"Rain, this is yours. I don't know much about you, but I know that your cultivation methods are more masculine. Therefore, I chose a method similar to the one you are cultivating now. This skill is also the supreme one. It's called running thunder and drizzling rain. Your name is also in the name. I think it's very suitable for you. "

Tang Yi said.

Seeing that Tang Yi was so careful, Yuwen Jinyu took over the skill and said sweetly, "thank you, husband."

At the same time, like Bing Lian, he kissed Tang Yi and gave Tang Yi a big kiss.

Seeing that binglian and Yuwen Jinyu kissed each other, Mu Xianling felt that he was not good enough for Tang Yi. Then he took a bite and kissed Tang Yi's face.


Enjoying the happiness that ordinary people can't get, Tang Yi picked up the fourth skill, handed it to an Huanlan and said, "Lan'er, this is yours. The supreme law, the red flower Magnolia. The law also has a word in your name. "

"Thank you, husband."

An Huanlan took over the Dharma and kissed Tang Yi like binglian, Yuwen Jinyu and Mu Xianling.

"Yu'er, your God kite is also determined. The name also has a word for you. "

Tang Yi handed the last skill to Shangguan Siyu.

After receiving the skill, Shangguan Siyu was very moved.

Because she didn't think Tang Yi would give her Kung Fu.

I never thought Tang Yi would treat her like everyone else.

Although Tang Yi hasn't said anything all the time.

However, she knows that there has always been a gap between her and Tang Yi.

Because of this estrangement, even if they have that layer of intimate husband and wife identity, they are still estranged from each other.

She is as close to Tang Yi and * * as other women.

Usually * * what interaction, more * * like Mu Xianling, black belly Tang Yi, * * like binglian, making a scene with Tang Yi.

Although * * has intimate interaction, which has a certain relationship with herself, but!

It was because of that sense of alienation that she dared not interact with Tang Yi.

However, unexpectedly.

Tang Yi gives gifts, but he doesn't forget her.

Treat her like other women.

Even if it was a gift, everyone gave one.

You know, this is a supreme skill, not a cat and dog skill.

This kind of skill is very precious.

It's very difficult to take out one of these skills, let alone five.

Therefore, Tang Yi took out the fifth skill to give it to her, which is very sincere.

Shangguan Siyu was very moved and happy to see that Tang Yi was so sincere and treated himself badly, just like Bing Lian and Mu Xianling.

"Thank you, husband."

Shangguan whispered.

At the same time, he walked in front of Tang Yi, gently stood on tiptoe, kissed Tang Yi's face, and then ran back shyly.

Tang Yi shook his head when he saw the shy whispers of Shangguan.

Then, he said to the five women, "the skill is given to you, but if you want to improve your strength, the skill is only an aid, just a means to improve your strength. The key depends on yourself. If you want to improve your strength quickly, you have to cultivate slaves."

"I see!"

"I see."

"I will practice hard."

"I will certainly catch up with your husband."

"I won't be a drag on your husband. Don't worry."

Several women said one after another.


Tang Yi nodded and began to take out the second gift.

Tang Yi's second gift was five clothes.

Five skirts, to be exact.

These five skirts were carefully selected by Tang Yi for the five daughters of Mu Xianling. They are very suitable for them.

At the same time, these five skirts are all supreme level armor. Their own defense is very strong, attached with a variety of means, and even have a variety of different life-saving skills.

Besides, the most important thing is

These five skirts are all very beautiful.

To Mu Xianling was a white pleated skirt with four folds at the hem, like petals, blooming at Mu Xianling's feet.

At the same time, it is like white clouds floating at Mu Xianling's feet.

This skirt is very immortal. If Mu Xianling wears this skirt, his temperament will certainly go to a higher level.

The skirt presented to Bing Lian is a long light blue skirt.

This light blue dress seems like the lake water by the lake, so clear and clean.

Wearing this skirt will make Bing Lian look very clean and lovely like a little princess.

The skirts presented to Mu Xianling and Bing Lian are very formal, and there are few exposed places.

But the gift to Yuwen Jinyu is not so formal.

The skirt presented to Yu Wen Jinyu is a long off shoulder skirt, wrapped with a layer of purple Tulle on the outside and purple pleats like circles of petals on the inside.

This long skirt, if Yuwen Jinyu wears it, her temperament will be higher, more temperament, more like an aristocrat.

It's also a shoulder length skirt presented to an Huanlan.

But the skirt is red and has a pleated pattern.

Such a skirt, if others wear it, I'm afraid it will appear monotonous and I'm afraid it will be out of control.

After all, red is beyond the control of ordinary people.

If the body is not good, or their own temperament is insufficient, they will appear very bloated and old.

Therefore, this skirt is actually beautiful when it is said to be beautiful, but if it is not beautiful, it is really not beautiful.


If such a skirt is worn on ANN magic LAN, I'm afraid it will also make Ann magic Lan's beauty increase geometrically.

Let her become more goddess and more like a lady.

Followed by Shangguan Siyu.

Tang Yi chose a long white dress with spots for Shangguan Siyu.

This long skirt is very pure. If Shangguan Siyu wears it, Shangguan Siyu may also become a pure beauty.

In fact, purity does not accord with the temperament of Shangguan Siyu.

Shangguan's simile is more like a cold goddess.

The long skirt of the cold goddess is more suitable for her.

The long red skirt for an Huanlan and the long purple skirt for Yuwen Jinyu are actually more suitable for Shangguan Siyu.

The reason why Tang Yi chose this pure white dress with spots for Shangguan Siyu is that he hopes Shangguan Siyu can be more cheerful, more neighbors and more integrated into everyone.

Now Shangguan's thoughts are too depressed in Tang Yi's opinion.

I hardly speak normally.

When everyone was discussing, she stood aside as if she were an outsider.

Therefore, Tang Yi wants to choose some skirts that are not so cold, more cheerful, more sunny and closer to life for Shangguan Siyu.

This long white spotted skirt is Tang Yi's choice.

In his opinion, although this skirt does not conform to Shangguan Siyu's temperament, it conforms to Shangguan Siyu's beauty.

Wearing this skirt, Shangguan's thoughts must become more beautiful.