Chapter 4225: City in the desert

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
Chapter 4225: Cities in the Desert

The sky is full of yellow sand. This is a desert with no end in sight. The scorching sun scorches the earth, seemingly to use terrible heat to destroy everything on the ground.

Looking around, let alone pedestrians, there is not even a trace of emerald green plants.

Lin Chen stood several hundred meters high in the sky, looking up from the distance, only the yellow sand that could not reach the end was in sight.

"Where is the specific location of the strange space where the Li family lives?" Lin Chen looked at the ancient Xuanyan tree and couldn't wait to ask, wanting to quickly confirm whether Li Mo is here.

The ancient tree Xuanyan said in embarrassment, "I only know that the different space is in this desert, but I don't know the exact location."

Seeing that Lin Chen's expression became very ugly, he hurriedly said: "Don't worry. Although I don't know the specific location, I have already thought of how to find out that different space. It is not difficult!"

Lin Chen looked at him silently and motioned him to continue speaking.

The ancient tree of Xuan Yan said: "Although the domain owner only arranges a part of the Li family to live in a different space just in case, there are thousands of people.

Thousands of Li family members were all grown up with clothes to reach out and open their mouths. Just like the children of any big family on the Origin Continent, each person must have several dedicated servants beside him. Especially among the young male heirs, there are many beautiful female slaves beside him.

For people like them, slaves are consumables, and many will die in a period of time. So where did these slaves come from, and where did they supplement them?

Either directly capture the people living in this desert, or get it from a slave merchant, or come from the cities around the desert!

We just need to inquire in this desert and the surrounding areas. First, find out if there is a large number of people who often disappear and disappear; second, find a slave trader, so it won’t take long to get clues! "

After listening to it, Cassia thought for a moment, and nodded to Lin Chen, obviously she thought this method was feasible.

"I underestimated you."

Lin Chen looked at the ancient Xuanyan tree in a little surprise. It seems that although this guy's strength is not as good as his own, he is much better than himself in terms of knowledge and experience.

This method is indeed good. If you change to yourself, you may not be able to think that the Cong Li family needs a large number of slaves to serve as a breakthrough!

Several people searched in the desert first, but it didn't take long for them to find a city in this barren desert!

The area of ​​this city is not small, and the city wall looks a bit old and mottled. I don't know how long it has been. When Lin Chen and the two appeared on the streets of the city, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Although the flow of people on the street is not too crowded, it is quite a lot. Under normal circumstances, Lin Chen and a few people appear quietly, mixing into the flow of people, and using their methods, they will not attract people's attention.

The main thing is that their clothes are completely different from the people in this city.

In this desert city, people’s clothes are a bit cool, basically only blocking the key parts of the body, like bikinis, but they are covered with long robes and a thin layer of clothing like gauze. .

The man's head was wrapped with scarf-like cloth strips, wrapped in a ball on top of his head, looking like a hat that shades the sun.

Almost the woman's entire face was covered with a layer of gauze, only one pair of eyes showed through.

This kind of dress reminded Lin Chen of the dresses of some minorities on earth.

It looks strange, but in fact, this kind of clothing is the most suitable for them, and it can even be said to be the crystallization of people's wisdom in the desert.

In this hot environment, it is more comfortable to wear cool clothes.

The robes like a veil are split on the body to prevent the yellow sand suspended in the air from contacting the body.

As for the decoration on the head, men are designed to block the sun, and women love beauty. When blocking the sun, they will be more particular. They will cover the entire face to block the heat while preventing the face from being tanned.

"This dress is quite novel."

Lin Chen glanced at a few women in the crowd. These women were dressed in cool clothes on the inside, and they wore gauze-like robes outside, with an unspeakable sexy.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Cassia.

"Don't fantasize about me dressed like this!" Cassia naturally knew what this guy was thinking, and gave him an angry look.

Although they were watching one after another, Lin Chen and the others didn't care at all. They planned to stroll around the city first to see if they could get some useful information.

When they passed an alley, they squeaked and the closed door suddenly opened. A middle-aged man who looked very simple and honest stood in the house, waving to Lin Chen and the others, looking very anxious.

Lin Chen looked at both sides and found that he was insulting left and right. He pointed to his nose and said in surprise: "Are you calling us over?"

The middle-aged man nodded busy.

"Go, go over and take a look."

Lin Chenyi was bold and didn't worry about anything. He wondered what this stranger wanted to do when he let himself into the house, and walked straight into the house with Casia.

As soon as they entered the house, the middle-aged "creaked" and closed the door.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen smiled in his heart: "Does this guy want to rob him? If so, then it is really not long-eyed! ’

There are two other people in the house, a round-faced woman in her early thirties, and a three or four-year-old boy in her arms.

While sucking his fingers, the little boy looked curiously at the few people who suddenly appeared in the house.

The middle-aged man rummaged in the cabinet next to him, found a few sets of clothes from the inside, and handed them to Lin Chen, a little anxiously: "Hurry up and put on these sets of clothes!"


Lin Chen was stunned. It didn't look like he was going to rob, but what kind of situation was this? I didn't know you at all, so you let us change clothes because of some reason?

Even if he went north and south and saw many weird things, he couldn't react to it for a while.

The middle-aged man said anxiously, "Did you come from a different place, passing by here by chance?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.

"Then put on your clothes quickly! You are definitely being targeted, put on your clothes quickly, and then leave Menglan City. Otherwise, you will become slaves before long. This life is over!" middle-aged man Continue to urge.

"Those from outside will become slaves?"

Lin Chen didn't stretch out his hand to pick up the clothes. It seemed that he heard something that was of great interest. He smiled and said, "What is the situation, can you please tell me more about it? Why did you become a slave?"