It is on the same level as the Lao Hou family.

So, of course, the marriage of the old Zhang family and the old Hou family broke down, and they turned to marry the old Qin family.

I can't do it without getting married, my stomach is getting bigger.

You know, at that time, it was very serious.

Where is it like now, if you say abortion, you will have an abortion.

If you say break up, you will break up, if you say divorce, you will get divorced.

So, the old Hou family and the old Qin family were at odds.

Ma Dan, we have pryed into our old Hou's house by prying the corner. Is there any way to do it?

Of course, the old Zhang family, the old Hou family, and the old Qin family were all a little embarrassed.

On the one hand, it is his in-laws, and on the other hand, he is his life and death comrades.

It's embarrassing to be caught in the middle.

Later, the three elders of the old Qin family, the old Hou family, and the old Zhang family passed away one after another, and the situation improved a little.

But the grievances of the previous generation were left to the next generation.

It also led to the fact that the people of the Old Hou family like to look for the bad luck of the Old Qin family when they have nothing to do.

The old Qin family also knew that they were wrong and that what they did was not authentic.

So I often admit it.


After Zhou Ye knew about this, he was also very speechless.

He wanted to find someone to adapt it into a TV series.

But, no.

His adaptation offended all three families.

Not worth the loss.

"You guys are..." Zhou Ye didn't know what the other party was doing here.

This is a hospital.

At this moment, the people around Han Tong suddenly said to him.

"This one is a genius doctor, maybe he can save your daughter."

"Yes," Han Tong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"My bodyguard's daughter is being treated in this hospital. I'll come and visit." Hou San promised that if Han Tong could defeat Tiehu, he would save his daughter.

Although Wang Chao appeared on the way, he was still willing to help him.

"Oh." Zhou Ye looked at Han Tong and the man.

That man was Director Zeng.

Han Tong quickly stepped forward, "This gentleman, Director Zeng said that you are a genius doctor who can save my daughter. Please, you must save my daughter."

Han Tong was very excited.

His daughter is his baby.

He could even risk his life.

Zhou Ye didn't want to help.

But at this moment, the sound of the system rang.

"Ding Dong, the system has issued a task - save the dead and heal the wounded. As the inheritor of the genius doctor, how can you turn a blind eye when encountering such a thing, treat the patient, and reward - "Blue Sac Book"."

"Wocao", the system directly gave Zhou Ye a reward that he couldn't refuse.

This is the "Blue Sac Book", something that has been lost.

According to Chen Shou's "Records of the Three Kingdoms", the book written by Hua Tuoqing through his life experience is "Qing Nang Shu".

This book records Hua Tuo's lifelong efforts and medical experience one by one, but it is said that due to the poor protection of his apprentices, the book was eventually burned.

As a result, the "Qing Nang Shu" was lost, and only a few pages were rescued at that time, so there were "Wu Qin Xi", "Ma Fei San" and so on in the history books of junior high school and high school.

This "Qing Nang Shu" is extensive and profound, and it records many medical skills.

Broad and profound.

But only "Ma Fei San" and "Wu Qin Xi" have been handed down.

However, Ma Fei San has become something that is used all over the world.

And, until now.

Mafei Powder has also become an anesthetic.

become a necessity in surgery.

And Wu Qinxi is not to mention.

It has also been passed down for thousands of years, and there are still people who practice Wuqinxi, which has endured for a long time.

Wuqinxi and Taijiquan are the most popular exercises to strengthen the body.


Except for square dancing.

These are the only two types that have been handed down. It is conceivable how precious those things that have been burned and have not been handed down are.

It is definitely a major shortcoming in the history of Chinese medicine.

In fact, the same is true. The burning of the "Book of Green Capsule" is indeed Huaxia, but it is a major shortcoming in human history!

Chapter 132 The Lost Medical Skills - "Blue Sac Book"

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Zhou Ye also knew about the "Book of Green Sac".

He once thought about waiting for the system to activate the Myriad Realms function.

He can go back to that exciting Three Kingdoms era.

Rescue Hua Tuo.

Even if it can't be saved, Hua Tuo's "Book of Green Sac" must be preserved.

As we all know, during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao suffered from a headache, and he invited many doctors to treat him, but it didn't work.

