Chapter 364: Decide

Name:USSR 1941 Author:
Chapter 364 decision

The 1st Guards Tank Brigade rested for a few hours

To be exact, I rested for more than ten hours.

This is determined by the color of the sky. As I said before, the night in Moscow lasts for 15 hours at this time.

On the other hand, the Soviet army has the upper hand in air force and artillery at this particular moment, so it is of course more advantageous to choose to fight during the day.

However, the Soviet army did not wait until dawn before launching an attack. They began to prepare for battle at seven o'clock in the morning.

First of all, this is because British and American tanks are also not resistant to frost, and they need at least half an hour to prepare.

If it is the German army, I am afraid that using fire to thaw the tanks will have exposed their offensive intentions.

But the Soviets were lighting fires all the time, so there would be no problem.

Secondly, the strategic surprise is only when the attack is launched at night.

The German army thought that the Soviet army would not attack at night, so the Soviet army attacked at night, and the route of attack was beyond their expectations...the river.

As the saying goes, "Water flows to low places and people go to high places", the river course is always a place with low terrain.

From a tactical point of view, it is actually not a very good offensive line, and it can even be said to be very poor.

The reason is that its ice surface can easily make tank tracks slip, and the low terrain gives the German troops on both sides a condescending advantage, etc.

But sometimes, the most improbable things are feasible, because the enemy often thinks so too.

Time entered eight o'clock in the morning.

The sky was still pitch black, and there was still an hour before dawn. Except for the "rustling" sound of snowflakes falling slowly in the air, there was no sound at all.

Suddenly, three red flares rose into the air.

Then violent artillery fire rang out, which was also mixed with the terrifying whistling sound of rocket shells "swish".

The artillery fire was concentrated on the contact line of the Soviet and German armies... This contact thread is very obvious. On the German side, most of the houses and buildings are still intact, while on the Soviet side, they are basically in ruins.

Such a bombing would tell the Germans a wrong message: the Soviets would attack again from the line of contact.

but it is not the truth.

At the moment when the guns sounded, the 1st Infantry Battalion was advancing along the river under the cover of the 1st Tank Battalion...but at this time it was a bit unclear whether it was the infantry covering the tanks or the tanks covering the infantry.

The German army has no fortifications in the middle of the river.

This is not because fortifications cannot be built in the river course. Fortifications can be built anywhere in winter when the temperature is extremely low.

In an emergency, you only need to dig down the snow to build a trench.

The problem is that there is no grass on the river, that is, there are no buildings or trees. Building fortifications here is a target for the Soviet artillery.

So, the Germans pulled up barbed wire in the river, planted mines and it was over.

The Germans thought that no one would attack from the river, it was like getting into their encirclement.

But the Soviets did just that.

The tank "rumbled" forward, and Shulka led his subordinates to push forward panting behind the tank... It is not easy to act in winter, the heavy cotton clothes, and the deep and shallow feet Snow, or worse, frostbite at any moment without knowing it, until it's too late.

This is not a joke, because if you are frozen, you will usually lose consciousness or lose part of it. There are not a few Soviet soldiers who have to amputate because of this.

Several mine-sweeping tanks drove ahead. They smoothly rolled the barbed wire and roadblocks into the snow to flatten them, and then rushed into the minefield and crushed the mines with a "bang bang".

Because of the sound of gunfire and the cover of darkness, the German army had no knowledge of this.

It was not until fifteen minutes later that the gunfire gradually stopped that the movement here attracted the attention of the German army.

But it was too late at this time, the Soviet army had successfully passed through the minefield and entered a safe zone.

Several flares rose into the air to illuminate the river, and the Soviet tank units were exposed to the sight of the Germans.

Intensive gunfire soon rang out, and the German army fired at the Soviet army in the middle of the river with various weapons.

But it doesn't help at all... The German army deployed anti-tank guns along the contact line, and a considerable part of them was still in the building and could not be quickly mobilized.

On the other hand, the Soviet army was divided into two teams and advanced along the river bank.

There is usually a certain height difference between the river bank and the river channel. This height difference happens to be the blind spot of firepower and becomes a bunker for Soviet troops.

Of course, if the German army rushes directly, it can still pose a threat to the Soviet army.

This is exactly what the German army did. In desperation, they got out of the building in groups and attacked the Soviet army... But it was only in vain. They were quickly beaten by the 1st Guards Tank Brigade with tanks, machine guns and rocket launchers. Called back.

Information quickly reached Kubilana.

Kubile was taken aback at first, because he didn't expect the enemy to break through the river so boldly.

But after looking at the map for a while, Kubil felt relieved.

"General, organize an attack immediately!" The adjutant said to Kubil: "It will be too late, they may reach the Tver Bridge after dawn, which is our railway!"

"No, Felix!" Kubiler said: "This may be the enemy's strategy of attacking east and west! Once we transfer our forces to the Tver River, they will launch a fierce attack from the contact line!"

The adjutant stopped talking after hearing that, because it was indeed possible.

"Calm down, Felix!" Kubiler continued: "The enemy's intentions are unclear now, we should observe for a longer time before making a decision!"

"Yes, General!"

What the adjutant didn't know was that Kubil was actually planning another calculation in his heart.

In fact, the strategic intention of the Soviet army is very obvious. Attacking along the river is to cut off the German railways and roads on the Tver River.

Kubile understood this the moment he heard the information and looked at the map.

But Kubil pretended not to know and made a wrong decision...

However, perhaps this cannot be said to be a wrong decision, at least for Kubiler it was not a mistake.

What happens if the enemy cuts the transport line?

This has little impact on the German Fourth Army Group stationed in Tver, because the main force of the Fourth Army Group is on the west bank of the Tver River.

The effect it caused was that the supply and even the retreat route from the Trevescope to the Fourth Tank Army would be cut off.

To be precise, it is the main escape route.

Then, what happened next was the collapse of the 4th Tank Army and the 3rd Armored Group in the north.

This is not what Kubiler wants to see. Kubiler just doesn't want to fight back the interspersed Soviet army so early.

He hoped that everyone would see this threat, and then...the head of state would have to make a decision to retreat.

(end of this chapter)