Chapter 898: Camocia family

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Su Man's sudden block in front of Lin Chen's move made everyone stunned.

Pedro looked at Lin Chen's gaze, and was almost jealous.

He originally thought Lin Chen was just an indispensable little white face, but now Su Man is blocking everything in front of Lin Chen in desperation!

It can be seen how important Lin Chen is in his mind!

Lin Chen was originally planning to speak, but was also made to cry by Su Man's behavior, and pulled her behind him, looking at Giovanni:

"You are the leader of the Machiavelli family?"

Su Man saw that Lin Chen did not run, but also asked the other person, but he was anxious and helpless.

Giovanni smiled coldly and looked at Lin Chen:

"Yes, I am! Boy, no wonder you dare to take action on my people. It turned out to be a kung fu, but you have ancient warriors in China, but our country also has super powers! For us, Machiavelli For the Lee family, you don’t have enough to watch!”

"You keep our cargo detained, and Su Man wants to see you, what do you want to do?"

Lin Chen ignored the opponent's ridicule and asked straight away.

Giovanni said coldly: "You are not qualified to know this! But I can tell you what I want to do now!"

Lin Chen raised her lips and smiled lightly: "What do you want to do now?"

Giovanni snorted: "Humph! You scrapped David's legs and lower body, and interrupted the hands of Charlie and others, so it's very simple. I want you to have two legs, one hand, and you can't do it. the man!"

Hearing the words, Su Man's face was white, and Pedro's face was a gloating smile.

Just then, there was a loud noise outside the hotel.

"What's going on?" Giovanni frowned.

At this moment, a big man ran over and said:

"The leader of the party, the leader of the Camocia family and the members of the law enforcement team also came, and the brothers outside could not stop it!"

Giovanni changed his face, scolding: "That **** old guy, the news is quite informed, and even ran to join the fun!"

Lin Chen was puzzled when she heard about the Camocia family.

Su Man explained in his ear: "The Camocia family is also one of the famous mafia families on the Italian side. It is a level of existence with the Machiavelli family."

Lin Chen heard that, but his face was even more surprised.

What is the situation, how come a mafia family came again, wouldn't it also come for Su Man?

Although Su Man's charm is huge, she hasn't seen each other before, so she can let the other person bring him here!

Confused, he didn't even speak, waiting for the arrival of the Camocia family.

"Little brother, run quickly, I really don't want to see you in trouble!"

Su Manjian saw the arrival of a mafia family again, and with the law enforcement team, he could not think about whether he had anything to do with himself.

"Relax, these people are not my opponents." Lin Chen smiled.

When Lin Chen said this, he seemed very confident.

Today's general innate peak powerhouse is no longer his opponent.

He wouldn't think that the opponent could have the sword **** Qin Chuan, or the **** of the sun.

After all, that kind of existence is the strongest of a country, it is impossible to grievance yourself to be the captain of a mafia family law enforcement team!

Su Man saw that Lin Chen would not leave, but also looked like he didn't put others in his eyes. He was helpless and anxious.

She made up her mind and waited for what the other party asked, she agreed, and she must not watch Lin Chen killed!

Soon, more than a dozen people came.

Headed by an old man who is estimated to be 60 or 70 years old, he is slightly blessed.

Next to him was a slender middle-aged man whose face seemed ordinary, but there was an invisible momentum that made him stand in the crowd and could be distinguished in an instant!

This old man is the head of the Camocia family, Parker, and the middle-aged is the captain of the Camocia family's law enforcement team. Pier, like Nino, was in the early stage of the Holy Class.

Those behind him are members of the law enforcement team of their family.

Parker smiled at Giovanni from afar:

"Dear Giovanni, I heard that you seem to be targeting the people of Huaxia Guohua Group. I just read the information of Huading Group. Unexpectedly, I found a person who interested me!"

Giovanni naturally knew that the person he was interested in was also the charming Chinese woman in the room, sneeringly:

"Parker, don't talk about the ones that aren't. Are you going to rob me? I tell you that this woman was discovered by me first, so she is mine!"

Parker and others have also reached the door. He looked at Su Man in the eye room, his eyes bright, and then he looked at Giovanni and shook his head:

"That was not the case. Although you discovered it first, you did not write your name on her, so she is not yours!"

Although the tone is not fierce between the two sides, it is full of gunpowder, giving people the feeling of being drawn out.

Nino and Pier were staring at each other and were tit-for-tat. As long as their party leader gave an order, they would start immediately.

They have also handed a few times between them, the strength is half a catty, really fight, the outcome is unknown.

There was a faint smile on Parker's old face: "Giovanni, if you do it, it's not good for anyone. I have a proposal. Are you interested in hearing it?"

Giovanni sneered, "Say!"

The law enforcement teams of their two families are evenly matched in terms of overall strength. Even if they fight in the end, he will really win, and he will definitely lose a lot.

That's not what he wanted to see!

He shouted at Parker in his heart that this old fox must be paying attention to his actions at all times, so he would react so quickly.

As soon as his forefoot arrived, he came after his hind foot!

Parker said with a smile: "It's very simple. This woman is dedicated to the godfather and his old man in the name of the two of us. If this woman is what he is looking for, then we can get a site that belongs to half of the Dias family. We are five or five points on the site, how?"

At this time, they completely ignored Su Man's own thoughts, as if two hunters were discussing the distribution of prey.

Giovanni groaned, although some were unwilling to be extracted by the tiger's mouth, but he only nodded:

"Okay! Hum! If things are really done, it will be cheaper for you!"

"Okay, you'll be on the side first, I still need to teach this boy in the house a good meal!" Giovanni didn't have a good air.

Parker wasn't angry, anyway, he had reached his goal and stood directly to watch the play.

Dedicated to the godfather? A site that belongs to half of the Dias family?

Lin Chen got some information from the conversation just now.

He already knew who the godfather was in his mouth.

He did not know the Machiavelli family and the Camocia family, but for the Dias family, and the legendary European godfather, Carlo Dias, he knew something about it.

Because Jiang Lao told him some of the world's first-class forces, he also mentioned this Dias family!

The Dias family is also a mafia family, but unlike the Machiavelli family and the Camocia family, it is only the existence of the famous country.

The Dias family is famous throughout Europe and even the world!

The leader of the Dias family, Carlo Dias, is known as the legendary godfather of Europe!

According to Jiang Lao, this low-key European legendary godfather is actually a super powerhouse, the existence of a sacred peak!

It seems that looking for a woman who is naturally charmed also requires that she must be a virgin, even the legendary godfather of Europe!

Why is he looking for such a woman? Is it something evil to practice?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen still puzzled.

"Well, thinking about so much, just ask these people." Lin Chen shook his head and looked at Giovanni and Parker.

At this time, Giovanni also looked at Lin Chen with a sneer.

The things that belonged to me were suddenly divided by half by others, which made Giovanni very unhappy!

"Nino, kill this kid and that guy!" Giovanni pointed to Lin Chen and Pedro again, his voice coldly.

He originally intended to completely abolish Lin Chen, but now he wants to vent his anger to Lin Chen and Pedro, and kill him directly!

The remaining two women, Su Man will be handed over to the godfather, and the other Chinese beauty, he is left to himself!

"Okay, the leader of the party!"

Niwa nodded and said to his back: "Armand, Brooke, you two went to kill these two guys!" The two men he said were both semi-holy powerhouses, in his opinion , Kill Lin Chen and Pedro, naturally effortless!