Star Gold carving knife not only brings Tang Yi a terrible divine power index bonus, but also brings Tang Yi a powerful means of attack!

With the weapon of Star Gold carving knife, Tang Yi is bound to win this defensive means of the supreme white winged God King!


Three golden mans crashed and landed on the wings of the supreme white winged God King!


With a loud noise, the golden light of terror blooms, and a powerful force and sharp edge sweep the wings!

"Pull, pull, pull!"

The wing of the supreme white winged God King was attacked by Tang Yi. Suddenly, countless sharp edges cut its wings and sounded the sound of tearing!

If it's an ordinary attack, if it's an ordinary weapon.

This pair of wings of the supreme white winged God King can certainly resist it!

There must be no trace!


In the face of Tang Yi with hundreds of billions of supreme divine power index and star gold carving knife, this pair of wings with unparalleled defense, no matter how powerful, is completely useless.

With the strength of Tang Yi, this star gold carving knife can play an unparalleled terrorist strength!

Yes, of course.

Although Tang Yi's attack is unparalleled, he can also break the defense on the wings of the supreme white winged God King.

However, it is not so easy to kill the supreme white winged God King or cut off his wings.


Three golden lights hit, and the wings of the supreme white winged God King were full of holes.

However, it finally resisted Tang Yi's attack.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi sneered and said, "isn't it good? It's blocked! However, with the next blow, you may not be able to stop it! "

With that, Tang Yi waved again and threw out the star gold carving knife in his hand: "ten thousand knives surround and kill!"


The star gold carving knife flew out again!

This time, the star gold carving knife turned into tens of thousands of golden lights and flew to the supreme white wing God King!

Although killing around with ten thousand knives is a range skill, and the single attack is not too high, the total damage of tens of thousands of attacks is still very high, and there is superposition damage.

In addition, the star gold carving knife has a penetration effect. Each blow can penetrate the wings of the supreme white wing God King!

The damage of each blow is high, and each blow has a penetrating effect. Tens of thousands of ways are blown on the supreme white wing God King. It's very terrible.


Seeing this blow, the supreme white winged God King was very frightened!

"Human! No, you can't do that! You can't attack me with this weapon! No! "

The supreme white winged God King was frightened.

However, Tang Yi ignored it at all.


Even if Tang Yi manages it, it's useless.

Because the attack has been carried out.

When the attack has been launched, it's too late for Tang Yi to stop even if he wants to.

Therefore, the struggle of the supreme white winged God King is completely futile.

"Wow, wow, wow!"

Tens of thousands of attacks flew towards the supreme white winged God King.

At this moment, the light was shining, and the whole palace was shining golden light.

Where we pass, the space trembles, and the mysterious power fluctuates constantly in the space.

"Boom, boom!"

After a burst of golden light dancing, tens of thousands of golden lights surrounded the supreme white winged God King from all angles.

However, the supreme white winged God King has no way!

At the moment, he can do nothing but watch Tang Yi's golden light surround him and stand in place to defend.

Neither escape nor escape at all.

Because these golden lights are incomparable in speed, they can't escape at all.

Because these golden lights come from all directions and attack from all angles, it can't be avoided at all!

Therefore, the supreme white winged God King can only defend!

I saw the supreme white winged God King fold his wings again!

"Boom, boom!"

In this way, all tens of thousands of golden lights bombarded the wings of the supreme white winged God King.

Because the supreme white winged God King's body is huge and the target is extremely obvious, Tang Yi's attack can easily hit the target and bombard the illusory golden light on his wings!

With countless golden lights all falling on the wings of the supreme white winged God King, there was a roar at the scene.

At the same time, the golden light is constantly on!

"Pull, pull, pull!"

This time, the damage suffered by the supreme white winged God King should be more serious!!

The originally broken wings have become more broken. In many places, they have been torn and huge gaps have appeared.

Even as time goes by, more and more golden light falls on the wings of the supreme white winged God King.

The wings of the Supreme God King will become more ragged.

Soon, when 10000 golden lights fell on the wings of the supreme white winged God King, the wings of the supreme white winged God King finally couldn't bear the weight and broke!

The 'fragile' body of the supreme white winged God King was immediately exposed to Tang Yi's vision!

Without wings, the breath of the supreme white winged God King suddenly dropped a large part.

It seems that its strength has declined because of its wings!

Of course, don't say that the breath has fallen at the moment, don't say that the wings have fallen. Even if the breath has not fallen, even if the wings have not fallen, the supreme white wing God King is also extremely afraid at the moment!

Aren't you afraid?

Tang Yi holds a weapon that can restrain it and can play such a terrible power. How can he not be afraid!

When you see the star gold carving knife, the supreme white winged God King is empty.

Not to mention now, even the only means of protection, the wings, have been destroyed by Tang Yi.

Without wings, the supreme white winged God King is a toothless tiger!

"Human! I'm wrong. Let me go. I really don't know that you are his descendant, let alone that you can use this special weapon! "

The supreme white winged God admitted his mistake.

"Hehe! Is it too late to admit your mistake now? "

Tang Yi sneered and then asked, "who did you just say I am? Who is the one you say he is? "

"The one I'm talking about is the owner of the weapon in your hand."

As if aware of something wrong, the supreme white winged God Wang Dun changed his mind and said, "I mean the former master! It is also his credit that I can have such achievements today. It was he who brought me to this point. "


"The former owner of the weapon in my hand?"

Tang Yi narrowed his eyes and asked, "who is the former owner of this weapon in my hand? Do you know his information? "

"Ah? Don't you know? Didn't you accept his inheritance? Didn't you get his weapon approval? Why don't you know who he is? "

The supreme white winged God is a little silly.

"It's right that I got the approval of this weapon, but who told you I accepted his inheritance?"

Tang Yi asked, "if I know who he is, why do I ask you?"