Chapter 4924: Wild jungle

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
When people kept looking for Lin Chen and Teng Yuan, the space on the Battle God Stage was distorted, and Lin Chen and Teng Yuan appeared in people's sight again.

Both looked quite embarrassed.

"You are very strong, much stronger than Zhu Zhen before."

Lin Chen's eyes were filled with fear and excitement at the same time.

His body turned into a pitch-black flame, and his breath rose steadily.

Xing Yan Demon!

If you don't use the secret method, there is no possibility of winning at all.

"You are also stronger than I expected, not Zhu Zhen can compare. However, the final outcome of this battle will still not change. You will not be my opponent!"

Teng Yuan smiled, still very confident.

The people watching around the Doushentai are very excited. Only Zhu Zhen, with a black face, said in his heart that you two are always trying to get Lao Tzu in. It sounds like anyone can step on me. Like!

"Nine poles are rekindled, the first blow!"

Lin Chen whispered in his heart, and rushed to the opponent again, bursting out with shocking speed. In an instant, he reached the front of Teng Yuan, and the Xuanyuan spear pierced his chest. Before the spear arrived, there was a force of force, covering Teng Yuan. !

Teng Yuan's heart shuddered, and the space behind him collapsed, and dark blue water streams swept out before him, entwined and turned into a dark blue water wall.

"The River of Flowing Water!"

Lin Chen's shot hit the deep blue water wall.


When the Xuanyuan Spear fell on the wall, the speed of the water surging became even more astonishing, and the force of Lin Chen's spear was madly removed. The wall was like an rubber, smashed into the Xuanyuan Spear, but it was not torn apart.

The stalemate was less than a breathing time, and Lin Chen was hit by the force of the counter-shock.

Lin Chen, who flew upside down, seemed to hit another rubber wall. The moment he stopped, he rushed towards Teng Yuan again at an even more alarming speed.

"Nine poles are rekindled, the second blow!"


The Xuanyuan Spear hit the wall of the current again, and this time, the Wall of the current was blown apart by the Xuanyuan Spear.

Teng Yuan behind the wall showed a trace of consternation.

He was obviously surprised by the power of Lin Chen's second blow, but the reaction was extremely quick. The moment Xuanyuan Spear was in front of him, the spear in his hand was pierced. Accompanied by the explosion of space and the collision of the spear tips, the two simultaneously flew towards the rear .

When Lin Chen flew backwards, his body turned into lightning and dissipated.

"What's the matter? It's obviously the same method, why the power of his second shot is almost twice that of the first time? What's the difference?"

Teng Yuan was shocked and uncertain, and he didn't understand what was going on in the previous scene.

Before he could think of a reason, there was another sound of space bursting behind him.


The space around Teng Yuan collapsed, and dark blue water streams appeared, gathering together and turning into a rapidly rotating cylinder, protecting Teng Yuan in the middle.

Teng Yuan turned around after the first defensive method was used.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw the dark spear piercing his brows!

This time, his defensive method was not even delayed for a moment, and it was torn to pieces by Lin Chen's offensive in an instant.

"Dead spirits are instantaneous!"

Teng Yuan drank low, just as the Xuanyuan spear was about to pierce his eyebrows, his body turned into a gray mist, and finally Xuanyuan spear pierced his brows smoothly, but his body had already turned into a gray mist, exploded directly, and dissipated. Without a trace.

Immediately, Teng Yuan's figure appeared dozens of meters away.

He looked at Lin Chen in fright and anger, and was confused by Lin Chen's successive power bursts. If the opponent's power kept doubling this way, how could he fight?

He looked a little pale.

Obviously, although using the secret technique to avoid Lin Chen's blow just now, the use of this secret technique will cause damage to his body and soul at the same time, and it is not a perfect escape from Lin Chen's blow! "The secret law of the law of death? Interesting! So far, you have used four laws, namely the law of soil, the law of water, the law of thunder, and the law of death. I am a little curious. You master the 5 laws, and the rest One kind, and

What is it? "

Lin Chen asked curiously.

"The Law of Wood!"

Teng Yuan responded in a deep voice.

A cyan brilliance appeared on his body, and as the cyan brilliance flowed, his complexion returned to its normal state, and after his breath returned to its peak state, he even continued to climb, becoming even more amazing than before!

"A secret method that can instantly recover from injuries and increase combat power? This secret method, in a short time, shouldn't be able to use it a second time?"

Lin Chen opened his mouth in a little surprised, as if he didn't mean to wait for the answer from the other party. While speaking, he rushed towards the other party again.

The people around the Arena of Gods watched the battle on the stage and the various methods used by both sides, watching with gusto.

"Of the secret techniques Teng Yuan used, this can restore injuries and increase combat power, which is undoubtedly the most amazing. However, Lin Chen's secret technique is not weak! If I didn't feel wrong, he just made a few shots. Power is almost always doubled."

"Of course you didn't feel wrong. This is a special method brought by Huangtian Divine Body—Nine Extremes Reignition. Each time it explodes with twice the original strength!"

"Yes! I recognized it too, it was the rekindling of the Nine Extremes. Speaking of which, the most terrifying aspect of Huangtian Divine Body is this method."

The "Huangtian Divine Body" is already extremely famous, and even people in the Suppressing Demon Army, even if they haven't practiced before, will basically hear about it.

Soon, someone recognized Lin Chen's method.

Teng Yuan on the battle **** stage, when he noticed that Lin Chen was eager to make another shot, he finally realized what the other party was using.

"Nine Extremes Rekindling! It is said that with this method, the interval between each shot cannot be too long, otherwise, the power accumulated in the previous shot cannot be exploded again.

Although this method is amazing, it has one of its biggest weaknesses! That is the accumulation of strength, which requires a process, and there is no way to burst out the ultimate strength from the beginning.

Therefore, when facing this method, what needs to be done is to directly use the strongest method to determine the winner in the shortest time, and not to give the opponent the opportunity to burst out the ultimate strength! "

Teng Yuan showed a slight smile, but it was not because he believed that if the opponent broke the power of this method to the limit, he would undoubtedly lose.

The question is, now that the weaknesses are already known, why bother to delay them?

Use the most cautious attitude to fight against the opponent, that is the true respect for the opponent!

"Unexpectedly, being forced to use the strongest means so quickly!"

Around Teng Yuan, deep blue waters appeared out of thin air, brown ground appeared under his feet, and saplings grew from the ground, turning into towering giant trees in the blink of an eye. On the Battle God stage, in an instant, it turned into an ancient jungle, filled with a wild and ancient aura.