Chapter 360: problem

Name:USSR 1941 Author:
Chapter 360 Puzzle

Two hundred meters, the light mortars of the two sides fought fiercely.

Before the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, the two countries were friendly countries. Many Soviet equipment came from Germany, such as the Mauser pistol that can still be seen occasionally, the 1930-style anti-tank gun, the development of tanks, and so on.

So the two armies can find similarities in some aspects. For example, the infantry on both sides are equipped with a large number of light mortars.

This is the time when these mortars play a role. One after another shells exploded in front of the position, and the battlefield was quickly blown up with blood and gunpowder smoke.

However, the German mortars were soon suppressed by the Soviet army, mainly because the Soviet army had a large number of tanks. Their armor could not only block these shells, but their tank guns and machine guns could also suppress the German army.

One hundred meters.

The Soviet soldiers approached the German defense line under the cover of tanks. The German army on the river bank had some high ground advantages. Although it was not high, only about 1.5 meters, this advantage was enough for the German army to throw anti-tank grenades down on the Soviet army. On the tank... the German anti-tank grenade can penetrate 150MM armor, so even if the "Matilda" tank has increased armor, it still cannot withstand its blow.

Shulka even saw that several German soldiers had anti-tank grenades in their hands and were ready to throw them.

But this time they failed to do so.

Because the Soviet tanks stopped when they drove seventy meters.

This is just outside the attack range of the German anti-tank grenade... The German anti-tank grenade is about 2.6 catties. Although it is not very heavy, in order to ensure that its warhead can touch the target armor and explode instantly, its rear part must not Don't add a tail fin like a parachute.

Obviously, this fin will increase the resistance of the grenade in the air.

This makes the attack range of this anti-tank grenade very limited. Usually, it can only be thrown to more than 20 meters, and a strong soldier can barely throw it 30 meters.

The Soviet tanks stopped 70 meters away, which immediately made the Germans dumbfounded... If they want to attack these tanks, they have to crawl out of the battlefield and rush forward, which is obviously not feasible.

But the Germans are not worried, because they think that if the Soviets want to attack, they will have to drive tanks up sooner or later.

But soon they found that this idea was wrong.

Because at this moment, Soviet soldiers with rocket launchers on their shoulders suddenly sprang out from behind the tank. They aimed at the German fortifications under the cover of tanks and snipers, and then pulled the trigger...

With a sharp howling sound, the rockets flew towards the German positions with trails.

Then there was an explosion, and the German positions were instantly blown up, leaving gaps everywhere.

As mentioned before, mortars and howitzers are actually very difficult to deal with such strong fortifications.

On the one hand, their trajectory bending accuracy is not high, on the other hand, it is difficult for the Soviet army to supply so many shells at this time... If there are enough shells, the same effect can be achieved by blasting them back and forth several times.

Although the accuracy of the rocket launcher is not high, it can be launched at close range, and the track is straight, which greatly improves the accuracy.

So after a burst of "booming" noises, the German army's solid defense line frozen together with gravel and mud was quickly blown out of gaps... In fact, many of them were melted, and the high temperature and high pressure fired by the rocket launcher Metal jets, these jets can easily penetrate the trenches and kill the German troops hiding behind them.

Immediately, there was a miserable scream like a pig slaughtering from the German defense line. It would definitely not be a good feeling to be pierced by a high-temperature metal jet. Not to mention that the part that was hit was directly pierced, and the surrounding flesh and internal organs were afraid. It was cooked instantly.

But this is just the beginning.

Then the bazooka shooters fired another round of rockets... this time anti-infantry rockets.

This kind of rocket is very simple to make. You only need to change the conical hollow charge of the anti-tank warhead into explosives and steel balls, so it doesn’t even need research and development, and it only takes two days to produce a batch.

These rocket launchers entered the German trenches from the gap in the defense line.

Needless to say what happened next, the steel **** exploded in the German trenches and shot everywhere... The trenches were frozen smooth and hard at low temperatures, and Shulka could almost imagine the steel **** bouncing around the trenches and hitting the Germans from all directions look.

Then there was another round of rockets, and amidst the screams of the German army, a group of Soviet riflemen rushed up and threw a row of grenades into the trench.

Immediately after the explosion, the Soviet soldiers shouted and charged towards the German defense line.

The battle was almost one-sided. The German army never knew that the Soviet army still had this style of play. Especially they thought that the main character of the Soviet attack should be the tank, and all their attention was focused on the tank. They did not expect the main force of the attack But infantry.

When Shulka rushed up, what he saw was a group of wounded German soldiers surrendering at the gunpoint of the Soviet army. Many of them had steel **** embedded in their bodies, faces, and even eyes.

One of the eyeballs was punched out, and the connected nerve was hanging out of the face, and he wailed loudly and yelled in German.

Although he couldn't understand, Shulka knew that he was not begging for mercy.

Instead, he was hoping the Soviets would do him a favor and end his suffering.

Shuerka stepped forward, pulled out a pistol, pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger. A **** flower burst out from the German soldier's head and fell to the ground.

So sometimes killing pokes is not a kind of cruelty, but a kind of kindness.

The German river bank defense line was broken immediately.

But this does not mean that Tver was occupied by the Soviet army, because the German army has transferred an infantry division to garrison Tver.

If you catch the German army by surprise, you may succeed, but it is obviously unwise to fight the German army in street fighting without the cover of tanks.

On the other hand, it took time for the Soviet army to get the tanks onto the river bed and cross the obstacles in front of the position, especially the speed of the "Matilda". Twenty minutes.

This gave the German army time to prepare. They arrived at houses in the urban area and set up firepower points to prepare for street fighting with the Soviet army.

But obviously, because the German army was not prepared for street fighting from the beginning to the end... This is determined by the German offensive strategy.

So, for the German army, the fall of Tver is only a matter of time, and the Soviet army can take Tver even with artillery fire and tank piles.

So, a difficult problem was placed in front of Kubiler:

It's time to retreat, otherwise... Once Tver is lost, the German troops attacking in the north are in danger of being surrounded immediately.

(end of this chapter)