauty and the aura of dignity, immediately raised the ice God bow in his hand again and launched an attack on the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin.

"Arrow of destruction!"


Black arrows roared out!

The same martial arts, the same attack.

What's different is the power of attack.

With the blessing of the three state skills, Tang Yi's strength has increased hundreds of times.

The increase in strength immediately made the power of the arrow of destruction very terrible!

However, in the face of Tang Yi's arrow, the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin is still that kind of indifferent look.

It seems that with its strong defense, it can completely ignore any attack by Tang Yi.

But the next second.

The eternal human faced eight winged Griffin knows it's wrong.

As the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin did not escape, the black energy arrow accurately blasted on the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin.


With a loud noise, the fierce power broke out.

The body of the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin suddenly shook, and its huge body hundreds of meters high unconsciously stepped back out!

Although it would not be blown away by the arrow, the huge body was also blown backward.


It didn't stop until we went back several steps, nearly hundreds of meters.

The location of the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin was blasted. At this time, it was blackened, and countless fluff had been burned up, revealing the inner skin.

At this time, the inner epidermis is blurred, as if fluff and flesh were corrected and mixed together, looking very disgusting and terrible.

Although such damage is not fatal, nor will it seriously hurt the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin, it also brings it no small damage!

This blow injured the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin, that's for sure.

Tang Yi was overjoyed to see that he succeeded in one attack. He thought that he could kill the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin as long as he made a few more attacks.

And the other side.

"Human, you want to die!"

The eternal human faced eight winged Griffin was hurt and immediately became very angry. A terrible and strange face became more distorted.

Tang Yi did not answer the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin, nor did he talk more nonsense with it, and directly pulled the bow again.


The black energy arrow is shaped again.

With the addition of Tianmei's power, Tang Yi's attack will become stronger and stronger.

After 10 seconds, you can increase attack power by 2000% and power by 20000 points.

After 30 seconds, you can increase attack power by 2500% and power by 30000 points.

With the passage of time, Tang Yi's attack power will become higher and higher and more terrible within 180 seconds.

So in this time, Tang Yi will continue to attack and blow all his attacks on the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin.

In this way, we can do more damage to the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin.


Condenses a black energy arrow. After shooting it, Tang Yi pulls the bow again, condenses a black energy arrow again, and then shoots it again.

In this way, Tang Yi kept pulling his bow and shooting black energy arrows.

When his strength was not enough, Tang Yi immediately took the holy magic pill to reply quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Yi shot dozens of black energy arrows, which set up a long snake array and flew at the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin!

Next moment!

"Boom, boom!"

Tang Yi's black energy arrows hit the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin one after another, and immediately beat the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin back!

The arrow of destruction also constantly leaves a terrible wound on the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin.

In the blink of an eye, the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin was in a mess. Many parts of his body had been blackened. His flesh and blood were mixed with fluff, looking incomparably terrible.

As Tang Yi's attack becomes stronger and stronger, as Tang Yi's attack continues to fall on the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin, the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin can't bear it at last!

"Human, you are dead!"

It roared violently, and eight pairs of huge wings suddenly fanned.


The strong wind suddenly rose, and the huge body of the eternal human faced eight winged Griffin suddenly flew into the air, like a huge dark cloud blocking out the sky and the sun.