Lin Changlao saw that Tang Yi was really without a thing. He nodded his head and then came to the princess of God's realm. He asked, "are you all right, your highness?"


Shenyuan frost also shook his head.

At this time, her eyes gathered on Tang Yi.

She is more curious about Tang Yi!

She was more curious about Tang Yi than why the waste sword on the ground would burst and hurt people!

I wonder why Tang Yi has such a magical way to avoid water.

I wonder why Tang Yi was attacked by the waste sword, but he was safe and sound without any influence.

She was more curious about Tang Yi than those useless swords that suddenly burst into attack.

When elder Lin saw that the princess of Shenyu was also safe, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "be careful, there is something wrong with this sword tomb. If I guess correctly, this sword tomb is not a sword tomb formed by fierce war, nor a sword tomb formed by the forger abandoning a large number of waste swords, but... It is a sword tomb built by some powerful creatures in the third case! Although the probability of this situation is very low, and it will be a level of death, I think we are likely to encounter this situation now. "

"What? Is this a sword tomb constructed by some kind of creature? What creature? "

When commander Fang heard the speech, he asked in surprise.

At this time, all the people present focused on elder Lin and wanted to see what elder Lin said.

Even Tang Yi looked at elder Lin.

"Yes, this should be a sword tomb constructed by some powerful creatures bred in heaven and earth! It summoned countless waste swords and created this place. " Elder Lin said.

"The creatures bred by heaven and earth?"

The Dharma protector Qian was puzzled and obviously had not heard of it.

Elder Lin continued to explain: "the creatures bred by heaven and earth are the creatures formed by absorbing the power of heaven and earth and accumulating the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent. Such creatures are very powerful and have great power. Often, as long as they are born, they can set off a bloody storm and fall by countless people.

Of course, I have never seen such a special creature, but I have seen their description of such creatures from the secret school of some great power. Moreover, their description is a hundred times more terrible than what I said. In short, the Holy Spirit conceived by heaven and earth is a very terrible creature with great energy.

In addition, if I guess correctly, the creatures here should be a kind of sword creatures, which are more powerful than ordinary creatures! Ordinary creatures can cause misery and create a terrible crisis, not to mention sword creatures. It's an unparalleled catastrophe! "

Everyone present was surprised by elder Lin's story. Some felt that elder Lin was exaggerating, while others felt that this kind of sword creature was too scary.

"Elder Lin, is that true? Are the creatures bred by heaven and earth really so powerful? And there are really sword creatures here? " Qian asked.

"What I said is true! Absolutely no cheating! The creatures bred by heaven and earth are indeed very powerful, and the sword spirit creatures are particularly powerful! "

Elder Lin said solemnly, "as for whether there are sword creatures here, I was not sure before, or even thought not. After all, the probability of creatures is too low. It's almost negligible! But! After seeing everyone being attacked, and after being attacked by the waste sword here! I'm 70% sure. I think there must be sword creatures here! "

"Mr. Lin, do you mean... The sword creature who just attacked us? It controlled the waste sword and launched a sneak attack on us? "

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Tang Yi immediately asked.

"You're right!"

Elder Lin nodded, pointed to the waste swords that had just attacked the people on the ground and continued: "look, the waste swords that just attacked the childe and princess are just some ordinary sword weapons, and they are still broken and rusty sword weapons! Some even roll the blade, some have no sword tip, and some are only half left!

However, such sword weapons have just erupted into extremely terrible power. What is the principle?

I'm afraid that the attack of that intensity just now needs ten strong people above the saint level to do it together, right?

However, where are the strong ones at the holy level? I looked all over the audience and didn't see it. Did you see it? "

Hearing the speech, the people shook their heads and said they didn't see it.

Elder Lin continued, "look, you didn't find the human who controls the waste sword! So, do you think these waste swords are controlled by humans? Definitely not! There is neither breath of life nor any human figure around. It must not be controlled by human beings. If it is controlled by human beings, then this person's strength is absolutely incomparable.

After all, being able to quietly control the sneak attack of waste swords and make these waste swords burst out with strength comparable to that of the saint, we can't find out how he can do it if his strength is not strong?

And is it necessary for the strong of this strength to sneak on us? Wouldn't he just do it? The control of waste swords is so powerful that they don't kill us by hand?

Therefore, it can't be the waste sword controlled by human beings to attack us. "

The crowd nodded and felt that elder Lin was very reasonable.

Indeed, if human beings control the waste sword, it needs extremely strong strength to reach the just level.

However, a person with this strength doesn't need to make a sneak attack at all. He just needs to make a fair shot at everyone.

Even with a fair hand, the people present can't resist this existence.

Elder Lin continued: "since there is no human control over the waste sword sneaking attack on us, who controls the waste sword? The only possibility is that the one who controls the waste sword is an existence we can't find!

In my opinion, that is what I call sword creatures!

Nine times out of ten, those who attack us are some kind of sword creatures.

Sword creatures can control thousands of swords in the world. They control these sword weapons and can burst out terrible power. That's why several waste swords can burst out a blow from the powerful at the holy level!

Only sword creatures can control the waste sword and make the waste sword explode with amazing power!

Only sword creatures can hide in the waste sword, attack us secretly, and can't detect it. Therefore, it should be done by sword creatures. Here, it should be the sword tomb constructed by sword creatures! "