Chapter 968: Tenth place

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Island country.

Shinto Mountain.

In a secret room, there are seven or eight people. These seven or eight people are all at the top of the pyramid of the island martial arts world.

They are all waiting for good news to come.

At this time, an island man wearing a samurai suit hurried in.

"Is the blood Xiaozong side already in control of the so-called Huaxia Ancient Martial Alliance?"

A middle-aged man looked at the incoming warrior with a smile on his face.

The rest of the people were all smiles. From their point of view, this matter is very stable and there can be no accidents.

And after today, the land of China will become a place where they can plunder various ancient martial resources at will!

However, the warrior's words made them all froze.

"Master Liu, the blood Xiaozong side, failed!"

The middle-aged man is the new Yin Liuliu master of Liu Dao, he glared and scolded:

"Baga! What are you talking about, how could you fail! Juno Ono, Jun Miyai, and Jun Yamaguchi went together, where is the possibility of failure?"

The rest of them nodded.

This time, Sun's Flame sent three strong men to help Xuexiaozong, especially Jian Sheng Ono Takuma, with him there, there is no possibility of failure!

Unless it is Qin Chuan's right hand that grows again, this is absolutely impossible!

The samurai was as mournful as he said:

"Master Liu, the news is true. The Chinese Dragon Tooth did not die. Master Ono, Master Miyai, and Master Yamaguchi were all killed by him! Even the chief and deputy masters of Blood Xiaozong are dead!"

"what did you say?"

In an instant, everyone in the room was wide-eyed and stood up suddenly.

The terror of several powerful men swept the room. In a flash, the samurai warrior was sweating and his face was bloodless, and he knelt down with a puff.

However, no one ignored him at this time.

"Huaxia Longya didn't die? He survived the air crash? How is it possible, in that case, he must die! Do he have wings and can fly away one step in advance?"

"Even if he is not dead, it is impossible to win Juno Ono! Besides, there are Jun Miyai and Jun Jun Yamaguchi! Haga, what the **** is going on?"

"Xue Xiaozong, but the piece we finally obtained, was so destroyed! Damn it!"

"Say! Say everything you know! That dragon tooth, how did he kill Ono Jun, what conspiracy did he use?"


After they were frightened, they could only helplessly accept the reality, looked at the samurai coming in, and waited for him to continue talking.

When they wanted to come, Lin Chen was able to kill Ono Takuma and others, and must have used some tricks.

For a while.

"What do you say? He fought head-to-head and won the two innate peak powerhouses of China, Shen Tusheng and Ouyang Xiao? Spike? How is this possible!"

The samurai said something.

Everyone's eyes stared round, and their chin almost fell to the ground.

"Ono Jun was also spiked, cut into two pieces by a sword? This..."

There was a sound of breathing down.

They were also somewhat frightened by Lin Chen's record.

Just then, a handsome middle-aged man walked in from the door.

He was slender and indifferent, and seemed to care nothing. His eyes were introverted and not lingering, but when he saw it, he felt a sense of terror and couldn't help but want to worship.

With a katana in his hand, the scabbard was dark, and it looked a bit old.

But no one dared to look down on this knife, because it is the demon sword Murakami, the island's first knife.

"Master Lord!"

Seeing this middle-aged man, everyone quickly bent over to salute, extremely respectful.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, looked at the samurai, and slowly said:

"You said that Onojun's ghost pill knife and body were both cut into two pieces by the man's red broken sword?"

The warrior nodded quickly: "Yes, Lord Lord!"

He looked at this middle-aged man, just like looking at the gods, crawling directly to the ground, his eyes full of worship.

The middle-aged man whispered: "Is it possible to cut the ghost pill knife into two pieces, the Divine Soldier? But even if he is relying on the advantage of weapons, he can catch up with the speed of Juno Ono's knife, it is extraordinary."

He looked at the warrior: "You let me put a word out."

What happened in Xuexiao Mountain Villa not only spread to the island country, but also spread quickly in various places around the world.

At this moment, the entire international underground world is shaking for the strong return of China Dragon.

"Huaxia Longya didn't die, and even killed a few Saint-level pinnacles! My God, he was so strong!"

"Among them, that Ono Takuma, although not listed in the Tenjin List, he definitely has the top ten strength of the Tenjin List!"

"Those who say that China's ancient martial arts are not worth mentioning are now being beaten? Don't underestimate this ancient and mysterious country!"


Discourses of this kind, at this moment, sounded in every corner of the international underground world.

Everyone was surprised by the terror of the Chinese man in his twenties.

The heir to the dragon, the dragon tooth, really deserves this title!

A post appeared suddenly on an underground forum.

"Hurry up and see, the top ten of the **** list has changed again!"

When this post appeared, almost at the same time, many similar posts also appeared.

"The 5th place in the gods list has been replaced!"

"Yang! My God, he is only in his twenties, and he actually became the 5th in the gods list!"


Everyone on the forum hurriedly checked the Tenjin List, and then found out that the Tenjin List was really updated!

The Chinese dragon tooth, also known as the king of the king, had been directly wiped from the list of gods because of the news of death. This time, it appeared again, but it went directly from the 14th to the 5th!

Seeing the words above, this king of kings is only in his twenties, and everyone was breathing a breath, stunned!

"My God! I feel compared to him, my S-class killer is simply garbage!"

"Then I'm not even good at rubbish? Fak, I'm in my thirties. It's probably impossible to enter Tenjin List in my life!"

"Genius, no, this is beyond the scope of genius, is this guy a monster?"

"In other words, it seems that the author of the Tenjin List is not friendly to China. This time, he directly ranked the king to the fifth place. It seems that he really believes that his strength is undoubted!"

"Ah! The old lady decided, I'm going to find this king, and I want to be his lover! It's wonderful to think of such a young and strong man overnight!"


Suddenly, with the news that the Chinese Longya became No. 5 in the gods list, a large group of people cried and howled.

And those who originally looked down on the China Dragon Group were secretly shocked.

As long as there is this dragon tooth, then the dragon group is an undoubted international super first-class special organization that cannot be provoked.

So at the same time, another heavy news came that exploded the entire international underground world and the martial arts circles of all countries!

The **** of the island nation released the news, fighting for China Dragon Tooth!

The news was all over, and the entire international underground world suddenly boiled.

Some people yelled with excitement and felt it was not exciting enough.

This kind of pinnacle of character is undoubtedly a grand event.

Some people are surprised, not knowing why the island nation **** mainly fights against this Chinese dragon tooth. Is there any hatred against the Chinese people?

Therefore, the sword **** Qin Chuan was abolished before, but now he wants to start fighting against Longya?

"The islanders of the Chinese Dragon Dragon's death in the blood Xiao are the people of the sun's inflammation, and the leader of the sun's inflammation is the Divine Lord!"

Soon, new news came, and the doubts in everyone's hearts were also solved.

It seems that there is indeed a contradiction between the Dragon Tooth and the Divine Lord, but it seems that it is because the Divine Lord wants to get involved in China?

However, none of them care. What they care about is, will that dragon tooth fight?