If others want to improve their level and strength, they need continuous cultivation and hard work.

The cultivation of the supreme sage requires countless efforts and accumulation.

Some people with poor talents, no opportunities and teachers, and even the hair of the holy master.

There are only tens of thousands of strong saints in the whole empire.

Tens of thousands seem a lot, but for a vast empire with tens of billions of people, it is only a drop in the bucket.

One in a million.

It can be seen how rare the holy power is.

It can be said that the first condition alone has baffled countless people.

Few people can meet the first condition.

It's no wonder that none of the guests at the six or seven tables sat in front of the bar, but went around the high tables without chairs.

It's not that they don't want to sit, but that they can't reach the Holy Level and conditions.

The second condition is simple for Tang Yi and even more harsh for others.

The land of monsters is very dangerous. It's just that entering the land of monsters is very dangerous, not to mention entering the depths of the land of monsters?

Deep in the land of large monsters, not to mention the martial arts of Saint level, even the martial arts of Saint level dare not enter without authorization.

If you enter rashly, you will worry about your life.

Therefore, this second condition is also extremely harsh.

It's more demanding than the first condition.

After all, the first condition is only to reach the Holy One.

The second condition, even if it reaches the holy emperor, does not necessarily work.

So the second condition is more difficult to achieve.

The first two conditions are so harsh. The third condition is to kill the beast king in the core area of the land of large monsters, let alone the beast king.

The monster in the core area, even any one, is extremely difficult to deal with, not to mention the beast king level?

At the moment, Tang Yi understood why no one was sitting in front of the bar.

Because the conditions are too harsh.

I'm afraid there are few people who can meet these three conditions in the whole dream moon empire.

What can be achieved is the strong among the strong.

Of course, being harsh to others is very simple for Tang Yi.

"Guest? What are you laughing at? "

Seeing Tang Yi laughing, the bartender asked.

"Nothing." Tang Yi shook his head and put away his smile.

"Well, the guest should understand the conditions of sitting in front of the bar? Now that you know, guests, please get up? There are still many vacant seats over there. You can find a high table as the dining table. As for the stool, the scattered table in this tavern does not match the stool. You can eat and drink around drinking like them. "

Said the bartender.

However, Tang Yi sat in his position, but he didn't move.

Seeing this, the bartender frowned and said, "guest, don't you understand the rules of this tavern and the conditions of sitting in front of the bar?"

"No, I see." Tang Yi said.

"Now that I understand, why don't the guests get up? As I said just now, when the guests sit down for the first time, because they don't know, our tavern will not investigate the responsibility of the guests. However, when the guests have understood the rules and the conditions for sitting down, if they still insist on sitting down if they can't meet the conditions, our tavern will investigate the responsibility and drive them away. Please get up quickly. Otherwise, don't blame our tavern for being rude. "

Said the bartender.

When the bartender was talking, the two big men came to Tang Yi.

The two men are strong and full of explosive muscles.

On the body, it also exudes a very strong smell.

Even if Tang Yi didn't use the heavenly eye technique to check, he could feel that the two big men were at least the saint level, but the strong ones at the saint level.

A small tavern is equipped with two strong men of Saint level to act as thugs? As a bodyguard?

That's a little overqualified, isn't it?

If a strong person of this level is placed in the Kingdom, the existence of the patron saint level can enjoy very high treatment.

But here, it's a thug?

This slightly shocked Tang Yi.

At the same time, he thought, what is the origin of this tavern? Even the thugs are Saint level.

Of course, Tang Yi was shocked, but he didn't show a trace on his face.

Even if two warriors of Saint level came behind him, Tang Yi was indifferent.

He asked the bartender, "why should I get up? Can't I meet the conditions and sit down? "

"Meet the conditions and sit down?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the bartender was stunned. He didn't seem to expect Tang Yi to say so.

A moment later, he looked up and down at Tang Yi, and then advised him, "this guest, you'd better get up quickly. You should know that some jokes are funny, but some jokes can't be. Don't lose your life because of jokes and good face. "

The bartender doesn't believe Tang Yi can meet the conditions and sit on the bar. After all, Tang Yi is too young.

How can such a young man reach the holy level?

How can you enter the land of several monsters and kill the core monsters deep in the land of several monsters?

How can you kill the mighty beast king?

It's impossible.

In the bartender's mind, those who can meet these three conditions are at least at the saint emperor level.

In the past, there were no more than ten guests sitting in front of the bar.

And each, at least, is the holy emperor level.

The last time the guest sat in front of the bar, he even reached the holy spirit level.

The bartender can sit in front of the bar, at least.

How can a warrior of this level be so young?

Therefore, after looking at Tang Yi a little, the bartender decided that Tang Yi could not meet these three conditions and could not be a strong man above the holy emperor level.

Seeing Tang Yi sitting in front of the bar and saying that he had met three conditions, the guests around the scattered table immediately laughed.

"Boy, you're too good at putting gold on your face. Are you qualified to sit in front of the bar of courage tavern? Do you think highly of yourself? "

"The installation ratio should be limited. Don't force you to install everything, and don't install it everywhere. Courage tavern is not the place where you can install it."

"It's not a good thing to like beating your face and pretending to be fat. In the end, it will only hurt your face and even lose your life. As a passer-by, I'd like to advise you to come back and be right as soon as possible. Don't pretend to be fat. "

"Boy, did you hear the conditions clearly? Above the saint, he has killed ten monsters in the depths of the land of large monsters and the beast king in the depths of the land of large monsters. Can you meet these three conditions? Just you? Do you believe it? "