Chapter 1261: The death of Xiang Changtian

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Early the next morning, Zhang Yuerong went to work. After Lin Chen sent two little girls to school, he hurried in the direction of Ye Menghuang's house.

On the way, when I passed an intersection, I just happened to meet a family holding a memorial service. The people coming in endlessly blocked the whole road!

Lin Chen didn't pay much attention at first. Although crowded, he could still squeeze in. However, he quickly became curious.

Because, he discovered that the people who came here were all ancient martial artists.

Although it is basically the acquired realm, and only two or three in the congenital realm, he is still a little surprised. It is rare for such ancient warriors to get together.

He wondered in his heart, whose memorial service, so many ancient warriors came.

Listening carefully to the sound, some whispered conversation came into his ears.

"Don't the Xiang family just broke through to the late congenital period? Why did he die suddenly, what is the situation?"

"Is it said that it is a big man?"

"Alas, I know all about this matter. I was there at the time! The day before yesterday, it was Miss Xiang Huowu's birthday. The family owner held a birthday party for Miss Xiang and invited some friends from the ancient martial arts circle he knew. "

"You're talking about the point. I heard that I was anxious and couldn't make it. Can Master Xiang be killed at the birthday party?"

"Yes! It was killed at the birthday party! At that time, the head of the Xiang family and Miss Xiang entered the Qianhua Hotel, and suddenly a young man brought a few people to them. The young man said he saw Miss Xiang. The qualifications are good, he likes it, let Miss Xiang be his maid."

"Miss Xiang, of course, is unwilling. This is just a joke. She even asked Miss Xiang's family to be his maid and dream! Anyone can guess that this maid is estimated to have to sleep with him! Scold!"

"As a result, the head of the Xiang family only scolded the young man, and the person behind the young man directly kicked his feet on the chest of the Xiang family, and kicked the Xiang family directly to death! It was terrible! , Was kicked to death!"


The sound of breathing inwardly sounded, "Just because he said the young man, he actually killed Xiang's master! My God, this is too domineering! And it is still the hands of the class, how terrible the young man's coming is what!"

"Who knows? No one is qualified to let him shoot! The people present saw his hands killing the head of the Xiang family. Despite the grief, where could they dare to go to die?"

"Later? Has Miss Xiang succumbed? Or is she desperate to fight with each other?"

"Later, the person let everyone go, leaving only Miss Xiang. I don’t know what happened. Alas, Miss Xiang is still alive and can be buried in the scenery of the head of the Xiang family. Give in!"


Lin Chen's face was a bit stunned, he did not expect that this turned out to be Xiang Changtian's wedding.

Xiang Changtian, the first person in South China before he appeared, was actually kicked to death, and the other party was so brutal, it is estimated that Xiang Huowu would not be let go.

In Lin Chen's mind, when he first met, Xiang Huowu was as proud as a peacock, but he kindly reminded himself to provoke Zhou's appearance to run immediately.

He hesitated and walked towards the memorial hall.

He wasn't a person who likes to do much business, but since he was an old man, he would take a look.

Memorial Hall.

In the middle, there are black and white photos of Xiang Changtian, many old friends of Xiang Changtian, who took turns to send wreath flower baskets.

On both sides of the picture, the people of the Xiang family stood, and Xiang Huowu was among them.

She was wearing a plain white dress and ponytails, but she was no longer as energetic and flexible as before, and her face was dull and lifeless, like a walking dead body.

Many people looked at her with sympathy, and then looked at the middle-aged man in black next to her with some fear.

Because this middle-aged man was the one who kicked and died Xiang Changtian two days ago!

In the eyes of everyone, the reason why Xiang Huowu was still alive was because he succumbed to the young man, and when he became his maidservant, he gave back his body.

Therefore, even the young man's follower will now be beside Xiang Huowu.

Some people sympathize with Xianghuowu, and feel that she is a girl who is powerless and chooses to succumb.

Of course, there are also some people who looked at Xiang Huowu with disdainful eyes and felt that she did not have the blood of the children in the rivers and lakes.

He succumbed to her father's enemies!

No matter what other people's eyes look like, Xiang Huowu is expressionless and his eyes are dull.

"Uncle! Wen Wei is late to come back!"

At this time, a servant young man suddenly ran in from outside the door, thudded and knelt in front of Xiang Changtian's picture, his head fell to the ground, and he burst into tears.


When Xiang Huowu saw the youth, his body shook, and his eyes finally recovered.

The young man's name is Xiang Wenwei, and his parents died shortly after he was born. He was raised by his uncle Xiang Changtian.

Xiang Wenwei didn't have much talent in Gu Wu, but his head was very clever. He was once the top science candidate in the South China College Entrance Examination. Later, he was sent to Oxford for further study.

For Xiang Wenwei, Xiang Changtian, uncle and cousin Xiang Huowu are the closest people in the world.

Hearing the news of Xiang Changtian's death, he flew back immediately by plane.

Hearing Xiang Huowu's voice, Xiang Wenwei looked up at her, her blood-red eyes scared Xiang Huowu back.

She had never thought of it, so her cousin, who loved her, would look at herself with such a hatred and disgust in her eyes.

"Why did uncle die, and you don't tell me? If it wasn't me calling my friend, he and I mentioned, would you keep hiding me?"

Xiang Wenwei stared at him.


Xiang Huowu opened his mouth and his eyes turned red. "It's useless for you to come! Cousin, forget it? Don't think of revenge, we can't revenge!"

The man in black beside her looked at Xiang Wenwei with a sneer on his face.

"Can't revenge? Just because you can't revenge, you choose to live hard and succumb to the enemy?"

Xiang Wenwei stood up and his eyes were angry: "Xiang Huowu, you are too disappointing me! You have lost the strength of our Xiang family! The bones are soft, you are not worthy of the surname! You are afraid of death and dare not help your uncle Revenge, then I will report! Even if it is just to death, I will go!"

Xiang Huowu seemed to be irritated, his eyes were red, and he shouted, "Don’t you go crazy, cousin? You are just a mid-acquired one, what are you going to take revenge for? You are going to die! Do you have to die? Are you willing?"

"It's okay if you die, so you won't be ashamed to look at you! The face of our Xiang family is completely clean!" Xiang Wenwei growled, like a crazy beast.


Xiang Huowu was so angry that he burst into tears, but he didn't know what to say, and his eyes were helpless. However, Xiang Wenwei, who was blinded by anger and hatred at this moment, would not even notice.

"Very good! Do you want to die, right? Then I can send you a ride now!" The black man beside Xiang Huowu, with a sneer on his face, appeared in front of Xiang Wenwei next moment, pinched Hold him by the neck and lift him directly into the air!