Chapter 383: The five failures of heaven and man

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Chapter three hundred and eighty three

Lin Chen put his wrist on the old man’s wrist, and after a few minutes, Albert’s face was a little impatient. Today he must give Jiang Lao an increase in the intake of life potions. There is really no time for it. Wasted on the boy!

Finally, Lin Chen moved his fingers away from the old man's wrist, and looked at the old man's eyes with a hint of different color.

"Lin Chen, how? See what is wrong with Lao Jiang's body? Can you heal it?" Gu Lao couldn't help it.

Albert frowned, saying with some disdain: "Gu Lao, you are too whimsical. He is so young and he is still a Chinese medicine doctor. How can he cure Jiang's disease!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Chen again and said unpleasantly: "Don't take up my precious treatment time anymore, you are simply causing trouble for my treatment. If Jiang Lao really happened, are you responsible? ?"

"Treatment? Do you mean to continue using your so-called life potion?" Lin Chen said.

"Of course!" Albert said.

"Did you find that Jiang's body started to deteriorate again today, so he intends to increase the amount?" Lin Chen looked at Albert with a mockery in his eyes.

Albert was irritated by Lin Chen’s eyes. A guy who didn’t even grow his hair, even if he dared to be so rude to him, he would yell at each other, but then his body shook and exclaimed: "How do you know Jiang? The old body started to deteriorate today?"

He was shocked in his heart. He had just seen this matter from the data in the report, and the other party could see it just by taking a look.

The key is, how does he know that the deterioration of Jiang's body started again today, not yesterday? It is impossible that he can only see the deterioration, even when it starts to deteriorate? How many fingers are you leaning on?

Those fingers are amazing!

Is this Chinese medicine? It's incredible!

Gu Lao saw Albert's stunned expression, and immediately knew Lin Chen was right. He was surprised: "Lin Chen, it seems that you really see Wang Lao's physical problems. Can you heal?"

Lin Chen nodded and said with a smile: "I do see it, Gu Lao. If I read correctly, the prescription you gave to Jiang Lao should be a warm and nourishing medicine for qi and blood."

Gu Lao busy nodded and said: "Yes, I saw that Jiang Lao's body was so weak that he prescribed warming and nourishing remedies to replenish qi and nourish the blood, and at the same time he adjusted his internal organs! Is it possible that I am wrong?

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "You're right, old Jiang's body is really weak to the extreme, you are right to prescribe a warming prescription."

"So why did Jiang Jiang drink my medicine, but his body did not get any better?" Gu Lao wondered, he was very puzzled about this matter.

"Because Jiang Lao's body now makes an analogy, it is a bucket with holes in the bottom. No matter how much water you pour into it, it is useless. His body simply cannot absorb the power of your soup. "Lin Chen explained slowly.

Gu Lao frowned, apparently still not quite understanding, and asked again: "Actually, Dr. Albert's life potion, I also have some understanding, and the effect of my prescription is the same, so why does his potion work? "

Albert was also relieved from the shock at this time, and he was a little proud, even if you can see how old Jiang's condition is, in the final analysis, it is not to be treated with my life potion!

He proudly said: "My life pharmacy is developed by a special technology, which not only has an effect many times stronger than that of soup, but also can be directly absorbed by the human gastrointestinal mucosa instantly, so there is no need to be afraid of it."

"Indeed, you are right, your life potion was absorbed by Jiang's body." Lin Chen nodded.

Albert was more proud of his face, but at this time, he listened to Lin Chen's tone and mocked: "The human body will automatically reject anything that cannot be absorbed, and your life potion is equivalent to putting Those things that were rejected by Mr. Jiang's body were forced into it. He could have lived for about 3 months. This time, it is estimated to be only one month."

He smiled and looked at Albert playfully: "It's hard to say that you are murdering Jiang Lao!"

"You! You're a lot of nonsense! How could I murder Jiang Lao! How could it be!" Albert said with a pale face in an instant, panicking.

At the same time, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, with a creepy feeling, as if he was stared at by many terrifying breath!

He was sweaty and panicked in his heart. Jiang Lao's identity was not simple. If he really involved in the murder of Jiang Lao, then he was finished!

"I’m not talking nonsense. In fact, your life potion is nothing more than arousing people’s physical potential, and Jiang Lao’s body can be said to have run out of lights, and where is there any potential for you to excite? Your life potion just let him It’s just a matter of returning to the light in advance! We have a word in China that is too late. You force Jiang Lao’s body to absorb the essence of Chinese herbal medicine, which will only have the opposite effect, killing his vitality and accelerating his death!" Lin Chen shook his head.

Albert was a little scared at this moment. In fact, when checking Jiang Lao’s body data today, he felt something was wrong. If his life potions were useful, Wang Lao’s physical function would not deteriorate again. If it works, it will be useless to increase his dose!

He wants to increase the dose for treatment, just because he is not reconciled and wants to give it a try.

But he didn't even think of it at all, the life potion that made him proud even had an anti-effect!

"Then... what should I do now?" Albert looked at Lin Chen in a panic, and even had a hint of begging in his tone. There was no more arrogance. If Jiang Lao died early because of his life potion, he would never Good fruit to eat!

Gu Lao's eyes widened and he was surprised: "Lin Chen, you said that Jiang Lao's body has run out of light and the lamp has dried up.

Lin Chen nodded and said: "The five failures of heaven and man, the limit is coming!"

"It's really a decay of heaven and man!" Gu Lao exclaimed, then frustrated, and smiled bitterly: "In this way, there is really no way."

"Five failures of heaven and man? What are five failures of heaven and man?" Albert asked busy.

Jiang Lao also had some curiosity in his eyes, but he didn't have any fear. As if he didn't have any fear of death at all, but in the depths of his eyes, he was unwilling.

"Heaven and man have five failures. They refer to dirty clothes, withered hair on their heads, sweating underarms, filthy body, and unhappy seats. In the final analysis, they are talking about the limit of human beings. This is a reincarnation, no one can change it, and no one can change their lives!"

Gu Lao sighed, he knew how important the old man in bed was to the country. Now, the country is really facing huge losses.

"No one can change?" Albert heard the words and felt bitter in his heart. He thought that Lin Chen had just said that Jiang Lao could have lived for 3 months, but now because of his illness, he could only live for a month, and he just wanted to die. Have a heart!

This time, he was in trouble!

Jiang Lao's eyes filled with a gloom, sighed, and said nothing, mortals always die, heroes are late, who can change it?

"Gu Lao, you made a mistake. Lao Jiang is still saved, at least I can save him." Lin Chen smiled.