Chapter 579: Song Dashao

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Chapter 597 Young Master Song

Songchang City, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of South China.

Although it is right next to Yuehai City, the degree of development has been dumped a few streets.

Lin Chen was driving a bright yellow Porsche 911, just off the highway, and was driving on the suburban highway.

Long Xuelan was not beside him.

He told Long Xuelan that he would go to Songchang City for a day or two. Although Long Xuelan was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything, just let him hurry up.

Then he was given a small bamboo tube with the thickness of his thumb. After he had finished his work, he hurried to Liuqi Town, Guixiang Province. When he turned it down, he opened the bamboo tube, and the grub inside would take him to find her.

After talking, she left.

Of course, before leaving, the woman warned Lin Chen that if he dared to escape, she would have a way to catch him!

This made Lin Chen very helpless, especially want to slam the woman's ass, let her know the consequences of threatening herself, but unfortunately, he can't beat others...

Lin Chen knew the address of Zhang Yuerong's family. At this time, he was driving to her house by navigation.

This car was the gift he wanted to give to Zhang Yuerong. Among his women, Zhang Yuerong didn't even have his own car.

"Sister Rong should be very happy after seeing herself and this gift?"

With a smile on his face, Lin Chen looked forward to seeing the scene. "I don't know what happened to the two girls, Coco and Mengmeng. I haven't seen each other for more than a month. I should have grown taller."

Both girls call him dad now, they are very close, and sometimes make Zhang Yuerong a little jealous.

At this moment, there was a rapid horn sound beside.

Lin Chen turned his head to look over and saw a white Ferrari convertible sports car.

A man and a woman were sitting in the car. The man was a fat young man. Next to him was a **** girl.

The girl's looks are first-rate.

Of course, Lin Chen is a bit dismissive, after all, none of his women is comparable to this woman.

When the fat young man saw Lin Chen open the car window and looked over, he smiled and said, "Hey, buddy, your Porsche 911 is the top match. Can't you get it for less than 3 million? This Songchang city can afford this car. A few, why haven’t you seen you before?"

Songchang City is not as rich as Yuehai City, so this cool Porsche 911 is very striking here.

Lin Chen did not like to talk too much nonsense with strangers, and said lightly: "I am out of town."

"This way."

The fat young man was a little bit excited, "You drive this car, you should also like drag racing? If you don't drag this car, then you will be blind. Are you interested in playing at night?"

"I'm not interested." Lin Chen didn't give a face.

Is this car blind if it doesn't drag? What **** logic.

Do you have to drive a sports car?

Lin Chen finished talking, closed the window directly, the throttle burst, and overtake left.

"Lying trough, so tugging?" the fat young man said uncomfortably.

"Young Master Song, this outlander is really arrogant, thinking how powerful a Porsche is!"

The **** girl next to the fat young man pouted at the distant Porsche, with a disdainful tone. The man didn't even look at her just now, which made her always proud and annoyed.

After she finished talking, she smiled and said: “Don’t you say that you are a master of drag racing, and you can’t beat you in Songchang City? Hee hee, can you tell me your skills?”

The fat youth heard the news and nodded immediately, laughing badly: "Baby, no problem, I will let you see my drag racing ability, hey, let you see my bed tolerance at night!"

This woman is a small and well-known female presenter on the local TV station. She just got started. Fat young people will not refuse her request.

Moreover, he was very unhappy with Lin Chen's arrogance.

"Hate, bully others, faster than that foreigner's car!" The woman hammered under his chest, smirking.

The fat young man smiled lasciviously and stepped directly on the accelerator. Ferrari snarled and immediately chased him.

Lin Chen saw Ferrari behind him catching up again, and couldn't help being impatient.

To be honest, as long as the road is suitable and there are no pedestrians, he is also interested in drag racing.

But it also needs to have a suitable opponent, such as a Chinese car god, etc., and this fat young man is obviously not.

He hurried to Zhang Yuerong's house, there was no time to waste here, he stepped on the accelerator again, and the Porsche 911 flew out like a string arrow.

At the beginning of the Ferrari car, the fat youth was still full of smiles and extremely confident. The **** girl was also cheering and shouting overtaking and overtaking.

However, after Lin Chen's beautiful drifts and the speed of the car didn't decrease from beginning to end, the fat young man's face gradually turned green.

The girl also shut her mouth, her face awkward.

Even if she is a layman, she can see that Song Dao Shao is not an opponent of others, and it is not a grade at all. Continue to yell, it is just to come and mock Song Dao!

Song Junfeng was speechless in his heart, didn't he just put a B in front of the girl I just soaked in?

How come I met such a master, watching the other party's skills, it is much stronger than the president of his super running club!

However, at this time, he was riding a tiger and could not catch up.

After all, I just boasted Haikou to the women around me. If I were just dumped, it would be a shame to my grandma's house.

The most important thing for him, Song Dashao, is face.

Fortunately, there are not many corners on the road, and his Ferrari performance is better than the Porsche 911, so it was not immediately thrown away.

After a while, as the number of vehicles gradually increased, Lin Chen could only slow down. After all, he could not make fun of other people’s lives no matter how good his skills were.

What annoyed him was that the Ferrari behind was still chasing after him, and he didn't mean to slow down at all.

"Haha! Overtaking! Overtaking!" Ferrari, the fat young man shouted excitedly, at this time he was already anxious red eyes, some ignored.

"Young Master Song, don't drive so fast, be careful! Slow down!" The **** girl was frightened by her looks instead.

The fat young man had originally tightened his nerves, staring at Lin Chen's car butt, desperately accelerating. After being so shouted by the woman beside him, it was a little sober, but it was a little late.

Because of the red light in front, Lin Chen’s car stopped, and the fat young man’s car crashed directly towards the Porsche 911!

"Ah!!!" The woman screamed in fright.

"Lying trough!" The fat young man's face also changed a lot, he was busy turning the steering wheel, but instead he directly hit the side fence.

With a loud noise, Ferrari completely turned off.

"What's the matter, is this car owner crazy? He hit the fence?"

"He drove too fast! Is that what he hates most about driving sports cars, so he can't drive well, now something is wrong!"

"Huh, this seems to be the Song of Young Master Song?"

"I wipe it, it doesn't seem like it is the car of Young Master Song, what else is going to be stupid, save people quickly!"

"Yes, save people quickly, wait for them to be rescued, and Young Master Song will give us some benefits, which is enough for us to do for a few months."


Many car owners and passers-by first discussed the Ferrari, and then some people recognized the owner, and then several people came forward to save people.

Fortunately, the quality of Ferrari is excellent, and the protective measures are also good. Although the front part of the car body was a bit deformed, but the people inside did not die.

The woman was okay, but her hair was circulated, and a large piece of Wuqing was hit on the forehead.

The fat young man was slammed with blood, and although he was still breathing, he had fainted.

The wound on the forehead looked terrible, and blood came out like running water.

"All give up, let me take a look, I am a doctor!"

A middle-aged man immediately came forward to check for the fat young man, and then his face became ugly, saying, "The injury is very serious, and the blood bleeds too fast. Hurry to the hospital! If you stop bleeding in time, you will be killed!" "

"I have called an ambulance!" someone said.

"No! It will take at least ten minutes for the ambulance to come over. He can't wait so long. He has to stop the bleeding first, alas, but I don't have any tools now!" said the middle-aged doctor.

At this time, he had simply wrapped up the fat youth with cloth strips, but the blood was still pouring out!