After leaving the duitage, Tang Yi and Guang Yongnian went their separate ways and returned to their homes.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for the Empire to talk about martial arts.

After the test of jiewang tower, only 38 representatives were able to participate in the imperial discussion of martial arts.

Among them, there are 34 representatives of the Protoss and four representatives of the Empire.

Two Protoss representatives and 14 imperial Representatives failed to pass the test of the king's tower.

I have to say, the representatives of the Empire are really miserable.

When they came, there were 36 representatives of the Empire. However, only four of them finally qualified to participate in the imperial theory of martial arts.

Only after a round of qualification competition, half of the people were eliminated.

Finally, eighteen people attacked the king's tower, but only four people rushed through the tenth floor of the king's tower. The others didn't even pass the tenth floor of the king's tower.

Of the 36 people, only four can participate in the imperial discussion of martial arts, which is really miserable.

The wind, the scenery and the light came and left in frustration, which was not an ordinary big blow.

In contrast to the protoss, only four representatives with poor strength failed to pass the king's tower, and the other representatives basically passed.

Moreover, these representatives who pass the king's tower have achieved very good results. They are not the type that happens to pass the tenth floor of the king's tower, but the type that can reach more than fifteen floors.

It can be seen that there is indeed a gap in strength between the representatives of the Empire and the Protoss.

Fortunately, however, stimulated by Tang Yi, the strength gap between imperial representatives and Protoss Representatives has been gradually shortened.

These Protoss representatives have broken through one after another and become supreme. They can no longer participate in the next session.

The strong of the protoss cannot participate in the imperial discussion of martial arts, so the imperial representatives will get a great opportunity in the next imperial discussion of martial arts.

World king's palace, small world square.

At this time, 34 Protoss representatives and four imperial representatives gathered here.

In addition to the major representatives, the heads of the major families of the protoss, the heads of the descendants of the king of the heavenly palace, and the disciples of the king of the world gathered here one after another.

However, the major representatives gathered in the small square.

Others, as spectators, gathered in the auditorium and sat down to watch.

In the center of Xiaojie square, a huge challenge arena with a width of kilometers is set up, which looks like a huge football field.

According to Guang Yongnian, the rules of Empire's theory of martial arts are very simple. It is a challenge in a challenge arena.

When one person takes the stage as the challenge leader and one person challenges, the winner stays and the loser exits.

As long as you can beat three opponents in a row in the challenge arena, you can enter the next round, and those who fail for three consecutive games will be eliminated.

It's similar to the general competition, but if you want to advance, you have to win twice more and have several more chances of failure at the same time.

At this time, the world king had not appeared, and the imperial discussion on martial arts had not officially begun. Everyone was whispering and discussing with familiar people.

What they talked about most was that MengYue representative got through the king's tower.

Although more than a day has passed, this matter is still hotly discussed by everyone.

After all, this is a great thing.

The world king tower has a hundred floors, but the world king's part acts as the tower keeper, but it is opened up by a representative from the Empire.

It's impossible to say that it's not amazing, and it's impossible to say that it doesn't attract people's attention and discussion.

In addition to the discussion, the eyes of everyone present turned to the direction of the imperial representatives.

After all, there are only four imperial representatives left. Although we don't know who MengYue represents, we all know that it must be one of the four imperial representatives.

Therefore, all the people present focused their eyes on the four imperial representatives and constantly scanned and looked at the four imperial representatives.

Feeling the people's eyes, Guang Yongnian felt uncomfortable, touched his nose and said to Tang Yi, "brother Tang, this is what you did. You see, now everyone's eyes are focused on us."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "why, doesn't it feel good to attract attention? You know, all the people present are the strong ones in the curtain of heaven. They are all standing at the top of the pyramid of the curtain of heaven. You should be honored to receive their attention“

"It's certainly an honor to have strength. It's stressful not to have strength to be concerned by so many strong people."

Guang Yongnian smiled bitterly.

Tang Yi gave Guang Yongnian a comforting look and said, "don't worry, it's just for a while. When I get on the stage later, they won't look at you again."

"Oh, I hope so."

Guang Yongnian was helpless.

"By the way, brother Guang, do you have confidence in the Empire's theory of martial arts later?" Tang Yi changed the subject and asked.


Guang Yongnian shook his head and said, "I've heard that in the king's tower, the protoss representatives have broken into the 15th floor. And I just happened to break through the tenth floor. There was a big gap with them. In addition, after most of them broke through the king's tower, they became more powerful because of your stimulation. I'm just a top holy God, fighting with these people, * * * what confidence. Of course, although I have no confidence, I will try my best. After all, this is my first time to participate in the imperial debate. "

"Brother Guang, is it your first time to participate in the imperial debate?"

Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

"Yes, I'm not afraid of your jokes, brother Tang. It was indeed my first time to participate in the imperial theory of martial arts. A few years ago, I was eliminated at the stage of competitive qualification. The strength has improved over the years and finally qualified for the competition. However, it was eliminated when challenging the world king tower and failed to pass the test. Therefore, after coming so many times, it's my first time to participate in the imperial discussion of martial arts and come here for the first time. " Guang Yongnian said.

"I see!"

Tang Yi nodded.

At the moment, seeing Guang Yongnian's face without confidence, Tang Yi thought about it and decided to help Guang Yongnian again.

Although the two met by chance, they just got together because the Empire discussed martial arts, but this is also fate.

Moreover, Guang Yongnian introduced so many things and explained so many things to Tang Yi. Tang Yi has no reason not to help Guang Yongnian.

Thinking of this, Tang Yi quickly sank into the system, quickly purchased several items in the system store, then withdrew and asked Guang Yongnian, "brother Guang, how far are you from the supreme master now?"

"How far is it from the supreme?"

Although Guang Yongnian didn't know why Tang Yi asked, he replied, "it's not far away. I think I've stepped on the edge with one foot. I can cross it with only one step."

"That's all right, here you are!"

Tang Yi shook his right hand and took out a golden pill.