Chapter 5504: wake

Name:Urban Evil Doctor Author:Mu Ran
"Where did you think? Now, I am the majestic Eternal God, can I still go and grab his things? You think too much of this kid, and what's more, you underestimate me!"

Sensing the vigilant look on Taoyao's face, Shangguan Hong was speechless. He just felt that he, the eternal God, had no basic respect for Taoyao.

This kid is nothing more than a low-level **** king, what else is there in him that I am interested in so much that I want to grab it?

"Then you said, what is it?" Tao Yao still had a bit of defense on her face.

Shangguan Hong said: "Your identity token!"

"Identity token?"

Tao Yao was stunned, "Didn't you say that in order for Lin Chen to break through, you need a specific elixir, or treasures from heaven and earth? What use can my token be for?"

Shangguan Hong said: "The token is made of a special material, it is not jade, but a kind of natural and earthly treasure called 'Golden Jade Treasure Spiritual Root', polished and carved!

It can be said that it itself is a very special treasure of heaven and earth. Even for a practitioner like me who has just stepped into the level of the eternal God, it is quite precious.

If not, do you really think that a token forged from ordinary materials can withstand the strength of that lord? "

When Tao Yao thought about it, it really made sense.

The token can carry the power of the top eternal God, which has long proved that the material of this jade token is extraordinary.

However, she didn't expect it to be such a precious treasure.

"This token was given to you by your master, if it is used to help this kid break through the bottleneck, it will probably arouse your master's wrath!

So, it's up to you to decide whether to do it or not. Let me tell you first, this is your own decision, when the time comes, don't say it has anything to do with me! " Shangguan Hong said.

Taoyao is not the disciple of that great man, but this token was given to her by the Dragon Futian Emperor, and it is also extremely precious to her.

Moreover, she didn't know if the token was used on Lin Chen here, would it cause Longfu Tiandi to be blamed by her master.

Tao Yao glanced at Lin Chen, who was unconscious, and didn't make a decision for a while.

In the final analysis, what is at stake right now is whether Lin Chen can break through to the next level. If it is about Lin Chen's life, she will not hesitate.

Shangguan Hong stretched out his hand to grab it, and a phantom flew out of Lin Chen, which was the token representing the identity of the true disciple.

"Hey, this—" Shangguan Hong looked at Tao Yao in astonishment.

Tao Yao looked at his hand, and saw a conspicuous crack on the token.

"It should be that after the energy was exhausted, the token directly faced the coercive impact of the original behemoth, causing damage!" Shangguan Hong was even more suspicious when he explained.

The hardness of this token, even if he destroys it with all his strength, it will take a little effort.

Since the tokens are all damaged, it means that after the energy of the previous tokens was exhausted, both Lin Chen and the tokens were overwhelmed by the coercion of the original giant beast. Why is Lin Chen fine now, but only the tokens are destroyed?

Tao Yao frowned and said, "Can it be repaired?"

Shangguan Hong said: "If your master is present now, you can think about it. But if it takes a few more days, the spirituality of this token will be lost along the cracks. At that time, it will be like a useless rock. No one can do it." Bring it back!"

To put it simply, it can be repaired, but it must be repaired immediately, and someone will come to repair it.

Unfortunately, this is impossible!

Tao Yao said: "Then can you still use it to help Lin Chen break through?"

"Spirituality is not lost, of course it's okay!" Shangguan Hong said with certainty.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to hesitate. By the way, wait a while, after he wakes up, don't tell me that I used the token on him!"

"Uh, why?" "No reason! Before, he owed me something, and I don't want him to feel that he owes me more and more. If he wants to be nice to me, I just hope that he really wants to do that, not Because I owe you, I want to make up for me. If so

So, I'd rather not! "

Looking at the proud Tao Yao, Shangguan Hong looked at Lin Chen, cursing inwardly, this kid is very lucky.


Lin Chen only felt like a small fish, constantly drifting with the current in a river intertwined with various laws.

The passage of time seems to be a million times slower. In Lin Chen's perception, this strange state seems to have lasted for thousands of years, or even millions of years, so long that when he is about to forget himself and turn himself into a tiny part of the ocean of laws, the chaotic ocean of consciousness is like welcoming Come

A thunderbolt!


The originally dark world of consciousness, like the chaos split by Pangu, ushered in the light.

Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes as his consciousness regained his complete sobriety.

The first thing that came into view was Taoyao's pretty face, which was obviously relieved, and then Shangguan Hong's stern old face.

"You've woken up!" Tao Yao helped Lin Chen up, with a trace of unconcealable joy on her face.

" am I here?"

Lin Chen patted his head, and had no memory of what happened after he saw the horn of the original giant beast.

It stands to reason that he should have passed out in a coma, and he is still not far from the original giant beast.

He glanced at the area belonging to the original giant beast in the distance, his eyes were full of doubts, and secretly guessed that after he passed out, the original giant beast thought he was an eyesore and threw himself out.

When he heard Taoyao say that he was thrown out from the domain of the original giant beast, Lin Chen became more certain about his guess.

"Boy, you don't know yourself, what's going on? Why, after the energy of the token is exhausted, you are still able to remain unscathed?" Shangguan Hong said in a deep voice.

"Unclear! I saw the unicorn of the original giant beast, and then the energy of the token was exhausted. I felt as if my body was completely torn apart, and my consciousness was plunged into darkness, without any consciousness. I have no impression of what happened later .”

Lin Chen shook his head, not intending to tell the truth.

Like Tao Yao, he doesn't even trust Shangguan Hong, and he doesn't want to let the other party know about the primordial fire!

As for the fragments of the Heavenly God Axe, let the other party know it!

Otherwise, no matter how big the risk is, the other party may try to **** it, and then destroy the body and traces of herself and Taoyao.

Hearing this answer, Shangguan Hong was very disappointed.

Tao Yao doesn't care about other things, her eyes are always on Lin Chen:

"I have already taken back the token lent to you! By the way, why don't you hurry up and see how much you have gained from this opportunity?" Lin Chen was excited, and quickly checked his The inner world, and then, an uncontrollable laugh appeared on his face.