Chapter 5425: Bloodvine ancestor's killer

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
I don't know when, the Xuanyuan spear that appeared in Lin Chen's hand, with a violent aura of destruction, smashed at the ancestor of the blood vine.

Lin Chen has a rough estimate of his own strength.

He can handle ordinary **** kings, but he should be a long way from the top **** kings.

Although the ancestor of the blood vines can't compare with the **** king of the barren sky, he is also one level stronger than the ordinary **** king.

Of course, this refers to the premise that he does not use the original fire.

This shot is more of a test by Lin Chen.

Wanting to verify the gap between himself and the other party, what surprised him was that with a loud noise, the ancestor of the blood vine was hit by the gun firmly in the chest, vomited blood from the mouth, and the whole person flew out. .

The blood vine ancestor's face was full of astonishment.

Many of the powerhouses watching this battle basically believed that Lin Chen would definitely be at a disadvantage from the very beginning, but when they saw this scene, they were all shocked.

"It's not right! The power and speed of his shot are indeed amazing, but the blood vine ancestor can definitely block it! How could he be injured? Or, is it deliberately done by the blood vine ancestor, what is his purpose? "

Zhen Tianlu looked suspicious.

He put himself into the perspective of the blood vine ancestor just now, confident that he could block Lin Chen's shot.

The blood vine ancestor can definitely stop it!

Right now, he was injured, and it looked like it was intentional.

Lin Chen smashed the blood vine ancestor into the air, but instead of chasing him, he immediately opened a distance from the opponent, and cautiously sensed the slightest changes around him.

He didn't believe that the other party would be so easy to deal with, how could it be possible to wound the other party with a tentative shot?

The thoughts in my heart, like many onlookers, are speculations that the ancestor of the blood vine is deliberate, perhaps if he uses some special means.

However, Lin Chen didn't notice the slightest difference.

Looking at the ancestor of the blood vine again, the figure of the other party has not dissipated. It is indeed the real body of the ancestor of the blood vine!

"Why is the expression on his face so shocked? The speed and strength I showed just now are nothing to the powerful gods, right?"

Lin Chen's mind was full of doubts.

The development of things made him feel a little weird.

"Why do you have nothing at all? Impossible! It is impossible! How on earth did you do it?"

The ancestor of the blood vine was shocked and angry, staring at Lin Chen, like ordinary people seeing ghosts in the daytime.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Chen's head was full of question marks, it wasn't him who was beaten, why would he be in trouble?

At this time, he realized that the other party should have secretly used some means just now.

This method is very terrifying, the other party even thought that the method could directly injure himself, or directly make himself fall!

The result was that it didn't work at all, so I was shocked.

It was because of this loss of mind that he was shot by himself.

The ancestor of the blood vine has not answered yet, but the voice of the original fire sounded first in Lin Chen's mind.

"In your body, there is a little thing that has the same aura as his origin, and this little thing is also connected to the origin of your soul.

Just now, the little thing suddenly lost control, and before it exploded, it was controlled by me. If it explodes in your body, relying on the connection with your soul source, your soul source will be severely damaged, and the inner world may collapse directly! "

When Lin Chen heard this, he only felt a cold air rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead, like falling into an ice cave, and a strong sense of fear surged in his heart.

The ancestor of the blood vine can actually control the blood vine in his body to self-destruct?

Yes, the blood vine in my body is originally from the blood vine ancestor, it is not impossible for the other party to do this kind of thing!

But since he has this kind of method, why did he never use it before even if he kept doing bad things to him?

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen quickly guessed the reason.

The ancestor of the blood vine wanted his own life before, and the purpose was actually to make himself the nourishment of the blood vine in the body, and then let the blood vine become his nourishment!

And let the blood vine in his body explode, then the blood vine and himself will be destroyed together, and his purpose will not be achieved!

And now, he obviously believes that the threat he brings is too great, and he can't care about other things, so he wants to take his own life regardless of the consequences! "If it wasn't for me, you would have died a long time ago. In the Hongmeng Realm, there are not many people who are stronger and more sinister than this guy. Just like you, without my cover, you can go there in a few days. You're going to die! Why don't you hurry up

Thank me? "

The voice of the original fire sounded again, and the tender voice made people feel like a little kid who was asking for credit.

"Thank you. I will remember this kindness." Lin Chen had a serious expression and thanked the other party in his mind.

Yuan Chu Huo didn't seem to expect that Lin Chen would really thank him so formally. After being stunned, he snorted a little arrogantly:

"Do you want me to clean up this guy for you?"

Lin Chen originally wanted to use the blood vine ancestor to practice his hands, but what happened now made him change his mind.

Who knows if the blood vine ancestor has any killers, this time the original fire can just save himself, but next time, it may not be so timely.

Furthermore, using thunder means to take down the blood vine ancestor will undoubtedly have a better shocking effect!

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

The ancestor of the blood vine shouted loudly, but he never got a response from Lin Chen, and he was in shock, especially now, he couldn't feel the breath of the blood vine in Lin Chen's body at all.

next moment.

He saw that there was a colorless flame, surging in Lin Chen's eyes.

"This is……"

The blood vine ancestor looked solemn. According to his memory, what the other party controlled should be a black chaotic fire!

This colorless flame gave him a very dangerous feeling. In the depths of his soul, there was an uncontrollable feeling of fear.

Colorless flames spread out from Lin Chen's eyes, wrapping him all over, like a special flaming clothes, which looked very strange.


Lin Chen took a step and swept towards the blood vine ancestor, the speed was more than ten times faster than before, the Xuanyuan spear in his hand was wrapped in colorless flames.

A loud bang.

Like a thunderbolt!

Xuanyuan Spear smashed at the blood vine ancestor again!

"Stupid! If I hadn't lost my mind before, you couldn't have hurt me at all! Do you think the same trick would work again?"

Seeing Lin Chen repeating his old technique, the ancestor of the blood vine showed a bit of disdain on his face. His right hand instantly turned into a blood-colored vine, growing wildly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge shield, blocking between him and Lin Chen.


The Xuanyuan Spear smashed into the shield with colorless flames.

Xuanyuan Spear was blocked by a shield! However, there was a colorless flame that flew out like an arrow, and shot through the shield in an instant, like a poisonous snake, wrapping around the blood vine ancestor.