Chapter 710: Hendra virus

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Chapter 710 Hendra virus

"Yan Shao!" the middle-aged man on the side shouted respectfully when he saw the man walking in.

Han Shuang saw him, with anger in his eyes, and he was about to attack immediately, but hearing his words, his face could not help showing a happy look.

"What do you mean? Can you heal snowflakes?"

"Oh, of course I can't heal snowflakes, but you can rest assured that I have brought people who can heal snowflakes!"

Yan Shihong smiled and turned sideways. A middle-aged man with a white face came forward.

He continued to laugh now: "This is Dr. Andre. He is one of the top veterinarians in the world. As long as he shoots, he can definitely cure snowflakes!"

Andrea, the most famous veterinarian in Europe, the best area is equine animals!

Several veterinarians who were originally in the room, when they saw Andrea arrived, they all got up and stepped aside. Obviously, they are no longer needed here!

They looked at Andre's eyes, with some admiration.

Han Shuang heard Yan Shihong's introduction, glanced at the white middle-aged man, and then nodded: "Well, as long as the snowflakes can get better, this matter will be fine, otherwise, I will never end with you!"

"Hehe, Xiaoshuang, don't worry!"

Yan Shihong smiled on his face and politely said to the white middle-aged man: "Dr. Andrea, then trouble you!"

Andre nodded slightly, looking very arrogant, stepped forward to squat next to Snowflakes, took the instrument from the toolbox he brought with him, and began to check!

He first inspected the wound, and then measured the heartbeat of Snowflakes. Suddenly, his face changed, and he began to measure his temperature, and looked at the pupils of Snowflakes.

Then he stood up suddenly, stepped back, and said in a panic:

"Damn! It's infected with Hendra virus, it can't be cured at all! And the virus is terrifyingly contagious, even people can be infected. Hurry up and burn it on the spot and disinfect it, otherwise everyone will be in danger!"

"What? Hendra virus?"

Everyone heard it, their face changed!

After Andrea finished speaking, he quickly ran out of the stable, and Yan Shihong and the nursing staff, after reacting, immediately evacuated!

Hendra virus is a zoonotic virus. It is extremely deadly for both livestock and humans, and there is no medicine at all!

In the blink of an eye, only Lin Chen and Han Shuang were left in the stable!

Han Shuang's face was pale. She also knew about Hendra virus. If Snowflake was really infected with Hendra virus, there would be no cure at all!

Her face was ugly, and she did not want to believe this kind of thing at all. She looked at Andre: "Doctor Andre, are you sure that Snowflake is really infected with Hendra virus?"

Andre was already standing outside at this time. When he saw that Han Shuang was suspicious of his diagnosis, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, but still said:

"Although I am not 100% sure, based on the horse's wounds, heartbeat, body temperature and pupils, it is almost certain that it is infected with Hendra virus!

I believe my judgment will not go wrong! Therefore, it is better to deal with it in place quickly, otherwise, everyone will suffer! "

Yan Shihong beside him quickly nodded and said:

"Xiaoshuang, although Dr. Andre cannot be 100% certain, he is still in tens of a hundred. Moreover, snowflakes can’t be saved anymore, so get rid of it quickly, otherwise, for our horse farm, no doubt It’s a disaster and it’s not responsible for the lives of others!"

The staff members of the racecourse beside Yan Shihong were all scared and pale, and they persuaded Han Shuang to persuade them.

"Ms. Han, Dr. Andre's diagnosis will not go wrong. For everyone's sake, let's burn the snowflakes!"

"There is no cure for this horse, you can't let everyone take risks together? You also have to think about the safety of other people and the rest of the horses!"

"This horse is the pathogen now, and it must not be allowed to survive! Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of it!"

"Yes, burn it up quickly!"

Seeing everyone, Han Shuang couldn't wait to burn the snowflakes to ashes, and for a time she couldn't help but look sad and looked at the snowflakes.

Snowflakes groaned lowly, and seemed to understand the situation at this time, glancing at Han Shuang dimly, as if he was also reluctant to master it.

Its eyes are even a little damp, and it seems to be sad to leave.

Lin Chen was a bit surprised to see this scene, no wonder Han Shuang had such a deep feeling for this horse, this horse is really spiritual!

Yan Shihong turned his head and said to several people beside him: "You go to get the corresponding incineration tools, just dispose of the horse in this stable, and then you need to fully disinfect the horse farm!"

Those people nodded quickly, then left.

Then, Yan Shihong looked at the stable and stood beside Han Shuang, staring at Lin Chen who was looking at the snowflakes.

He pointed to Lin Chen with his finger and said, "Hurry up and pull Xiaoshuang out, don't be stunned there!"

He directly regarded Lin Chen as the staff of the horse farm, and he was also a little whispered in his heart. This staff was very courageous. In this case, he was still not afraid of death!

However, when his words fell, he ignored Lin Chen at all and couldn't help being annoyed. He shouted:

"Do you still want to do it? I'm talking to you, are you deaf? Believe it or not, I'll let you get out next time? I let you bring Xiaoshuang out immediately!"

This horse farm is from their strict family. He is undoubtedly the master here. Lin Chen, in his opinion, is his servant, and he must naturally obey his words.

However, Lin Chen still ignored him, which made Yan Shihong's face completely gloomy, and he just couldn't wait to beat Lin Chen!

If it wasn't for him that he was afraid of being infected by snowflakes, he ran in and pulled Han Shuang out, and gave Lin Chen a slap!

The middle-aged man who brought Lin Chen and Han Shuang in was just sent by Yan Shihong to get the equipment. At this time, everyone at the scene also regarded Lin Chen as a horse farm employee.

Seeing him disregard Yan Shihong's words, many of them cast sympathetic glances at him, while others screamed directly.

"What are you doing stunned? Quickly pull Miss Han out!"

"That's it! Are you afraid of dying? You want to die, but don't drag everyone into the water!"

"I said are you deaf, did you hear Yan Shao talking to you just now?"

These people were too noisy, and Lin Chen was upset. Looking at them, he shouted coldly, "Shut up for me!"

Lin Chen's voice seemed to be a thunder, which blew in their ears and shocked everyone.

Even though Yan Shihong was usually elegant, he was scolded by his own servants at this time, especially in front of the woman he likes, and his face was furious, and his eyes almost burst into flames!

Everyone responded in an instant, but I didn't expect that this kid would dare to teach him and others, and he would immediately swear, but then he heard that person told Han Shuang:

"Relax, Snowflake is not infected with Hendra virus, it will be fine!"