Chapter 874: Can't change hands for you

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Gu Lao hadn't spoken yet. At this time, the few people who passed by when they saw Gu Lao stopped. They all showed gratitude on their faces.

These three seem to be a family, an old lady who is estimated to be in her 70s or 80s, and two middle-aged men, who are holding her up and look like her son.

"President Gu, you are here! Thank you so much. I took the medicine you prescribed a few days ago and my mother's health is now better!"

One of the middle-aged people was grateful.

"Yes, Dean Gu, you Chenguang Hospital, but it's the gospel of our poor people! My mother was in the city hospital, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her body is not good, but in the end you have a few Chinese medicine How much money, the body is much better!" Another middle-aged man said quickly.

"President Gu, thank you. If it weren't for you, my old lady wouldn't live long. The hospital-like place can't go anymore. Every time you go, it costs 10,000 or 20,000, and your health is not good. This is not harming the children. Well! If you go on like that, I would rather die!"

The old lady said with emotion, with a desolate voice.

After talking, she was excited again: "My wife kneels down for you, you are my life-saving benefactor!"

Then she had to kneel down, and Gu Lao hurriedly supported her, saying, "This elder sister, you are too polite. I am a hospital. It is natural to cure you. There is no need to thank, there is nothing to thank!"

Although Gu Lao said so, these three people were still very thankful, and finally persuaded them to leave.

The other patients passing by were all applauded, and they were all very grateful to Gu Lao, and they were full of praise for Chenguang Hospital, saying that it was the gospel of the poor.

When Gu Lao, Lin Chen and Liu Li walked into the outpatient building, Lin Chen was surprised:

"Gu Lao, when did you become the dean of this hospital? As far as I know, this hospital seems to be called Chengde Hospital before?"

Gu Lao said with a smile: "I was planning to retire before, but I found out that I am really not a free person, so I plan to open a Chinese medicine hospital, which can be regarded as a continuous promotion of Chinese medicine, and it is for the poor who are difficult to see a doctor. Let's do something good.

The previous Chengde Hospital was poorly managed, and the other party also planned to sell this hospital building. Some patients who I just treated were willing to fund and sponsor me to start the hospital, so I took over the hospital. "

After talking with Gu Lao for a while, Lin Chen also understood that this hospital is basically a non-profit hospital.

The purpose of construction is two.

One is to promote traditional Chinese medicine.

The other is to help some poor people solve medical problems. The cost of diagnosis and treatment here is basically not profitable, and the poor can accept it.

Even if you really have no money, you can still heal for free!

This hospital can only be run because of Gu's accumulated contacts over the years, and there are many rich people in the patients who have been treated.

"It is indeed a good thing to set up such a hospital, but why would Gu Lao think of coming to Yuehai City instead of Guangyang City?" Lin Chen wondered.

Liu Li blushed and hurriedly said: "This is the case. The owner of this hospital building was also a patient of my grandfather. We gave a preferential price. We felt it was quite suitable here, so we came here. !"

Gu Lao looked at Liu Li funny.

You know, Liu Li said that the reason is one of them, but in fact, there are many good choices in Guangyang City. The reason for coming here is mainly to listen to the opinions of my granddaughter.

Now it seems that my granddaughter obviously has some meaning for Lin Shenyi.

No wonder you want to let yourself come to Yuehai City!

Lin Chen nodded, did not think much, and looked at Gu Lao and asked:

"By the way, Gu Lao, you just said I hope I can promise something. What is the specific thing?"

"It's like this, Lin Shenyi, I want to invite you to be the deputy dean here, how do you feel?" Gu Lao laughed.

Today, Gu Lao can be said to have stood at the top of the entire Chinese medicine community. If anyone's medical skills convinced him to take oral medicine, then he is undoubtedly the young man in front of him.

Whether it was Wang Lao in Guangyang before, or Long Wangjiang in the back, or Liu Li's face, their problems were too helpless for Gu Lao, but in the end they were all cured by Lin Chen!

From the perspective of Gu Lao, Lin Chen's medical technique is simply a miracle, and it is a real rejuvenation!


Lin Chen hesitated, but he did not expect Gu Lao to let him be the vice president.

To be honest, the first thing he has to do now is to improve his strength, and he is also the bodyguard of An Xueyao, and he is really not interested in serving in the hospital.

Seeing Lin Chen hesitate, Gu Lao thought he was dissatisfied with this position and said:

"Lin Shen doctor, if you want, in fact, you can be the dean of this hospital, and I will be the deputy dean to assist you!"

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "Gu old man, you misunderstood. I am not dissatisfied with the position of vice president, but I usually have my own things to do, I am afraid that I don't have much time to come here."

Gu Lao said with a smile: "It turns out that Lin Shenyi is worried about this. In fact, you don't have to worry about it. Like a doctor like you, I didn't intend to let you come to sit on a daily basis. Only when I met a patient I could not cure. Will trouble you to come over!"

In fact, he also has a bit of selfishness, that is, when he encounters a disease that he can not cure, Lin Chen shot, then he can also learn aside.

Of course, this selfishness is completely okay, for Lin Chen, it doesn't matter at all.

"Yes, Lin Chen, you agree to come down." Liu Li also persuaded.

In fact, she actually hopes that Lin Chen can come here every day for consultation, so that she can meet every day.

Since there is no need to come over on weekdays, and the situation that Gu Lao can't heal is undoubtedly very rare, Lin Chen will not intend to refuse any more.

He can also contribute to the promotion of Chinese medicine, and he is naturally willing.

And looking at the people who were grateful to Gu before, this hospital is undoubtedly doing good things for the people.

He nodded and said with a smile: "Since that is the case, then I am disrespectful."

When Gu Lao and Liu Li saw Lin Chen agree, they were all happy.

Gu Laogang opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly a middle-aged man hurried over and stopped in front of Gu Lao, apologizing:

"Gu Lao, I'm really embarrassed. I can't change hands with you in this hospital!"

Seeing this man, Gu Lao smiled first, but when he heard his words, he stayed.

This middle-aged man is the owner of this private hospital, Liu Weifu. He used to be a patient of Gu Lao. Gu Lao was kind to him and his relationship with each other was also very good.

I already said that I had to transfer this hospital to Gu Lao a while ago. Only some handover procedures were left unprocessed. I plan to complete all these two days.

In the past two days, the hospital has also started to operate normally. Many doctors in the hospital, especially some old Chinese doctors, came to see Gu Lao's face.

As a result, the other party now said that he could not change hands, so Gu Lao couldn't explain to the doctors who had come to work.

Also, Lin Chen just promised him to be the deputy dean, but the hospital could not be opened, which made Gu Lao's face hot.

Before Gu Lao opened his mouth, Liu Li frowned: "Uncle Liu, haven't you said everything before? Why didn't you suddenly change hands? You're so unbelievable, let my grandfather talk to others Explain!"