Someone recommended Hua Tuo. After making the diagnosis, Hua Tuo said, "Your head is aching because of a rheumatic disease. The root of the disease is in the head, and the wind saliva cannot come out, so taking decoction is useless. Cut the head with a sharp axe and take out the saliva to get rid of the root of the disease."

Cao Cao said angrily, "Aren't you trying to kill me!"

Hua Tuo said: "Your Majesty should have heard about me treating Guan Gong's arm. His arm was shot with a poisonous arrow. I scraped his bones to cure the poison. Guan Gong was not afraid at all. Your illness is not that big compared to Guan Gong. Why are you so suspicious?"

Cao Cao said, "You can scrape your arm when it hurts, but how can you cut your head off? You must have an affair with Guan Yu 697. Now you want to take this opportunity to get revenge on me!"

Huo left and right took Hua Tuo into prison.

There was a jailer in the prison, surnamed Wu, and people called him "Wu's prisoner". He respected Hua Tuo as a person and gave Hua Tuo food and wine every day.

Hua Tuo was very grateful and told him: "I'm dying, but unfortunately my "Book of Blue Sac" has not been passed on to the world. Now your affectionate kindness is unrequited; I write a letter, you You can send someone to my house and give you the "Blue Sac Book", so that you can inherit my medical skills."

Wu Yiprison was very happy and said, "If I get this book, I will not do this mission and go to treat patients all over the world, so that the doctor's medical ethics will continue to spread." Hua Tuo immediately wrote a letter to Wu Yiprison.

When Wu Arrives arrived in Jincheng, he got the "Blue Sac Book" and returned to the prison. After inspecting it, Hua Tuo gave the book to Wu Arrison. Wu Arrive took it home and hid it in prison. Ten days later, Hua Tuo died in prison.

Wu Yi bought a coffin to bury Hua Tuo in prison. He resigned from his post and went home. He wanted to take out the "Book of the Green Sac" to study, but he saw his wife burning the medical book there. Wu Yayu was shocked and hurriedly grabbed it, but the whole book had been burnt, and only the last page or two remained. Wu Yayu was very angry and scolded his wife angrily.

His wife said, "Even if he learns the same wonderful medical skills as Hua Tuo, what can he do? In the end, he died in prison like Mr. Hua, what's the use of him!"

Wu Arrison only sighed again and again. Therefore, the "Qing Nang Shu" has not been handed down, and some small medical skills of capons and pigs handed down in later generations are recorded in the remaining one or two pages of the burning.

(Remember, there's medicine for animals here!!!)


In addition to recording the medical skills of treating people, there are also various medical skills for treating animals.

Very powerful.

It is precisely because this reward is too generous, so Zhou Ye has no reason to refuse.

"Okay, saving the dying and helping the wounded is what my generation should do, and it is my duty to do so." Zhou Ye said that he was a just Ling Ran.

The first hand is like pretending.

Hou San was stunned.

"Thank you, thank you," Han Tong was so excited.

They all wanted to be transferred.

However, this is basically the best hospital in the country, where else can I go?

Next, Zhou Ye followed Han Tong into the ward.

In the hospital, there was a seven- or eight-year-old girl.

Facial thinning.

Drips are hanging on the hands.

Looking at the TV on the wall.

Originally, the little girl's ward was not here, but who is Hou San?

If there is no ward, one has to be vacated.

So, the little girl was admitted to the senior ward.

There are not only air conditioners, TVs, but also special people to take care of them.


"Dad," the little girl didn't expect her father to go and return.

very happy.

"Hey, let this doctor show you." Han Tong hurried up.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Ye came to the little girl's side.

After hearing about it, I got a general understanding.

"Do you have unbearable stomach pain at night?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Yes, there seems to be something inside, it hurts very much." The little girl was not afraid of life at all.

Like a tomboy, much stronger than Yu'er.

"However, our instruments didn't detect anything?" Director Zeng couldn't help but speak.

They checked it with the instrument.

But really found nothing.

everything is normal.

If it wasn't for the little girl's miserable appearance at night, they all thought the other party was pretending to be sick.

They also suspected that there was something wrong with the instrument.

But one may go wrong.

Not everything can go wrong.

This probability is too small.

So, they don't know where the problem is.

Only the other party can be transferred to the hospital.