"Breaking through the top gods? How is that possible! "

Emperor MengYue was slightly surprised and said, "I've just seen Tang Yi's information. Although his resume is very exaggerated, he has won a lot of glory and made all kinds of incredible things. But! Lao Zu, you said he reached the top Holy Spirit. I believe that after all, he can defeat Junrong Holy Spirit without the strength of the top Holy Spirit. However, Lao Zu, if you say he broke through the holy spirit level and reached a higher level, it would be a little too much. After the Holy Spirit is the supreme, and the supreme is not so easy to break through. Didn't you try for a hundred years without breaking through? "

"It's different. Everyone's situation is different and can't be generalized." Xia Hongjian road.

"But I still don't believe it. He broke through the Holy Spirit." MengYue emperor doesn't believe in Tao.

Not only did the emperor MengYue not believe it, but also some MengYue executives present did not believe that Tang Yi could break through the holy spirit level.

After all, this is too exaggerated.

And, as far as they know, how old is Tang Yi?

Is it possible for the supreme being under the age of 20?

It's impossible for everyone to think about it.

"My son has something to report."

At this time, Xia Hongyu suddenly said.

"Oh? What's up? "

Xia Hongyue looked at the dream Lord.

Xia Hongyu bowed his hands slightly and said, "my son went to MengYue forest a few days ago and met Tang Yi in the forest."

"Oh? You met Tang Yi in MengYue forest? "

MengYue emperor was slightly surprised.

The people present also looked at Xia Hongyu one after another.

"I not only saw Tang Yi, but also found a great thing. It's just because time is tight, I haven't had time to report to my father. "

Xia Hongyu said.

"Oh? What is it? "

The curiosity of MengYue emperor was raised.

"All the monsters in MengYue forest have been wiped out by Tang Yi." Xia Hongyu said surprisingly.

"What are you talking about!"

MengYue emperor stared and was slightly surprised.

The people in the hall also looked at Xia Hongyu in surprise.

Xia Hongyu said slowly, "on that day, I challenged the emperor level monster with my uncles in MengYue forest. However, due to lack of strength, I fell into a crisis. Fortunately, I was saved by Tang Yi at the time of crisis, so I survived.

At that time, Tang Yi asked us to leave after saving his son and minister. He said that MengYue forest was dangerous and asked his son and minister to go again in seven days. The minister listened to his words and left the dream moon forest. However, when I returned to MengYue forest, I suddenly found that great changes had taken place in MengYue forest.

In the inner circle of MengYue forest, almost all high-level monsters disappeared, replaced by a thick layer of black ash in the forest. These black ashes can be seen everywhere. There is a thick layer. The minister checked it and found that these black ashes are composed of the bones of monsters.

In my son's mind, these black ashes should be the ashes of those disappeared high-level monsters. In other words, all the high-level monsters in MengYue forest should have been extinguished! "


Xia Hongyu said here, there was a sound of cold breath in the hall, and everyone present showed a surprised look, looking very surprised.

Xia Hongyu continued: "later, in order to verify the idea in my heart, my son took a risk to enter the deep forest of MengYue and the lake of MengYue! Suddenly I found that the situation was more terrible than I thought! "

"In the dream moon forest, not only the high-level demons are turned into fly ash, but also the top ten generals under the dream moon beast throne..."

With that, Xia Hongyu took out several bodies, which were the bodies of the top ten generals of the dream moon beast king.

Seeing the bodies of these monsters, the people in the hall stared even bigger!

You know, the top ten generals of the dream moon beast king are all holy gods!


However, these are just appetizers.

Xia Hongyu, the third prince, took out a piece of golden things from his storage space, displayed it in front of the people and said, "in the lake of dream moon, we also found this!"

"This is... This is the back shell of the dream moon beast king!"

Xia Hongjian, the ancestor of MengYue, was surprised.

Xia Hongjian and Jinhu holy dragon turtle have been rivals for hundreds of years. No one knows Jinhu holy dragon turtle better than him. He just glanced at it and recognized it immediately.

Hearing Xia Hongjian's words, the people present were even more surprised. Everyone looked surprised.

At the same time, people are also very curious about what happened to MengYue forest?

First, the high-level demons turned into fly ash. Then, even the top ten generals of the dream moon beast king were slaughtered.

Now even the fragments of the back shell of the dream moon beast king... Have been found by the third prince.

Looking at the fragments of the dream moon beast king, the people present thought of some possibility. Thinking of this possibility, their hearts were like stormy waves.

Can you say... Even the dream moon beast king

At this time, the third prince Xia Hongyu continued: "in addition to finding this, I also stubbornly broke into the central lake of the dream Moon Lake. It was found that the central lakeside had completely disappeared, and a thick layer of the ground had been cut off. It seemed that it had been attacked violently. The whole lakeside had completely disappeared and the scene was in a mess. "

Hearing the words of the third prince Xia Hongyu, the people were surprised again.

The central lakeside of the dream Moon Lake is the habitat of the dream moon beast king. People didn't expect that the third prince had the courage to break into such a place!

And to everyone's surprise.

The central lake, the habitat of the dream moon beast king, has completely disappeared!

Since the habitat of the dream moon beast king has disappeared, what about the dream moon beast king?

People inevitably raised a terrible idea, will the dream moon beast king

Xia Hongyu, the third prince, continued: "according to various signs, I guessed at that time that the dream moon beast king might have fallen, so my uncles and I explored near the central lake again and found the blood and flesh of the dream moon beast king! In other words, the dream moon beast king is the same as I guessed! It should have fallen! And all this... All this happened in the seven days I left, and Tang Yi just let me enter the dream moon forest in seven days, so I think it has a great relationship with Tang Yi! Maybe it was Tang Yi. "

"What!! The flesh and blood of the dream moon beast king? "The dream moon beast king fell?"

Hearing the news, the whole audience was in an uproar.

According to the various signs said by the third prince, although the people present also speculated whether the dream moon beast king would fall.

However, guessing is just guessing after all, and it won't make everyone feel much.

But the news came out of the mouth of the third prince and was confirmed. It's different!

Hearing the news, the people in the hall felt as if they were stormy.