Night Hong distance evil spirit thunderbolt, is less than 100 meters.

This distance is close to a powerful evil spirit.

Vaguely, you can even smell the disgusting halitosis coming out of the black lion's shadow.

This guy is not joking, but really wants to eat yehiro alive!

Damn it, I'd rather be drowned in zhenpinghai than be eaten by this disgusting guy!

Night Hong heart a burst of nausea.

At the same time, he did not wait to die.

The whole body's strength spreads all over the body, and that strong magnetic attraction launches the confrontation.

However, night Hong uses the strength of suckling, can't shake that magnetic force.

And the red jade in the distance and two dogs, are far hydrolysis can not near thirst.

At this time, night Hong began to think of other external means.

The first idea that came out was the Daoyin Xianwu inherited to Xuanyuan.

However, with Yehong's current level, he can only use the first stage of a double immortal seal.

However, the coverage of a single immortal seal is only a few hundred square meters, but the evil lion magnetic island has several square kilometers, that is, millions of square meters.

So this idea, just came out, was killed by night Hong immediately in the mind.

Then the rest of the means, only killer mace fat.

The risk of producing fat is enormous.

If fat meat can swallow this guy, that's fine. But Wan Yi is not the opponent of this guy?

You know, today's fat meat is more than just a stupid and cute beluga whale.

Fat space, almost put all the most valuable things Yehong.

Once fat meat accident, night Hong absolutely cannot accept.

In the night hongxinsheng tangled, a voice suddenly came out of his mind: "master?"


Night Hong suddenly a Leng.

The only one who can call his master is star seventeen.

Can suddenly come out of this voice, how is a man?


Where have you heard this voice?

"Master? Are you there, master The sound in my mind is still going on.

Night Hong has not yet thought of this familiar voice is who, heard the content of the words is suddenly angry.

He usually hates people asking "are you there"!

Even if you add the bottom of your heart!

Nima, you don't have to talk about it directly?

Don't know everyone's time is precious?

"No!" Night Hong angrily returns in the mind way.

"Very well, master, you have nothing wrong with you!" By night Hong roars a, that voice not only does not have a bit of vitality, but is full of surprise.

Is this guy out of his head?

"I'm almost eaten by evil spirits? What's special? It's OK! " Night Hong a roar response.

The voice seemed to be scared, stopped, and then seriously said: "sure enough, there is no problem with the monitoring system of the blazing meteorite. There are evil spirits around you!

Master, do you want me to help you clean up this evil spirit

Night Hong Leng a Leng, in the head finally remembered this voice is who, stupidly way: "meteorite manager?"

Yes, the voice in my mind is the housekeeper robot of the blazing meteorite.

Since it is Yehong who is in charge of the blazing meteorite, it is normal for the meteorite manager to call his master.

But how did the meteorite manager contact with yehiro from such a long distance?


"do you have a way to deal with this evil spirit Night Hong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, the specific method is...

the meteorite manager seems to be about to introduce the method for Yehong, but Yehong quickly interrupts and says," it's too late, you can take out the method directly! "

Because now night Hong, the distance from the evil spirit is less than 50 meters!

"Good master." The voice of the meteorite manager continued to reach Yehong's brain, "now please activate the meteorite inflammation ability."

Yehong was stunned again.

Since the last time in the meteorite family to understand the blazing night meteorite, although Yehong did not forget to often understand, but never encountered the need to use meteorite occasion.

In general combat, he is still used to using Xianwu ability.

It's hard to say. Meteorite is a little chicken ribs for him.

At this juncture, what does the meteorite manager let him turn on the meteorite?

Does he think meteorite can deal with evil spirits?

Night Hong heart although doubt, but the action is not a little delay.

With the appearance of translucent black flame from the body, Yehong's blazing night meteorite suddenly starts!

"Oh, it seems that I didn't get it wrong just now. You really control the meteorite of meteorite clan!"The light in thunderbolt's eyes became more and more dangerous, and the licking range of his lips was also bigger and bigger: "you boy's body is absolutely not simple, which makes me want to eat you more!"

With that, he took a deep breath.

Road black smoke suddenly toward Night Hong hit, he quickly pulled to the thunderbolt.

"Chief meteor, is that what you came up with?"

Night Hong break a big curse.

"Don't worry, master. We'll start the second step.

The blazing meteorite has accurately located your meteorite ability. Please prepare to receive the "gift."



Night Hong Leng God, but surprised to find that the whole body of blazing night meteorite inflammation are happy to jump.

Like a group of happy children waiting for presents.

Vaguely, Yehong seems to be able to feel that there is a channel from the sky, which is connected to himself.

Night Hong looked up at the sky, suddenly moved in his heart.

In the mind, inexplicably flashed a scene.

That's the scene where meteorite emperor Longyan summoned blazing meteorites with his ability of blazing meteorite when he was in the land of Beidou.

At the same time, the thunderbolt looked at the sky with dignity.

He could feel that a dangerous breath locked him in the distance!

Strong sense of crisis, so that thunderbolt even to the mouth of the food are not concerned, just staring at the sky.

At the same time, national astronomical and space agencies.

"Report! The giant meteorite in the sky is abnormal

"A small meteorite of the same size as not long ago flew out of the giant meteorite!"

"Destination, zhenpinghai!"

Astronomers and researchers are staring at images from space.

A few days ago, when the giant meteorite stopped by the blue star, they were all scared.

These days, they are more worried, sleep and food to study the giant meteorites in space.

Countries are trying to launch observation satellites into giant meteorites.

But when those satellites entered the interior of the meteorite, they all disappeared like a bullock into the sea.

The only conclusion that can be drawn is that this giant meteorite is definitely not an ordinary meteorite, it is likely to be the product of advanced civilization of aliens!

But now, this giant meteorite's abnormal movement, lets the astronomer's heart all over the world all at once!