The other side.

After Tang Yi solved the giant horn divine deer, he quickly rushed into the inner circle of MengYue forest.

At this time, he did not move forward quickly, but slowed down. The whole person seemed calm, as if he were looking at the scenery.

Of course, even if you walk slowly, Tang Yi's speed is extremely fast. Generally, monsters below the holy emperor level can't keep up with Tang Yi's speed at all.

Only the top holy emperor level monster or warrior can barely keep up with Tang Yi's speed.


Tang Yi's figure flashed by and galloped through the dream moon forest.

During this period, he met countless monsters.

These monsters are above the holy emperor level.

After all, this is the inner circle of MengYue forest. It is the core of MengYue forest. There can be no monsters of too low level.

After entering the inner circle, the lowest start is the holy emperor beast level.

It can be seen how dangerous the dream moon forest is and how powerful the monster is.

The monster of this level is far from the level of Tang Yi.

It is reasonable to say that Tang Yi can't get any holy points when he kills the monster at the holy emperor level. Even if there are holy points, it is a drop in the bucket.

However, Tang Yi is not here for the holy spot.

What he wants is holy value.

Although you can't get any holy points by killing the monster at the holy emperor level, you can get a lot of holy values!

Therefore, Tang Yi didn't let go of the low-level monster like Shenghuang beast. He galloped all way. Tang Yi directly attracted all monsters along way.

The method of introducing monsters in fury is still applicable even at the holy level.

Because there are too many monsters in MengYue forest, Tang Yi only attracted a small meeting and immediately attracted at least thousands of monsters.

There are thousands of monsters, ranging from mountains to mice.

Most of the levels are the holy emperor level to the holy sect level.

After attracting thousands of monsters, Tang Yi took out the red moon Apophis, then suddenly turned around, jumped up, flew into the air, and then held the red moon Apophis and crashed down.

"Jump the mountain and cut the ground!"


The ground trembled suddenly, countless cracks burst, and magma flames burst out from the cracks.

Compared with other martial arts skills, it's more practical and feel more when fighting monsters. It's called a refreshing way to kill monsters.

After Tang Yi was promoted to the top holy God level, he also promoted Tang Yi to the holy heaven level.

At this time, the mountain avalanche and ground fissure cut, covering an area of kilometers, with more fierce flames and more intense magma.

The power of its flame sweeping almost reached the level of 3000 Yan.

Of course, it is the three thousand Yan fire weakened.

But even so, it's very scary.

You know, the three thousand Yan fire is a different fire. Its power is unimaginable. Now it is very terrible that the flame of mountain collapse and ground crack can approach such power.

Therefore, the power of mountain jumping and earth splitting broke out, and the flame and magma swept through. In just a moment, thousands of demons turned into fly ash. Countless demons were affected by the flame and their bodies were dark.

These affected monsters were also burned by fire and died of coke exhaustion a moment later.

With one blow, Tang Yi slaughtered the thousands of monsters he had attracted. There were only two or three kittens left. Tang Yi waved at will. These monsters that had escaped the disaster were immediately turned into nothingness.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the holy emperor level monster rainbow willow Finch and obtaining 10000 holy points."

"Because the player Tang Yi's level is full, he can no longer obtain holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the holy emperor level monster dark electric bird and obtaining 10000 holy points."

"Because the player Tang Yi's level is full, he can no longer obtain holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the seven unique vegetarian star leopard, a holy sect level monster, and obtaining 100000 holy points."

"Because the player Tang Yi's level is full, he can no longer obtain holy points."



"Cool! That's great. I haven't had such a pleasant feeling for a long time. "

After killing thousands of monsters in a second, Tang Yi was very excited.

And just that blow, Tang Yi gained at least tens of millions of holy points!

You can gain so many holy points with one hit, so how many times

This is just entering the dream moon forest!

If you hunt in MengYue forest for a few days and nights, then

"It seems that one trillion points of holy value, I can save enough in MengYue forest. Even if I don't save enough, it's certainly not much worse!"

Tang Yi said excitedly.

Thinking, Tang Yi suddenly moved and started the hunting trip again.

Instead of rushing into the depths of the dream moon forest, he swept the dream moon forest horizontally.

After sweeping the whole area, he slowly went deep.

In this way, Tang Yi only pushed forward about tens of miles in one day.

However, although it did not advance far, the monster hunted did not know the geometry.

In short, where Tang Yi passed was a mess, full of a thick layer of black ash.

After one day's efforts, Tang Yi gained a total of 50 billion holy points!

With the holy value originally owned by Tang Yi, the holy value accumulated by Tang Yi has reached 400 billion points!

It's 600 billion away from one trillion!

"The harvest in one day is so much. In a few days, I may really save a trillion holy points. The most important thing is that the dream moon forest is vast enough and there are enough monsters for me to hunt. I hunted for a day and only cleaned up a small area. Compared with the huge dream moon forest, it's only a drop in the bucket. If not, I'm afraid I really don't have a chance to save a trillion points of holy value. "

"In addition, it is said that the dream moon beast king is the top holy God level? If I could kill the dream moon beast king, wouldn't I be able to get the blood of the top holy God? In this way, I should be able to meet the conditions for two breakthroughs before the imperial Road begins. "

Tang Yi thought excitedly.

Thinking of this, Tang Yi is eager to try.

But it recovered the next second.

After hunting monsters all day, it's late now. Tang Yi doesn't plan to act at night.

After all, we have to deal with the largest boss of MengYue forest. Tang Yi must go all out and take a full attitude to fight.

If you act during the day and at night, even if Tang Yi has unlimited energy, even if there is a system store that can buy pills to recover, it will also be affected.

At that time, it will not be in full bloom for the beast king of the last dream moon.

Strength is bound to be greatly reduced.

If the challenge fails because of this trace of influence and the dream moon beast king cannot be killed, the gain is not worth the loss.

Therefore, Tang Yi decided to rest at night and hunt monsters during the day.

Anyway, the monsters are there and won't run away because you have a rest at night. These monsters will eventually be swept up by Tang Yi, so it doesn't matter a few days early or a few days late.