Chapter 299: 3rd Armored Division

Name:USSR 1941 Author:
Chapter 299 3rd Armored Division

"Sorry, sir!"

"Sorry, Comrade Shulka! We didn't know it was you!"

"No, there is nothing to be sorry about!" Major Gavrilov said: "You are all brave, and the motherland will never forget your sacrifices!"

As he spoke, Major Gavrilov stepped forward to shake hands with them.

"Comrade Shulka!" the head wounded man asked Shulka: "Do you believe in religion?"

"No, I'm not religious!" Shulka replied.

"So, what has supported you to fight until now?" The wounded asked: "Don't blame me for asking, I just feel incredible, I just participated in a battle... So, your experience is simply a fairy tale to me! "

Shuerka knew what to say at this time, for example, because he believed that the motherland would surely win, because of the support and strong will of the people, and so on.

But Shulka didn't answer that.

"Actually, you have answered this question just now, comrade!" Shulka said.


"What you care about is whether you can live tomorrow!" Shulka replied: "This is the answer. I just hope that I can live tomorrow. This is the reason why I have been fighting until now!"

The wounded nodded thoughtfully.

Although this answer cannot eliminate their pain, it can at least give them a little psychological comfort.

Because at this moment, most of these wounded people think about whether they can survive. This kind of fear and pain of death is beyond the experience of others... One person just disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

A considerable number of them feel pain and shame because of their fear and fear, because they are usually educated to face these bravely.

Until now, they found that the "breakout heroes" were just like them, and they were also afraid of death, so they got a balance in their hearts to a certain extent.

Shulka even made a joke: "You must not know my other nickname..."

"What nickname?"

"Runaway Hero, they call me Runaway Hero!"

There were a few laughs in the air-raid shelter, and then more and more laughter, although some wounded laughed and it hurt and then turned into groans.

At this moment, a messenger came in and whispered something to Major Gavrilov.

Then Major Gavrilov said to Shulka: "We should go back!"

"Nice to meet you, escape hero!"

"Hope we'll see each other again in the future!"

The wounded said goodbye to Shulka in this special way.

Out of the air-raid shelter, Major Gavrilov sighed: "You seem to be so popular wherever you go, Comrade Shulka!"

"No, Comrade Major!" Shulka replied: "As for me I know that the enemy will not welcome me!"

Major Gavrilov burst out laughing.

As soon as the two returned to the headquarters of the Fourth Tank Brigade, Major Zahakavic said to them excitedly: "The Germans have been fooled. The 3rd Armored Division left some troops to surround Tula. The main force followed the road and The railway is attacking in the direction of Moscow!"

Hearing that Shulka's hanging heart couldn't help letting go, he had been worried that the German army would not be fooled before, because it was Guderian after all.

But now it seems that Guderian has not been able to withstand the pressure and the temptation to attack Moscow.

"Shall we withdraw to Moscow now?" Major Gavrilov turned his attention to Shulka.

"No!" said Shulka, "I think we should wait!"

On the seventh day, the 3rd Armored Division only advanced 20 kilometers under Guderian's order.

This made Von Bock a little dissatisfied. He urged on the phone: "General, you only advance 20 kilometers in a day. This is not like your style!"

Guderian was looking for an excuse: "There are too many mines in their positions, Marshal, and there are also roadblocks... The Russians saw the big tree down on the road, we must move forward carefully!"

Only part of what Guderian said is true. They can actually move faster, but Guderian hopes to be more stable.

He didn't believe that the Russians would let him attack Moscow so easily, so he has been widening the minefield behind him.

On the other side, Moscow couldn't sit still when it heard the news.

Stalin made a phone call to Zhukov and asked: "You said that we can hold a military parade, but the military parade has not yet been held, and the enemy is only tens of kilometers away from us!"

"I know, Comrade Stalin!" Zhukov replied confidently: "I will drive them out, they will not affect the military parade!"

Eighth day.

The 3rd Armored Division advanced another 20 kilometers, and they defeated a civil defense force that had hurriedly organized a defense.

Major General Andreas, the commander of the 3rd Armored Division, reported to Guderian: "There is nothing unusual. This is a force organized by the people. They are vulnerable... They even stepped on the mines they planted when they fled. , you should really see what they look like, General!"

"So, do you think they have no extra troops?" Guderian asked.

"Yes, general!" Major General Andreas replied: "There is no doubt about this. I think their reserve forces have been attracted by our army in the direction of Volokolamsk!"

"How many kilometers are we from Moscow?" Guderian asked.

"Seventy kilometers, General!"

"Full speed ahead tomorrow!"

"Yes, General!"

So the 3rd Armored Division accelerated its march on the ninth day.

In order to ensure the advance of the 3rd Armored Division, von Bock even called on the air force to drop supplies for him.

"Now is the most critical moment!" Von Bock said to the adjutant: "No matter what happens to other troops, we must ensure that the 3rd Armored Division has enough gasoline, ammunition and even warm clothing!"

Then von Bock continued to urge Guderian: "I think this is our chance. The muddy road has been frozen by ice and snow. We will take advantage of the severe cold in Moscow to completely destroy the enemy's defense line and their will to resist!"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Guderian replied.

The vanguard of the 3rd Armored Division has moved forward to a position only 30 kilometers away from Moscow. It is said that scouts can see the red five-pointed star on the Kremlin with binoculars.

At this moment, Guderian's restless heart was also awakened. At this time, he also thought that his previous worries and hesitation were unnecessary, and even almost missed the opportunity.

So he ordered the 3rd Armored Division: "Don't let your troops stop and attack overnight. If your speed is fast enough, your tanks will be able to appear on the Red Square tomorrow morning!"

(end of this chapter)