"Then bother Ling Zun to help introduce it."

Tang Yi returns to his senses, takes the reward from Ling Fengtian and says.

After getting the strange vase, Tang Yi repeatedly looked at the vase and threw other things aside. Compared with other rewards, Tang Yi was more curious about the bottle with earth characters in front of him. He wanted to know what the origin of the bottle was and why the earth characters appeared.

"With pleasure."

Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, smiled and said, "the supreme equipment, as you can see, is a armor, a hand guard and a pair of boots. The armor is called archaic holy armor. It is attached with a supreme skill of guarding. It can increase strength a little, greatly increase defense, and the quality is OK. The hand guard is called Tianyuan hand guard. It adds an attack supreme skill to increase a lot of power and can increase the power of a certain supreme skill. The boots are called sky curtain boots. They are the best of the three supreme items. They can increase a lot of defense, speed and certain vitality. At the same time, they also add a supreme skill to increase speed. "

Tang Yi nodded when he heard the introduction of Ling Fengtian, the world's king. He had no special feeling. After all, Tang Yi already had armor, hand guards and shoes.

The armor and hand protection are very powerful.

The armor is the supreme Earth Spirit armor, and the hand guard is an artifact obtained by Tang Yi through thousands of hardships.

How many pieces of equipment will the Tang supreme king have?

No matter how good these pieces of equipment awarded by the world king are, can they have their own good?

In addition, Tang Yi's shoes are the supreme hundred legged worm King boots. Although they are not very top-grade, the increased supreme combat power index is also very high, at least stronger than the sky curtain boots rewarded by the king of the world.

Therefore, Tang Yi is not interested in the three supreme equipment awarded by the world king.

Tang Yi is most interested in that strange vase, so at the moment he is waiting for the world king to introduce the vase.

Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, continued: "as for this bottle... It's called Tianmu Zifeng bottle. As for the function, I don't know. I had an opportunity in my early years. This item was obtained in that opportunity. I know nothing except its name, that it is an object older than me for countless years, and that it is an inherited object. I don't know how to inherit, how to use it, and what capabilities it has. "

"Sky purple Phoenix bottle? Items older than Ling Zun? "

Tang Yi was slightly surprised and said, "Ling Zun, since this item is older than you and you obtained it in that opportunity, it must be a very precious item. Although I don't know what effect it has at the moment, it must have a huge effect. How can Ling Zun be willing to take this item as a reward? "

While asking questions, Tang Yi was secretly surprised.

The age of the purple Phoenix bottle of the sky curtain is even older than that of the king of the world. That is to say, this bottle may have appeared in ancient times.

Since it is a treasure handed down from ancient times, Tang Yi is even more confused.

How can earth characters appear on it?

Can it be said that in ancient times, someone crossed? And made this vase?

Or... In ancient times, people's common language was the earth language? Not the current common language of Shengwu?

What the hell is going on?

Tang Yi was very puzzled.

"Why take it out as a reward?"

Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, smiled and said, "because I want people who deserve it to get it."

"Huh? Let those who deserve it get it? "

Tang Yi looks at Ling Fengtian suspiciously and doesn't understand what he means.

Ling Fengtian smiled and said, "this item is in my hand. I can't play its role at all, and I can't inherit it. So we might as well give it away to those who can play its role and inherit it. "

Speaking of this, Ling Fengtian took a look at Tang Yi and continued: "in my opinion, Tang Zun is the only one who can inherit it. The moment I saw Tang Zun in the jiewang tower, I felt that this item should be handed over to you. It can only work in your hands. "

"That's because of this idea, and I learned that you still want to participate in the imperial theory of martial arts, so I increased the reward of imperial theory of martial arts, and added this item to the top reward. After all, with your strength, you can't lose the first place. "

"I see! In other words, Ling Zun intended to give it to me? "

Hearing the words of Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, Tang Yi suddenly thought that it was no wonder that the reward for the discussion of martial arts of this empire suddenly increased. Even Ling Fengtian took out a special item inherited from ancient times. It turned out that was the reason.

It was because Ling Fengtian wanted to give himself the purple Phoenix bottle of the sky curtain!

That's why we did this.

As Ling Fengtian said, with his own strength, it is impossible not to get the first place.

So as long as Ling Fengtian takes it as the top reward, he will be able to get it.

I see. Tang Yi didn't expect that Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, could think so far.

"In fact, our world was not called the sky curtain world at the beginning, but the Tianqi world. That is because I got the purple Phoenix bottle of the sky curtain, and I think it has a great connection with this world, so I changed this world into the sky curtain world. "

World king Ling Fengtian said.

"I didn't expect that the name of the curtain of heaven had such a origin. It turned out that Ling Zun was named after the prefix of the purple Phoenix bottle in the sky. "

Tang Yi suddenly again. It was the first time he had heard about it.

After a pause, Tang Yi said again, "Ling Zun thinks the purple Phoenix bottle on the sky curtain has some connection with the sky curtain world?"

"Yes. I have this feeling. "

Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, nodded.

Smelling the speech, Tang Yi picked up the bottle and looked at it again. However, no matter how he looked at it or felt it, he couldn't feel the sense of relevance that Ling Fengtian, the king of the world, said.

However, after looking at it for half a day, Tang Yi remembered that he had not yet performed Tianyan on the purple Phoenix bottle.

It doesn't matter if you can't see it. It doesn't matter if you can't feel it. You can use heavenly eye to identify it!!

How can I forget the art of heavenly eye!

Thinking of this, Tang Yi suddenly threw his heavenly eye skill on the purple Phoenix bottle on the sky curtain. However, the result was beyond Tang Yi's expectation.

"Ding, this item cannot be identified."

"Ding, this item cannot be identified."

"Ding, this item cannot be identified."



Tang Yi was stunned when he saw the three red tips in his mind.