Chapter 990: Stop acting

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
"Master, this is the village of Iga Liu!"

Chika Suzuki stopped the car and pointed to a closed door in front.

This gate looks ordinary, just like the wooden gate of a general farmyard. Ordinary people pass by, maybe they will not take a glance. However, behind this, it is a ninja village that has been hiding for hundreds of years.

After getting off the car, Suzuki Qianxia stepped forward and knocked on the door.

With a creak, the door opened, and an old farmer-looking man appeared in front of them.

"What's the matter?"

The old peasant looked at Suzuki Qianxia and Lin Chen in front of his eyes. His eyes were alert and he asked.

Chika Suzuki opened the door and saw the road: "I am Chika Suzuki of Koga Flow. I want to see your master Ida Jun. I don’t know if he is here or not?"

The two of them came here today, in fact, to find fault.

And since it is here to find fault, naturally it is necessary to capture the thief to capture the king first. If Shuda Ida is present, he will first clean up him!

Although Jiahe Liu and Iga Liu are also members of the "Sun Flame", they have always been at odds, so Chika Suzuki said his identity and was also prepared. The old farmer may slam the door and close the door.

In that way, she and Lin Chen broke into it directly!

However, beyond the expectations of Suzuki Chika, the old farmer stunned when she heard her words, and then looked at Lin Chen with a smile on her face:

"It turns out that Miss Suzuki is here. Please come in quickly. Our Master Liu is here. I will take you to see him now!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and led the way.

There was a doubt in Suzuki's eyes, but he nodded, and then followed Lin Chen behind the old peasant and walked toward the inside of Iga flow.

Along the way, after passing through some farmland, there are still people cultivating in the field. If you don't know the details of this place, Lin Chen probably thinks that this is an ordinary village.

At this time, Suzuki Chika looked at the back of the old farmer in front of him, and suddenly whispered in Lin Chen's ear:

"Master, I feel like something is wrong!"

"Oh? What's wrong?" Lin Chen turned to look at her.

Qian Suzuki frowned:

"This person is a bit abnormal. We have always been at odds with Jiahe and Iga. There have been several large-scale battles in history. Each hand is stained with the blood of the other. In theory, after he heard my identity , It should be a rejection, but he was so enthusiastic!"

Lin Chen nodded, and he also noticed that something was wrong. After the old man saw him, let alone asking about his identity. Even when he seemed to see him, there was a smile in his eyes.

But he still smiled lightly:

"It's okay, any conspiracy and tricks are meaningless in the face of absolute strength gap."

Lin Chen was extremely confident. He came to the island country and was really fearless. Even if the God Lord appeared at this time, he didn’t care.

Chika Suzuki nodded and said nothing more, but there was still a hint of worry on his face.

Somehow, she was a little uneasy when she stepped into the village of Iga.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of the old man, Lin Chen and Suzuki Qianxia entered a yard, and in some old wooden houses, they saw Iga's current master Liu Xijing.

"Miss Suzuki came to me, is there anything?"

Originally, Shuji Ida was tasting tea. When he saw Lin Chen and others coming over, he walked to the door, and after the old man left, he looked at Suzuki Chisato.

With a smile on his face, a kind and kind look, it seems that he welcomes the arrival of Suzuki Qianxia.

Chika Suzuki didn't know what to say now. People showed a battle for welcoming guests. She couldn't tell. I brought someone to trouble you, right?

Ikeda Hideji's performance was beyond her expectation. According to the truth, Suzuki Chika is just the daughter of Suzuki Yuki, and Ikeda Hideji didn't even give face to Suzuki Xiong, and there is no reason to be so polite to her!

Confused, at this time I do not know how to answer, Suzuki Qianxia turned to look at Lin Chen.

"Who is this?"

The second pair of Ida Hideu noticed Lin Chen's appearance at this time, turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and asked with a smile.

"I'm in trouble for you." Lin Chen said lightly.

The simpleness of Lin Chen made Xiu Tian's face solidify, and then he looked at a loss, "What do you mean?"

He turned to look at Suzuki Chika and said, "Miss Suzuki, what does this mean?"

Lin Chen shook his head, his eyes froze coldly on the face of Xiu Jingjing, saying:

"Okay, don't act. Your muscles are already tight, it's not a welcome performance at all. If I'm not mistaken, you should already know what we are doing, and probably know my identity!"

"Since you dare to wait for us here, explain what you have to rely on, show your hole cards!"

Lin Chen's words made Suzuki Qianxia's face startled, and she quickly took a step back, then looked at Ikeda Shuji cautiously.

Ikeda Hideji was like a bird with a startled bow, leaping tens of meters violently into the yard, and then looked at Lin Chenbao and said with a smile:

"Ba Ga! I didn't expect your observation power to be so careful, but in any case, you are here today, absolutely dead!"

His performance just now was to delay some time for people outside to prepare something. Although it only delayed for a short time, it was enough.

Hearing Ida Hideji’s words, Lin Chen’s face didn’t change, but he said lightly: “Well, don’t hide, you all come out!”

Hearing this, Chika Suzuki was startled again, and before she could respond to her, there were 6 more people in the room!

Just like 6 electric lights, they gathered in the yard all at once!

Suddenly, seven people gathered in the yard, including Shuji Ida!

At this time, all seven of them looked at Lin Chen with a smile on their faces, as if watching the prey that fell into their trap!

"Boy, I didn't expect that you could even discover our existence. It is indeed a skill. It is indeed the dragon tooth of China. Unfortunately, you are going to die here today!"

One of them laughed secretly.

Seeing the newly emerged six people, Suzuki Qianxia's complexion changed suddenly, and a pretty face was pale.

She knows these six people, and each is a legendary figure in the ancient martial arts kingdom of the island country, a superpower who is born at the peak!

They even appeared here at the same time, that only shows one thing!

She exclaimed: "You already knew that we would come here, so lay an ambush?"

Then she suddenly remembered something, her face ugly:

"I know, it must be you Iga who puts the pieces inside our Jiahe, what you did yesterday was known to you! Damn, how come I didn't expect this!"

Although Lin Chen is powerful, but the seven people in front of him are all super strong, and each is a living legend.

Whether Lin Chen can compete with seven, Suzuki Qianxia is really not sure!

Fujiki Kwang looked at Suzuki Chika coldly, scolding:

"Cheesy man, wait a few minutes to clean up you, don't think you can escape my palm, and in the end, you will still be my plaything!"

Say me, he turned to Lin Chen, proudly said:

"Huaxia Longya, don't wait until you die and you don't know who killed you! I'm Beichen's master Liu Fujiko, remember my name, and you can report it after you die!"

"Yes, remember our name, you are about to die in our hands! I am Liu Sheng's new Yin Liu Liu master Liu Sheng Gao Zhi!"

"Iga Liuliu, Ikeda Hideji! You killed my brother, and I want you to pay your life now!"

"Sword Ghost Ozaki Kota!"


Fujimiko and others all reported their names. In their view, the strongest person in China will die in their hands, which is really an exciting thing for them!

Before waiting for the rest to report the name, Lin Chen frowned, impatiently saying: "Shut up! I don't need to know the name of the ants, if there is any card, it will show up, otherwise, you 7 will all be there It's dying. Do you think you can kill me by adding together your seven wastes?"