Chapter 5198: After death

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
The fifth thousand one hundred and ninety-eight chapters are transformed after death

"Has it gotten worse, what should I do now?"

Tao Yao saw the scene of **** energy returning to Lin Chen, thinking that the situation had become worse, and was anxious.

"I...I don't know. This is the first time I have seen this situation!"

Qing Yun Chi's face was suspicious.

He has only seen the failure of cultivation, or the situation of his master when his cultivation was successful, like Lin Chen's failure at the beginning, and then the situation of another village, and he has never seen it.

When he saw the sound of waves surging from Lin Chen's body, and a strange layer of blood appeared on his body, he was even more unbelievable.

"I have never seen the situation just now. But the situation right now is almost the same as my master back then!" Qing Yun Jia said in a stunned voice.

"I can perceive that his breath has completely recovered after a brief period of sluggishness. Since you said that his situation is similar to your master's back then, that means that he successfully mastered the "Grasp of the Underworld"?"

Tao Yao was pleasantly surprised.

" seems like this?" Qing Yunjia's tone was a little uncertain.

Taoyao said angrily: "What does it mean like! You tell me more clearly!"

Qing Yunjia smiled bitterly: "You really embarrass me. I really don't know what the situation is! The situation just now is obviously a failure, but now it is the scene of success.

I have never seen such a situation. If my master is here, he should be able to answer you. but--"

He heaved a sigh of relief, "No matter what, it's certain that he didn't have an accident. We don't have to do anything at the moment. After he finishes his cultivation, we will know by asking him again."

When Lin Chen opened his eyes, several days had passed.

He let out a long breath and stood up with a bright smile.

"Seeing you are so happy, did you learn it?" Taoyao asked immediately.

Qing Yun Jia was also full of curiosity, waiting for Lin Chen's reply.

Just as Lin Chen nodded, Qing Yun Jia couldn't wait to say:

"How did you do it? Could there be another way to let people master this technique! If so, can you tell me?"

"Yes! Can you teach me how to do it?"

Taoyao just said something, feeling a little bit wrong, and immediately akimbo her hands, "No, I am your eldest sister, you should listen to me. Now, I order you to teach me!"

Lin Chen was accustomed to Taoyao's speaking style and didn't take it seriously.

If he can teach, he is naturally willing. The problem is that this thing can't be taught at all.

He is able to master the "Grasp of the Undersea" not by himself, but by the blood vine!

"I used the same method as Cangyun Demon Ancestor back then. This swallowing ability cannot be passed on to you, even if I want to help, I can't do it." Lin Chen can only tell the truth.

"No! How did your situation in your cultivation differ from my master's back then?" Qing Yunjia thought that Lin Chen might be able to teach but not willing to teach.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be annoyingly questioning, but the temptation of "Grass of the Underworld" is really too great, and he can't help but ask.

If he mastered this method, not to mention facing the **** king, at least defeating Tao Yao, he felt that there was no problem.

"Where is it different?"

Naturally, Lin Chen didn't know what was going on outside when he was practicing "Grasp of the Sea of ​​Underworld", and he didn't know what the other party meant.

After listening to Qing Yunjia's explanation, he laughed and said: "You didn't guess wrong, I did fail at first, but later I succeeded with the help of this little thing."

He stretched out his right hand, palm facing up.

The slender blood vine, drilled from the palm of his palm, became longer and wrapped around his right arm like a snake, as if being close to the owner's pet.

Qingyunjia and Taoyao were stunned, they didn't understand the meaning of Lin Chen's words at all.

"It’s life level, even if it’s not under your master, it’s also born with an extremely powerful swallowing ability. Now, it can be said to be one with me! Its ability can also help me to some extent. Used."

Lin Chen explained.

Qing Yun Jia was shocked, the other party actually had a special life whose life level was not below his master?

If the level of life is really not under one's own master, and the future is unlimited, how can one be willing to become a vassal of a lower true god?


Before this kid came to find himself, he was not even the lower true god!

He was envious in his heart. Based on his experience, it is clear that in the long run, the effect of this blood cane is much greater than that of "Grasp of the Sea of ​​Underworld".

"So I didn't feel wrong!" Tao Yao looked at the blood cane on Lin Chen's hand in surprise.

Seeing Lin Chen looking puzzled, she explained: "Before I always felt that there was a kind of kindness in you that made me feel like a life like me! But you are obviously a human being, I thought it was. I made a mistake."

While speaking, she reached out and curiously touched the blood cane on Lin Chen's arm.

The blood vine did not reject it, letting her touch it, and even gently touching her palm, as if she was showing good wishes.

Lin Chen muttered to himself, as well as this, that is to say, Tao Yao felt that she was more kind from the beginning?

And this is caused by the blood vine!

In essence, Taoyao and Blood Vine are both high-level special plant life.

I'm afraid that if you look at the entire Yinxu realm, there are not many similar beings of the same level at all, and it is not surprising that they will sympathize with each other.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at Qing Yun Jia: "Next, which forbidden area are you going to go to?"

Qing Yun Jia had already thought about his next destination, "Long Fu Mountain! The threat of Long Fu Mountain is even above the abyss of Blood Prison, but you can rest assured that the most dangerous is the mountain of Long Fu Mountain, and I only plan to take a stroll at the foot of the mountain. But beyond the mountainside."

"Long Fu Mountain?"

Lin Chen felt that the name was quite peculiar, and he was rather curious.

The name of the forbidden area generally reflects the most special features of the forbidden area.

In this way, when you hear the name of the forbidden area, you can think about the situation there.

Must be this **** abyss!

It is simply **** purgatory.

Hearing the name Long Fushan, his attention was immediately on the character "Fu" in it.

In the world of Yangxu, or the ancient world of Yunmeng, there are some ascetics who will make powerful talisman as a means to deal with the enemy.

However, on the side of Yunmeng Ancient Realm, Fulu Road is just a trail, and I have never heard of any powerful existence in it.

Not to mention the God King level, even the Void True God level has never heard of it!

Qing Yunjia explained: "The name of Long Fushan sounds strange, but if you know its origin, you won't be surprised.

Among the several forbidden areas in Yinxu Realm, its origin is the most special. Other forbidden places, such as the abyss of blood prison, are naturally derived by chance and coincidence, but Dragon Fushan is not! "

"It's not natural evolution, is it created by someone?"

Lin Chen smiled, how could it be created with the power of a cultivator that can make the forbidden land that the king of the gods would not want to easily step into.

Who knows, Qing Yun Jia nodded his head: "You can say so! But a more accurate statement is that it was formed after someone died!"